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  • Holding onto Faith Despite the Pressure to Let Go

    It’s getting harder to hold onto faith.  It’s a long way home and we’re tempted to wonder if we’ll ever make it–if home ever really existed anywhere but our imaginations. I remember learning about Tokyo Rose in WWII. Women broadcasters who spouted propaganda over the airwaves to discourage the Allied troops. “Give up. All hope …[ read more ]

  • The Problem of Pain-When It’s Mine (or Yours)

    I arrived home exhausted today. Like I’d run a marathon or climbed Everest, both things I’d never even attempt because that’s not really my design. But what I did today is normally in my wheelhouse. I worshipped with people I care about. I attended a long lunch with a subset of those same people. All …[ read more ]

  • Speaking Truth to People Who Won’t Listen – The Jeremiah Generation

    The Jeremiah Generation. Is that us? We’ve been entrusted to speak truth in our times. We are to speak of God’s boundless, reckless, lavish love. Love that brought Jesus from heaven to the cross. Love that cries out to those who deny its very existence and that waits with open arms, scanning the road for …[ read more ]

  • Faith and Life–It’s Complicated

    Spare me your tweets and memes. Truth matters but so does delivery of truth. Ask Jesus. Fans of social media. Divisive people. Evil forces. What do they have in common? They like to create camps and convince people there are only two choices on every issue impacting humans and society—and we all must choose one …[ read more ]

  • God and Guns and Idols Revealed in the Aftermath

    In the wake of tragedies like the deaths in Uvalde, Texas, people talk. They throw lots and lots of words at the pain, mostly because that caliber of pain cries out for answers. The crying out part is biblical. When Cain murdered his brother Abel, God told Cain: “What have you done? The voice of …[ read more ]