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  • ‘Tis Better to Receive – The Scandal of Christmas

    Ever see two people fight to pick up a check? A meal shared is a lovely thing but then the bill comes and someone has to pay. I’ve seen people go to astounding lengths – leaping across tables, intercepting waitresses, arm wrestling, artful gymnastics, diversion and trickery – all in order to be the one …[ read more ]

  • McManna Burgers? Day 4 in the Advent of a New Tradition

    So, it bothers me that spending quality time with God doesn’t guarantee that the rest of my day falls neatly into place. I still get frustrated, disappointed, short-tempered and wonder why some things are the way they are. And I can be reading my Bible, having like this perfect moment of connection with what it …[ read more ]

  • Christmas Dreaming

    “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas.” That’s how the song goes. We all have dreams for our lives – dreams of not only our holidays, but of what every day of our future will look like. I’ll bet that Joseph had dreams. He had reached adulthood, learned a trade, was betrothed to a young woman …[ read more ]

  • Living Emmanuel – Day Two in the Advent of a New Tradition

    Being WITH. So, Sunday was the first day of advent and the advent of my new Christmas tradition – choosing daily for the 40 days of advent to be WITH God and to be WITH another. It’s easy to begin such a venture on a Sunday. There was plenty of time to focus on God …[ read more ]

  • Making A List and Checking It Twice

    Just a list of names. I’ve been reading the Bible since I was six but for many years, when I came to a long genealogy like the one that opens Matthew’s gospel, I would pass it by so I could get to the stories. Maybe because I’m older and closer to being just a name …[ read more ]