
Speaking Truth to People Who Won’t Listen – The Jeremiah Generation

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The Jeremiah Generation.

Is that us?

We’ve been entrusted to speak truth in our times.

We are to speak of God’s boundless, reckless, lavish love.

Love that brought Jesus from heaven to the cross. Love that cries out to those who deny its very existence and that waits with open arms, scanning the road for all who will come. Love we receive through Christ alone.

We are also to tell the truth that God will not allow creation to be held hostage forever—judgement will come.

There is a time, known only to God, when Jesus will return to enact final judgement. He will end evil, sin, and death. They will no longer be allowed to wreak havoc on humanity and God’s breathtaking creation. In love, Jesus will end the conflict. Those who haven’t chosen to access love and forgiveness through Him will be separated from God forever.

These truths may appear to be in conflict. Sometimes, even to those who know Jesus. That’s because love displays itself in different forms.

We may always know love to look one way from a loving father. He may, for our entire lives, appear kind, calm, patient, peaceful, wise, and reasonable.


Until one day, an intruder appears intent on destroying our family. Then, we see our father defend us with appearance, words, and actions that don’t look like love but that are, indeed, fueled by love. This is the Jesus who returns.

He will come.

And so, we speak this truth—that God is love and that God, in love, will judge and end all suffering. We pray that our generation will listen, walk into the waiting arms of Jesus, and be saved. That is our call.

It is our call when they listen.

It is our call when they refuse to hear.

It is our call when they scoff, mock, or laugh at us for saying such things.

It is our call when they rage at us, reject us, and hate us for saying such things.

And the closer we get to the end, the more like Jeremiah we will be.

The less they will listen.

The more they will refuse to hear.

The more they will scoff, mock, laugh, rage, reject, and hate.

But we must still speak.

This is what God told Jeremiah. ““So you shall speak all these words to them, but they will not listen to you. You shall call to them, but they will not answer you. And you shall say to them, ‘This is the nation that did not obey the voice of the Lord their God, and did not accept discipline; truth has perished; it is cut off from their lips.’” Jeremiah 7:27-28 ESV

The call on Jeremiah’s life was nearly unbearable. To be the lone voice of godly reason in a lost generation, knowing you won’t be spared the earthly consequences of your neighbor’s choices is an incomprehensible weight.

But this earth isn’t forever. There will be a new earth.

So, there are two truths, seemingly in conflict, that our generation must embrace.

First, that we must speak truth about Jesus’ relentless, lavish, sacrificial love and about the coming judgement to our generation. We must do it gently, humbly, and tirelessly—powered by the Holy Spirit.

Second, many will not listen. Worse, they will try to silence us.

What does that mean played out?

It means the citizens of our country may cry out for freedoms, laws, and rights that conflict with God’s laws.

As citizens, we have a right to make our case and as Christians, we have a moral obligation to speak truth without compromise.

There is a way the world works. Biblical truth is as true as the laws of gravity. There are consequences for ignoring the way the world works. We must continue to warn others about this. In gentleness, in humility, with persistence and power.

When the laws of the land conflict with God’s laws, we live in conflict with the land. But we continue to live with gentleness and humility so that as we share His truth from person to person to person, they may be moved by our delivery and come to willingly obey these higher laws.

The Jeremiah generation grows. Some nations are already there. Some believers already know this truth too well. America is late to this spiritual hardening.

It will never be easier to share the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ than it is today. Doesn’t matter what day you read this. The coming times will be increasingly harder.

And so, we must embed with God. We must bury our hearts with Christ on the cross and rise with the resurrection power that brought Jesus back from the dead so that He now lives.

We must trust He is on His throne. We must put no barrier in our lives to the power and the flow of the Holy Spirit in us and through us.

They may not listen, but we must still speak. With humble certainty, with gentle confidence, with loving passion, with sacrificial lives.

Whining will just make life harder and decrease our effectiveness.

Complaining about those who won’t listen will just dilute our message and diminish our internal resources.

Delivering the message with harsh arrogance will not reflect the heart of God.

Yielding to despair denies the truth of eternity.

We need Holy Spirit power to keep going. We need one another. We need Jesus every moment of every day and lives fueled by prayer and a regular infusion of biblical truth.

In Jesus, we have everything we need for life and godliness—even as the culture hardens. Even as hearts become stone to the gospel. Even as the truths that lie at the core of our lives are outlawed.

We are not alone. Even as more and more, we become the Jeremiah generation.

Jesus knows. John 1:11 ESV “He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him.”

His strength abides in us as we abide in Him. Keep speaking truth. It will never be easier than it is today.

**Experiencing a hard time or a discouraging setback? Here are 7 steps to overcome a setback as a gift to you for reading!

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    The Conversation

  1. Julie Kaspick says:

    Thank you, Lori. Your message speaks to my heart! It is an encouragement that I very much needed, today.

  2. Jan Clough says:

    Here in the UK it is getting harder to speak the truth of the gospel with many churches facing and succumbing to the pressure of society. All too many Christians are being swayed by the liberal view of ‘We must move with the times’ in a misguided belief that their now depleted congregations will suddenly have queues of people wanting to rush and join with them. We must show Gods love to all they say and yes wholeheartedly we must but do we compromise Gods holy inspired word ‘No’ never. Are we who choose to stand on Gods holy inspired word always popular ‘No’ but we must remind ourselves that it isn’t people we are pleasing it is God. He and He alone is our Creator our Heavenly Father who paid the ultimate sacrifice by sending His one and only son to die a brutal death on a cross for each and every one of us. To deviate from Gods word is death itself both to the liberal churches and individuals who makes the misguided choice of listening to the liar of this world.
    Is it easy being a Christian who stands on Gods word in the world today, definitely not and one thing we can be sure of is that as we live our lives as God intended in obedience to Him we can stand by as the road gets rockier. Never has their been a time in this world when persecution against Christian’s has been so acute.
    Thank you Lori for your message prompting us to become a Jeremiah generation and the great urgency to stand united on Gods beautiful life giving cleansing word.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Will it EVER be “right” to go through a red light? No, and expect dire consequences if one does?. Truths from the Truth Giver must always be our “red light/green light” signal, and we must expect “dire consequences” when we disobey the Light…except in our case, our Saviour “paid the price” on the cross??.What does this observation have to do with the book of Jeremiah??? Lots! It reminds us that “God’s Word Works. Period” ? Satan’s lies are a dead end street. Always! Thank you for making that SO clear once again!?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Thank you

  5. John & Lena Allen says:

    Lori, well written–again! All of the post is spot on, and I especially resonate with this: “To be the lone voice of godly reason in a lost generation, knowing you won’t be spared the earthly consequences of your neighbor’s choices is an incomprehensible weight.” Been contemplating that very thing lately. As Jeremiah bore consequences of other’s neglect of obedience, so God’s people throughout history have felt pain from sins that were not their own. (Not that we don’t have our own sins, far from it!)

    There needs to continue to be such a call as you make here that we not be silent. Speaking the truth in love is the need of the hour. Thank you.

  6. Dave Hill says:

    Outstanding! God bless you as you continue to serve God and Christ!

  7. Karen says:

    Thanks Lori for renewing a sense of urgency in me to take action and share.