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  • Did Jesus Come to Make Children’s Dreams Come True?

    Which sounds more like Christmas: dreams or reality? If you believe all the commercials and holiday specials, Christmas is about making dreams come true. Funny, no one told Jesus. He didn’t come to work for Walt Disney; He came to fulfill His Father’s will. Ask Mary. It wasn’t her dream to start her married life …[ read more ]

  • Live Expectantly

    Expecting. What do you live expecting? Some people have abandoned their expectations while others show up every day expecting. Living expectantly sharpens the senses, pushing a soul closer towards life’s cutting edge, and heightens every experience. Living expectantly keeps our eyes and ears open, like a father sitting alone in his chair in the darkened …[ read more ]

  • Never Enough! Until Jesus . . .

    Abandon deficit thinking and live in the abundance that is ours in Christ. That’s what I told a group of women gathered in an auditorium last weekend. I described how, like Martha, too often we focus on all we’re not, all that’s not right, everything still needing to be done, and all the help we’re …[ read more ]

  • Ashamed of the Gospel

    You know what bothers me? I mean, a lot of things, I know. I’m like a living spiritual version of the Princess and the Pea fairy tale . There are just not enough mattresses in the world to cushion all the irritants to my soul. But, right now I mean, do you know what bothers me when I read John 13 and …[ read more ]

  • The Power You’re Hoarding

    Do what you can, not what you can’t. It’s common during times of war, global upheaval, and domestic conflict to become so overwhelmed we feel powerless. It’s also well-known that truth is the first casualty of war. We’re seeing that firsthand these days. As people who know THE truth, the way, and the life, we …[ read more ]