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  • You Can Rest When You’re Dead.

    So, if you ever think that Jesus cannot understand what your life is like, take a moment and read Mark, chapter 6. Now, in Mark, chapter 5, (go ahead, read that, too) Jesus as been someplace called the region of the Gerasenes. Not important, except that he’s not home. Anyway, so there He’s doing amazing …[ read more ]

  • You Had to Be There – Were You?

    So, I spent this week-end being with other people. Friday, a service to celebrate the life of my friend, Diane, who died two weeks ago. Saturday, the wedding of my friend, Jean, in her seventies and still reinventing herself, open to new adventures and new love. Sunday , worship service and then a birthday party …[ read more ]

  • A Stone’s Throw From Help

    So, this morning I was thinking about how we all love the story about Jesus defending the adulterous woman who was about to be stoned by the self-righteous crowd. Remember that story? There she is, standing alone (despite the fact that she couldn’t have committed adultery alone) and the crowd is ready to put her …[ read more ]

  • Whack-A-Mole

    Ever play Whack-a-Mole? I used to love that arcade game. The player is armed with a hefty mallet and stands before a board covered with holes. When the game begins, automated moles pop up at random and the player gets points for every mole he whacks back into the hole. I was always a high …[ read more ]

  • Dance with the Fat Girl

    Freedom. Celebrated it yesterday with great fanfare and fireworks. Having been born in America in the sixties, I’ve known nothing but. Having been born, again, in the sixties, I also know the complete freedom that comes through knowing Jesus Christ. “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36 Some of …[ read more ]