
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

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Did you ever start reading the Bible and just get really, really tired?

Did you ever keep trying to read and trying to connect with God but just end up feeling more and more as if the words made no sense?

Did you ever read God’s word and it looked like this: “Blah, blah, blah, blah.”

Oh, that’s never happened to me, but, you know, I’ve heard it happens to some other people.

(Okay, it just happened to me as I read I Corinthians 8.)

Like, I read verse 2 about twelve times: “If anyone imagines that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know.”

I wanted to have a moment with God, an insight, a connection, but instead, I just ended up thinking, “Seriously, Paul, what were you trying to say already? Out with it, brother.”

That’s when I had to admit it: I’m tired.

I don’t need insight. I need rest.

And when that thought occurred, something happened. I connected with God.

Because I serve a God who knows I need rest.

He created an entire day of the week devoted to my need for rest.

He designed me to sleep every day – hours of my life where I do nothing but lie still and unaware. A daily reminder that the world does not run on my say-so, but His.

And as this connection happened between God and me, I laughed. Because it’s amazing to serve a God who wants me to love Him with my heart, my mind, my soul, and my strength but who also knows that I need a break – and gives it to me.

So, for now, I’ll sleep.

Tomorrow, I’ll try to sort out what Paul was trying to say.

Do you need a rest? It may be your path to God.

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  1. Jennifer says:

    Thanks Lori. Going to bed right now. 🙂