Tagged: Jesus

  • Some Light Thoughts about Jesus

    So, I’m reading the book of John and I’m thinking about the idea that Jesus is the light of the world. And I’m annoyed this morning that my room was so full of light I was forced to wake-up when I would have preferred to be asleep and I’m thinking, yeah, Jesus is like that. …[ read more ]

  • You Had to Be There – Were You?

    So, I spent this week-end being with other people. Friday, a service to celebrate the life of my friend, Diane, who died two weeks ago. Saturday, the wedding of my friend, Jean, in her seventies and still reinventing herself, open to new adventures and new love. Sunday , worship service and then a birthday party …[ read more ]

  • A Stone’s Throw From Help

    So, this morning I was thinking about how we all love the story about Jesus defending the adulterous woman who was about to be stoned by the self-righteous crowd. Remember that story? There she is, standing alone (despite the fact that she couldn’t have committed adultery alone) and the crowd is ready to put her …[ read more ]

  • Diane Geaber, A Life Lived for Christ

    This is my friend, Who loved the Lord, Who lived her faith, Who told everyone she met the truth about Jesus Christ, Who fought the fight while she lived and Fought the fight as she died. This is my friend who rests in Christ Until that day when He returns for us all This is …[ read more ]

  • A Deeper Romance

    Hollywood is loaded is with romantic ideas and many of us have taken our cue from Tinsel town as to what qualifies. It is usually a flashy ordeal with diamonds, dance numbers and beautiful people decked out in ball gowns and tuxedos. Hallmark commercials, cheap novels and jewelry stores also provide us with modern notions …[ read more ]