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  • Did He or Didn’t He? He did.

    I once heard a sermon from a minister who was trying to please everyone (never a good idea). This minister was preaching about the resurrection of Jesus Christ and said “There is some controversy over whether or not Jesus ACTUALLY rose from the dead but in the end, it doesn’t really matter. All that matters …[ read more ]

  • A Lethal Weapon Type of Faith

    So, you know the story about the blind men and the elephant where several blind men touch different parts of the elephant and try to describe what an elephant is like? Yeah, OK. So, from one blind man to another, here is part of what I think friendship with God is like. Ever watch the …[ read more ]

  • Powerful Friends

    I once irritated a very serious Christian. (OK, I’ve irritated more than one serious Christian but let’s just deal with one at a time.) I irritated this brother in Christ by referring to my relationship with God as a friendship. “You shouldn’t be so casual about the Almighty God of the Universe! You need to …[ read more ]

  • Deep Friendship

    So, Friday night I watched an old movie (1998) called Simon Birch, loosely based on the novel, A Prayer for Owen Meany. It’s set in 1964 and it’s about a friendship between Joe, the illegitimate son of a single mom in a small town and Simon, a boy who’s unloved and whose stunted growth leaves …[ read more ]

  • There is a Deeper Magic

    Remember in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe when Aslan is put to death by the Witch but is then resurrected and he tells Susan and Lucy that he is alive because he knows of a “deeper magic”? He tells the girls “that though the Witch knew the Deep Magic, there is a magic …[ read more ]