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  • Celebrating One Year of Blogging

    Today is the one year anniversary of Deeper with Jesus in Rhode Island.  Thank you for dropping by, reading, commenting and sharing this adventure of following Jesus with me!  Your comments have meant more to me than you can ever know. Do you have a favorite post – one that made you laugh or made …[ read more ]

  • So Many Angry Christians (So few people calling them out on it)

    One of my all-time favorite cartoons is Calvin and Hobbes and my favorite of those is one of Calvin and his patient mother. The first frame shows Calvin’s mother sitting on the sofa calmly folding laundry when from another room Calvin yells “Mom! Mom!” In the next frame Calvin’s mother has black clouds around her …[ read more ]

  • When God Does What He Wants and It’s Not What You Want

    Yesterday, I taught the high school Sunday school class, spent time in worship at church, studied the Bible in the afternoon and worked on the Christian novel I’m writing. This morning I woke up, spent time praising God, read the Bible and focused myself in prayer for about an hour. Flash forward to about eleven …[ read more ]

  • The Pain and the Great One Go to Church

    My children are four years apart. One day, sitting around our kitchen table working on lessons, something we were studying sparked my daughter to ask me to explain where babies come from. My son, probably ten or eleven at the time, looked at me with eyes narrowed and asked, “Are you actually going to tell …[ read more ]

  • Too Smart for God

    Does it seem to you that Jesus is a long time coming? And, does that sometimes make it harder for you to stand up to those who mock your beliefs? And sometimes, late at night, in the dark, after a long, long day, does it raise a moment of doubt in your own mind about …[ read more ]