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  • How to Be Fireproof when the World is Burning (and Your Mom Burns Your Blankie)

    It’s not usually the big things that knock you on your keister, is it? You brace for the big stuff. You hunker down or grab hold when a major turbulence appears on your radar. It’s not always pretty, but you lock down and you survive. Or, at least, you think you have. Working with families …[ read more ]

  • Facing the Test

    How do you feel about tests? Most of us dread them. To be honest, I didn’t get too worked up about tests in my elementary and high school years. I learn easily and love to study. I’m that student who started her final project the day the teacher handed out the syllabus. Yeah, I annoyed …[ read more ]

  • Watering Camels and Surviving the Middle of Anything

    Are you in the middle of something? A major project? A pregnancy? Writing a book? Building a house? A marriage? A life? The middle is the test. Anyone can begin. Anyone can start something with optimism, enthusiasm, and great vision. Whatever we start, most of us begin with hope, confidence, faith, maybe some trepidation, but …[ read more ]

  • “Gotcha” Culture and That Sick Feeling in My Soul

    My blog writing has gone wonky. Not funny wonky like the wonky donkey but like John Bunyan’s pilgrim up to his knees in a mucky bog wonky. I love words and the light they can be in this darkness but we’re living through some inky black times. Sometimes the darkness swallows my words before they …[ read more ]

  • In Praise of Difficult Women (Surrendered to God)

    Hi, my name is Lori and difficult women make me uncomfortable.  Whew! It feels good to get that off my chest. Honestly, though, I have many difficult women in my life, many by choice (others, not so much). Some of these difficult women need clear boundaries and I regret it when those boundaries are relaxed …[ read more ]