
  • Five Good Reasons to Cry this Christmas (maybe six)

    Can you still hear your parents’ voices echoing from childhood? “If you’re going to cry about it, go to your room.” “Now, there’s nothing to cry about.” “Stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about.” “Things happen. There’s no sense crying about it.” Our human parents had their ways, needs, and struggles. Not …[ read more ]

  • Finding Success in Total Dependence – Guest Post

    This post is adapted from Kathy Howard’s new devotional “Deep-Rooted: Growing through the Gospel of Mark.” I’ve experienced plenty of failure in my lifetime. You probably have too. We are imperfect people living in a broken world. Much of my failure has resulted from refusing to admit when I needed help, pridefully overestimating my own …[ read more ]

  • Now, I’m a Believer

    One of the saddest things I encounter in my day job is children as young as six or seven who have given up believing. Much of it is out of necessity. Parents who live in extreme poverty, can’t afford the pain of children who wonder why Santa missed their home. There are always toy donations, …[ read more ]

  • Gifts for You, my Wonderful Readers, to Brighten Your Advent Season!

    To thank you, the readers who support us all year, I teamed with writer friends to assemble this virtual gift basket for you. Each author provided a free download to enhance your Christmas season. You are welcome to explore our websites. We have plenty to offer all year long, so this can become a gift …[ read more ]

  • Cook Your Way Through the Bible (and 10 other ways to battle Bible fatigue)

    Fatigue. We’re encountering it on multiple levels as this pandemic drags on. Compounding that, the Bible took a beating during the election. It’s easy to grow weary as people sword fight with God’s Word. And that weariness is the turnstile to wondering if anyone can really understand what it says. That turnstile puts you on …[ read more ]