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  • If Jesus Checked His Poll Numbers

    Imagine if Jesus used pollsters in the pursuit of His role as Savior: “Well, Sir, your numbers were soaring after that triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The crowds loved you and the donkey was an inspired touch – very “common man, I feel your pain”. You rocked the masses and we felt sure you were a …[ read more ]

  • Some Days, I Just Don’t Know. Haiti, Hollywood, High School Students and Hope

    So, tonight I’m deeply aware of the devastation in Haiti as I watch the Hollywood elite wear their ribbons for Haiti as they complain that the rain is ruining their gowns at the Golden Globes but it seems to me that many of them are deeply aware of their good fortune in the light of …[ read more ]

  • 10 Ways to Pray for Haiti! All Hands and Knees on Deck!

    I am not an expert in prayer. Prayer is not magic. Prayer is the means God gave us through Jesus Christ to appear before Him and pour out our hearts to Him. Prayer is how we communicate with God and how He communicates back to our hearts. God is moved by our prayers through Jesus …[ read more ]

  • Religion is Useless

    Religion is useless. I hate it when someone says that I’m religious. I try not to overreact because I know that for the most part they are just trying to acknowledge the fact that I talk about Jesus all the time and try to live according to God’s word. From most peoples’ stand points, that …[ read more ]

  • God Could Have Given Christians Cool Iron Suits

    I want to be invulnerable. Like Iron Man. I saw that flick this week-end (because I have a son) and while I enjoy the comic book hero genre, what I really liked was the iron suit (which is really a gold-titanium alloy). Tony Stark, genius and adult orphan owner of Stark industries is captured by …[ read more ]