
I Want People to Stop Yelling at Me

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megaphone-50092_640Passion inspires me. I respect passion. I find it contagious.

I’m also a fan of enthusiasm and zeal.

What does not float my boat is strident harping, badgering, fear-mongering, chicken-littling, and dramatic pronouncements disguised as prophetic utterances. I dislike rumor, innuendo, gossip, slander, boasting, and lies. In other words, presidential election years do not take me to my happy place. How about you?

Worse, yet. There’s huge pressure on Christians to determine God’s choice to lead the free world.

Like I know.

But there are many good, godly brothers and sisters who believe I should know. They do a lot of yelling on social media – some just a notch above enthusiastic but others just a hair short of bullying – yelling at me to use this season of politics to be a witness for Christ, my vote to stand for Jesus, my opinion to educate the world on God’s plans for all Americans and by extension, the world.

Wow, really? On top of my day job?

Here’s how I choose to be a witness during this time of presidential posturing – I’m going to remain calm no matter what.

Seriously, imagine the potential testimony if in the midst of an intense presidential race, thousands of us remained calm. Not apathetic. Not disinterested. Not disengaged or uninformed, rather informed from a godly a perspective.

They will know we are Christians by our love – not our vote, not our educated opinion, not because our choice of leaders win top spot. He isn’t real because my party is victorious; He’s real because in the midst of widespread evil, violence, poverty, hopelessness, and lies His people remain centered and calm because they know His plan will prevail.

My Bible says that God establishes kings and nations.

Daniel 2:21 “He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding;” and Romans 13:1 “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.”

I will be responsible with my vote. I’ll research the options. But I will remain calm at all times because my Bible says that fretting leads only to evil.

“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices! Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil.” Psalm 37:7-8

And I will not give in to fear because three hundred sixty-five times God, in His Word, commands me not to be afraid. So, not only will I not fear, I also won’t tempt others to fear because what would that make me but someone who aids and abets the enemy?

I will not fear because my Bible says, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.” Psalm 46:1-3 (ESV)

Though presidents may come and go, though the party I think is right doesn’t get into office, though the candidate I believed is revealed to be a liar, though one Christian leader says Christians should vote one way and one Christian leader says I should vote another – I will not fear, for God is with me. Emmanuel. God is with us.

I will be a purveyor of peace. I will be a testifier to truth. I will be centered on Christ. I will not fret or fear.

He will give me the courage to engage in the conversation, to be informed on the issues, and to observe the field without panic. He will give me the strength to pray for my enemy, to listen with His ears to those with opposing views, and to discuss others with respect. I will be so secure in Jesus, I will not panic at the evening news or the arguments in the lunch room or the ridiculous items shared in my newsfeed.

Let’s see what God will do when thousands of believers face the presidential race on their knees, expressing trust in Him at every turn, and focusing more on kingdom business than the business of kings.

Who’s with me?

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    The Conversation

  1. Carmen says:

    Haha….well, they can always start their own political blogs if they’re that passionate about it.

    • Patricia Heronemus says:

      The crazy days of election season are upon us. I thank you for this call to calm and peace. May we act like we really do trust the God who is sovereign over it all!

  2. Mary Nees says:

    so with you.
    because He is with me
    thank-u Lori

  3. Mary Nees says:

    and because I have not practiced this well, am saving this reminder.
    365 times He says do not fear? That’s amazing, did not know, that is one for every single day!

    • Mary Felkins says:

      Your thoughts about fretting sound much like the blog I wrote a few weeks ago, inspired by Oswald Chambers where he says how easy it is to exercise patience…until the nest is upset. He uses the Psalm 37:8 verse that you shared in your message. Do not fret. It leads only to evil. Way to go!

  4. Joyce says:

    Admittedly, I have been one of those “yelling” people in times past. I have definite political opinions…at least about who I do NOT want to see in office. But this year I’m feeling just a tad bit more reflective. Truly, this election will determine the direction this country takes for decades to come. But maybe not in the way that people think.
    I love my country. I served my country during the Cold War. I love the Constitution and the values and principles this nation was founded upon. However, we HAVE become a nation that has “turned away from God” — even within many of the our churches. Being open to all, has become compromise with the World.
    So when you say, “Let’s see what God will do when thousands of believers face the presidential race on their knees, expressing trust in Him at every turn, and focusing more on kingdom business than the business of kings”, that really strikes me in a powerful way. No matter the outcome, if our country does not humble itself before God it doesn’t really matter if we have a wonderful Constitution which we uphold or we move with the rest of the world towards Socialism. THAT decision is what determines whether the United States of America is a force for “good” or for “evil” in this world, not who resides in the Oval Office.