
There Should Be More Weeping

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It’s not a political issue for me – really. Whatever that means.

It’s a source of unspeakable sadness.

To appreciate how I feel, you must know that I’ve grown up through the sixties, seventies, eighties, and nineties.

I was there for the dawning of the age of Aquarius when all the long- haired, tie-dyed promises of the future came walking over Capitol Hill carrying folk guitars and peace signs.

People believed in people then. Our heroes were Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and Bobby Kennedy and we honestly thought we could hear the answers blowin’ in the wind.


Hope bled out on so many platforms, balconies, hotel kitchens, and jungle floors.

But the bleeding didn’t end there.

My generation knew about holocausts so we weren’t going to tolerate them in our times.

But then, we discovered the killing fields of Cambodia, the tribal feuds of Rwanda, China under Mao and the conflict in Darfur. We were faced with the red-handed fact that even armed with freedom, voices, literacy, democracy, and a generational sense of entitlement, there are some things we can’t stop fast enough. The piles of human skulls buried in mass graves testify to our lack of power.

So, it is incomprehensibly sad to me that we can hear of our own private killing fields and not stop to mourn the dead.

5000 lives aborted in 2009 in RI. Pro-life supporters unrolled a banner with 5000 pairs of baby footprints in the State House rotunda, symbolic of the footnote it was on the nightly news.

87,000 abortions performed in the same year in New York City. 41% of NYC pregnancies end in abortion. 60% of all unborn African American’s in NYC were aborted. Only a headline because a bishop made some people uncomfortable by calling attention to it.

These are just the numbers in one small state and one single city in this nation alone. Add the other cities and states. And even before we consider abortion beyond our borders, the loss of human life is staggering.

Today is the 38-year anniversary of Roe v. Wade. The Pro-Life Action website states that since this decision, over 46 million children have died.

I no longer believe that I can stop a holocaust from happening in my time.

I know that every woman’s story is complicated. I know that wrapped in those statistics are hundreds and thousands of reasons, circumstances, agonizing tears and pain.

But the numbers are too great for even the most staunch defenders of abortion to imagine there isn’t also some callousness toward the unborn, a measure of selfish ambition, a percentage of men and women who have stopped valuing human life. Devaluing their own lives as well as the lives created accidentally, incidentally by their actions and by all the choices that they made along the way to the final choice.

It’s complicated. I know.

There are cultural, personal, societal, economical, physical factors. I know.

But tell that to the 46 million unborn American human beings who have no voice, no choice, no hope of ever writing their own stories this side of glory.

They deserve to be remembered.

They deserve to be respected.

They deserve to be the lives that were not lost in vain. They deserve to be the lives that slapped us in the face and woke us up to the value of every human life so that we found a way forward that didn’t involve killing the most vulnerable in our midst.

God made this promise in Genesis 9:5: “And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every animal. And from each human being, too, I will demand an accounting for the life of another human being.

Even if we forget them, God will not.

This I believe.

There is forgiveness, purchased with the spilling of more blood, the pure blood of Jesus Christ. For all of us who have remained silent as these lives were taken, for all of us who participated on any level in their demise, for all of us who changed the channel of our souls when the topic arose – there is forgiveness.

But it must be preceded by repentance.

We have become a sensitive people. We put people out of work to protect wildlife. We change our daily diets so nothing with a face will suffer. We cut off aid to needy countries until they promise to value the lives trying to survive within their borders.

What about the lives trying to survive our wombs? Will we not be moved by these faces?

Human life – every human life – deserves to be defended, valued, sheltered, remembered, and given a chance to know its own possibility. I know that many people who have survived the womb still don’t have the basics of life but they had the chance to breathe, to cry out, to debut their stories.

In Isaiah 31:15 is this prophecy: “This is what the LORD says: “A voice is heard in Ramah, mourning and great weeping, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.”

Where is Rachel? Where has she gone? When did she stop weeping and join those who sought her own flesh and blood?

I don’t know all the answers but I do know this: there should be more weeping.

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But the weeping will not go on forever. God will demand an accounting – of this I am sure:

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    The Conversation

  1. WhiteStone says:

    Lori, I’ve long appreciated your blog. Today’s post is the saddest and truest thing I’ve read all week. I hope you don’t mind…I’ve tweeted, facebooked, and linked today’s post on my blog.

    While there will be a day when weeping is no more…in the meantime we should be weeping. Copious tears with wretching sobs.

  2. God bless, WhiteStone! Shout it from the rooftops – if even one mind is changed – tweet, fb, link away.

  3. HisFireFly says:

    Sharing on Facebook and Twitter and more.. and weeping as I go..

  4. ~*Michelle*~ says:

    With a huge lump in my throat and tears on the keyboard…..I can only say…, powerful.

    ps. I lived in RI most of my life (now live right over CT line) and go to church in RI….and I homeschool too!

  5. Just Be Real says:

    Thank you for sharing. Blessings.

  6. Karin says:

    Heartwrenching – as it should be! God bless! Facebook as well.

  7. Linda says:

    Powerful! Thank you for sharing.

  8. Lori – thank you for posting this.

  9. God bless you for this post. People are sharing it all over the ‘net. The Holy Spirit is at work!

  10. Karen says:

    Followed you from WhiteStone’s blog. Amen to all you said. Powerful post. More people need to speak out in defense of all those who just can’t.

  11. Maurie says:

    Powerfully convicting, Lori. Not trite. Not maudlin. Just true. I too will tweet, fb and link it on my blog. There is power in true words, and you have written truth.

  12. Dorothy P says:

    This is a powerful message, Lori, but it came fifty years too late for me. When I was in my twenties, like many others I made sure I ‘came on’ every month after having four children to cope with. Nobody told us we were doing wrong. It was just something we did. Now I feel like a complete hypocrit.

  13. Dorothy, God understands even the context of our sin and His grace and forgiveness are not only available to us all but NEEDED by us all. Not one of us stands before Him because of what we’ve done. Allow His forgiveness to reach you and to heal you completely. Be free of the past because the work of Jesus on the cross paid it ALL. Much love. Lori

  14. Vicki says:

    Thank you Lori-this is my first visit here. With thousands of girl blogs out there-I am only looking for the ones with substance. What substance! And oh what grief and tears to our hearts as we consider the killing fields in America and throughout the world.

    Oh and yes-I am joyfully preparing for the season of the White Horse-and his Glorious Rider. The one mentioned in Rev.19:11-16, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I for one am quite fed up with this God hating world and culture, including the slaughter you have mentioned here!

  15. Welcome, Vicki. Thank you for your kind words about the blog. I look forward to hearing more from you in the weeks to come.