
Speaking Topics

Lasting Impact

Ever wonder if you’re making a difference in your world? There’s a lot on your plate. Everyday tasks pile up and your weeks are packed. It’s easy to feel like you’re not making a real impact on your loved ones, workplace, or community. But the stories of biblical women answer resoundingly, Yes, you do make a difference!

Lori Stanley Roeleveld offers you the chance to realize the power of your influence. In examining the lives of pairs of women from the Bible, you will discover how their contrasting choices allowed them to influence future generations. And whether their decisions were wise or unwise, God was able to use their stories to make Himself known. The relevance of their struggles will shed light on the challenges modern women face in making similar choices.

Over three (or four) talks we’ll review the choices of four pairs of women:

Mary, Martha, Eve, and Mary: The Surprising Impact of Relationship and Obedience

Deborah and Jezebel: The Powerful Impact of Influence

The Woman with the Alabaster Jar and You: The Fragrant Influence of Focused Devotion to Jesus

Lori will lead your group into humorous but biblical talks about several women in the Bible, the choices they made, their lasting impact, and what we can learn from them. (Based on the book, Graceful Influence: Making a Lasting Impact through Lessons from Women of the Bible, releasing from Our Daily Bread in February 2024).

Hard Conversations Workshops

You have a tough message to deliver to people who may not want to listen. How do you engage them without compromising truth? How do you tell loved ones hard things? How do you navigate conflict, disease, or death? How do you invite skeptics into your worldview? How do you exhort, confront, or correct other Christians without engaging in a meddling or preaching?

This workshop will give you proven, concrete techniques and behind the scenes heart strategies for engaging in effective hard conversations.

or Helping Others Have Hard Conversations – Do you shepherd other people? Are you a leader at work, home, church, or in your ministry? Are you a parent? How do we equip others to have hard conversations?

This workshop will give you proven, concrete techniques and behind the scenes heart strategies for equipping others to engage in effective hard conversations.

or The Art of Hard Conversations in Writing – a version of this workshop for writers seeking to engage and persuade.

The Resilient Heart (How to be God-hearted and Heart-Guarded)

These are challenging times but God has equipped us for them. How do we persevere without losing our sense of joy and wonder. Let Lori lead your group through laughter and biblical encouragement to understand the tools (and weapons) God has supplied for us to endure and thrive in the times to which we’ve been assigned.

God Was My Escape Plan

Find out how Lori tried to escape God’s plan for her to stay put. You’ll laugh until you cry, but you’ll walk away with a new vision for living the Jesus adventure right where you are.

Invisible People – The Pain and Power of Living Unseen

We think our greatest challenge is that our lives are not significant, but truly, our greatest challenge is that our lives have eternal significance that is hidden from us. Uncover the power of understanding what it means that we are Seen by God, that we See God, and that we now see the Unseen the world cannot see.

Overcoming Your Giants and Living a Fruitful Life

Does your group long to be effective and fruitful in their faith? Are you facing giants?

Using humor, stories, and sound biblical teaching, let Lori show you how one fairy tale and ten Bible verses can free you to live effectively and fruitfully for Jesus! Click HERE to find what others are saying.

You’ll walk away with at least eight new ideas for ways to grow up in Jesus. And if your group is inspired, you can follow up with an eight week study using Jesus and the Beanstalk (Overcoming Your Giants and Living a Fruitful Life)


Designed and Assigned to the Times – Lessons for NOW from Nehemiah

All of us are challenged by the times to which we’ve been assigned, but one secret to thriving is to remember that we were designed for such a time as this. Drawing lessons from the life of Nehemiah, Lori teaches the two things we must remember and the three things we must forget to be effective NOW.

Living in the Abundance of Christ

Our God loves us lavishly and generously. In Christ, all the promises of God are YES! What does it mean to follow a God who says YES and how do we represent His lavish, generous love in our times? How do we abandon deficit-mindsets and live in the abundance of Christ? Lori will amuse and inspire as she teaches on the wonder of our extravagant God and how an abundance mindset will transform your life.

Colorful Connections: 12 Questions about Race that Open Healthy Conversations

There are a lot of conversations happening in homes and churches about difficult and timely topics–but when it comes to race, too many Christians stay silent. They may be overwhelmed, or worry about saying the wrong thing. Lori has teamed with Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith to create a book that will help you and your group take the next step in racial healing. Invite Lori to introduce these 12 questions that encourage ordinary Christians to engage in real talk together about race and change and facilitate small group interaction to help you continue your work in the direction of healing and God-centered change.

