
  • Ashamed of the Gospel

    You know what bothers me? I mean, a lot of things, I know. I’m like a living spiritual version of the Princess and the Pea fairy tale . There are just not enough mattresses in the world to cushion all the irritants to my soul. But, right now I mean, do you know what bothers me when I read John 13 and …[ read more ]

  • The Power You’re Hoarding

    Do what you can, not what you can’t. It’s common during times of war, global upheaval, and domestic conflict to become so overwhelmed we feel powerless. It’s also well-known that truth is the first casualty of war. We’re seeing that firsthand these days. As people who know THE truth, the way, and the life, we …[ read more ]

  • 5 Ways to Guard Your Heart During the War

    If you’re not experiencing a heightened level of concern about the world right now, you’re not paying attention. War is hell, not a mini-series to livestream on all our devices. We weren’t designed for violence, escalating conflict, or death. Our sin introduced these elements into life. Anyone who knows the Bible knows we have much …[ read more ]

  • When the World is on Fire: Stop, Drop, and Scroll

    One of my grandsons is almost 3. Much of his parents’ day is spent teaching him to fear the right things and not to fear the wrong things. He has no fear of playing near the road, of approaching strangers, or of large dogs they don’t know. He is, however, sometimes afraid of going to …[ read more ]

  • All the Names I’ve Been Called

    I’ve been called a lot of names through the years. You don’t need to hear and I don’t need to remember the ugly ones. Names carry weight with us humans. Maybe because it was one of our first activities with our Father. Adam named the animals and in naming each one, it became clear that …[ read more ]