Trees of Righteousness

We are trees of righteousness, plantings of the Lord. So what does that mean and how does reflecting on it impact our walk with Christ. Let Lori share with your congregation, women’s group, or small group the role trees play in Scripture and in our relationships with Him. Using humor, biblical teaching, and maybe a prop or two, Lori will bring home the truth of trees in God’s Word.

Bless Your Heart

Through hilarious stories and transparent sharing, Lori will teach about God’s plan for our emotional lives. Come away knowing His power to redeem even our feelings.

Courage and Confidence to Carry On

These are tough times. Many of us long for the courage and confidence to carry on our work and “carry on” when it’s important to cause a holy ruckus. Through hilarious, transparent tales of her own fumbles at bravery and a deep dive into how several Bible figures discovered the source for courage, Lori reveals how we all can access Christ-centered courage and confidence.

Your Story Matters

This workshop is a hands-on, interactive time to help you and your group gain Christ-centered confidence and the tools to feel equipped to share part of your story with Jesus with others – at church, at work, in your family, or as God leads. Participants will leave with at least one story from their own lives they feel confident to share and ideas for many others. Makes an ideal half-day workshop but can be expanded.

The Big Potential in Short Pieces – Blogs, Devotionals, and Articles.

Short pieces we write have more potential than just being stepping-stones to longer projects. There is an art to writing tight and these pieces are necessary at every stage of the writing life – even when we’re publishing books. In this workshop, we’ll cover the keys to writing short pieces and blog posts including engaging hooks, creative titles, power-packed sentences, and reader takeaways. The ability to write short pieces quickly will serve any writer. This workshop will equip you with the tools.

Creative, Worshipful Lives

What do our lives look like when our worship expands from one weekly gathering to an hour-by-hour lifestyle? How do we, made in our Father’s image, reflect His creativity in our worship and in our lives? Lori will renew your vision for the power released through creative, worshipful living and help you reimagine the adventure of following Jesus.

Why Dwarves Need Elves

God had a wonderful idea and that was to invite each of His followers into the Body of Christ. We were designed to live in relationship with others, but we sure make a mess of that at times. You’ll laugh through this talk, but you’ll also come away with a renewed commitment to work out those challenging relationships within your church.

Blogging – Beyond Platform

Could God have a vision for your blog that is even greater than your own? You want a platform, but could there be even more at work? The answer is a resounding Yes! You’ll come away from this workshop inspired by God’s plan for your blog. You’ll learn key steps that will make the experience of blogging useful for both finding your voice, locating the people God wants you to reach, and expanding your reach. You’ll also gain a deeper understanding of your ideal reader, a list of useful guidelines for writing posts people will read, and practical ideas for gaining readers. This workshop will revolutionize the blogging experience for you and for your audience.

10 Disturbing Ways God May Use Your Writing

You have a plan for your writing. You have goals and dreams. God does, too. What happens when they don’t line up the way you thought they would? In this workshop, you’ll learn ten disturbing ways God may use your writing gift, how to survive the disconnect between your plans and His, and why how you handle the disconnect matters. You will leave identifying possibilities for your writing beyond publication. Warning: This is a disturbing workshop. Be prepared to leave unsettled. You’ve been warned.

Beyond Brand

Beyond Brand – What is branding beyond a marketing tool? What is the story God is telling through your life? How does this inform your mission, your tagline, your promise statement, and your brand? How can this transform your motivation to market your work?

Creative Hearts Ascend: Soul keeping for the Creative Christian

How do you keep your soul alive and engaged on the road to publication? Nurturing a creative soul in the context of a relationship with Jesus is an art. It takes time, discipline, and a heavy dollop of strange. In this class, we’ll use several psalms from the Psalms of Ascent as a launch pad for exploring issues of faith and creativity. Topics include Making Peace with Creative Tension, Transforming Suffering into Art, Accepting Strange Travel Companions, Nurturing and Protecting Your Creative Mind, Reverent or Risky – decisions every Christian creative must make, and more. Learn techniques for surviving the writing life with your soul intact. Discover how to tell, write, and share your story in the way that works for you and to the people God’s meant for you to tell.

Creative Hearts Ascend: Using Your Creative Gifts to Free Others

Imagine tapping into the creative potential of every member of your congregation or small group. Imagine appropriating this potential to empower individuals to understand God’s Word. And what if this creative power could help build Christian community and reach the unsaved?

Writers who teach or who create Bible studies and curriculum will benefit from this class on creative methods to help people connect with God and with one another while studying His word. Your creative perspective is exactly the tool needed to engage introverts, hands-on learners, and other creatives in a deeper understanding of Jesus.