
When God Gets a Busy Signal – A Post to Set You Free

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My Dad wanted to reach me once, so he called. Repeatedly.

I was on the phone having a long overdue chat with a friend. I saw him beep-in but I ignored the call. I could speak with him later. The house phone rang. I knew it was him. I let it go to voicemail. Again, he beeped in my cell – twice.

I’d already seen him that morning. Knew he was fine. We live across the street from one another. There was no ambulance in his driveway, so I continued my conversation.

The house phone rang again, and then the cell. (sigh)

As I wound down my chat, from across the street I heard his screen door slam and watched his car leave his driveway and pull into mine. 

“I gotta go,” I mumbled. “He’s actually driven to my house.”

There was nothing wrong with my chatting, and nothing wrong with expecting him to wait.

Dad wasn’t angry with my not answering. He assumed I had an important call. He just was intent on getting me a piece of information important to my son. He knew exactly where to find me just as I usually know exactly where to find him.

This came to mind in the past weeks as I’ve endured an unusually busy time.

For years, I crafted a life that allowed me to be available to God and to others, to be the person who isn’t always busy, so I could spend time with God. Spend time with hurting people. Pay attention to my kids.

Now, my kids are grown, and the landscape of my life has shifted. I have a full-time day job. I write full-time. (Do the math on that.) A speaking ministry. My parents live across the street. My husband is pursuing his dream of renovating a house (while we live inside it) while coping with MS. I serve in my local church.

I. Am. Busy.

For weeks, I wrestled with an undercurrent of stress I finally identified as fear and guilt. Busyness is a bad thing isn’t it?

Busy prevents me from being available to God. God calls us to a simple life and there’s nothing simple happening here. But as I looked over what I’m doing, nothing can give right now. Whatever doesn’t need to be done, I’m already not doing.

Plus, I’m not ignoring God. He’s on my mind when I wake. I pray before my feet hit the floor. Throughout my workday, I listen to the Bible on CD and pray about what I’m hearing.

And, to be sure I don’t lose sight of Him, I take a day off from all work once a week, Saturday evening to Sunday evening. That’s when I go to movies, worship, read a book, walk with my husband, or sit on the porch.

On my day of rest, I am like Lloyd Dobler in Say Anything, “I don’t want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don’t want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed.”

Even with that, I wrestled with fear. What I wasn’t seeing was that Satan fed that fear. Taunted me about being too busy. Whispered that all this busyness would lead to terrible, terrible trouble. Someone would get hurt.

Then, all at once, God reminded me of Him.

I was involved with my day job, making lists for Christmas, and lists for the writing when I heard Him beep in on my mental conversation.

Several times, I ignored Him, thinking I’d get to Him later, but He had an important piece of information for me, so He got right in my face with Romans 8:38-39.

“For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

That’s when I saw the truth. Nothing can separate me from Jesus – not even busyness.

If there is a time for everything, then there is a time to be busy. I still believe there’s too much busyness on the planet and we should be sure what we’re doing is what we’re called to do. But, there are demanding seasons when what He calls us to do stretches us and requires us to be busy.

He. Is. still. With. Us.

Nothing can separate us from Jesus. I pulled out my Bible and read Romans 8 in full. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” leapt out at me. I used it against the voice of Satan and His taunts disappeared.

I’m no longer afraid of the busyness because I know that whenever God wants me to know something, He’s going to break through and tell me.

He is for me and because He is for me, who can stand against me? Not even me.

Is this your busy season? If God called you to it, He’ll see you through it. Rest in Him even in the busy season.

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    The Conversation

  1. Rob McCullough says:

    Very beautiful Lori!

  2. Nona says:

    Thank you, sister Lori!

    As always I was looking forward to read your post and expecting God’s Word to speak to me.
    Since morning (I am in South Korea- it is 4:39pm) this is the second time God speaks – the Romans 8:38-39.

    God is Faithful, God is Love, God is Patient, God is Grace!

    You are a blessing!

  3. Exactly the encouragement and support for my busy season. Thank you for your ongoing transparency.

  4. Susan says:

    I found your blog this year and have so enjoyed it! You are smart, funny, relevant and love Jesus! What a combo! Happy Holidays to you and your family!

  5. Doris Davies says:

    Thank you ~ a very needed reminder to this daughter who has walked with the Father for almost 50 years. :0) I have just discovered you & your blog & this is the first post I have received, very timely. A blessed Christmas to you & yours and may the coming new year find your walk with Christ ever deepening.

  6. Liz says:

    Taking the phone off the hook translates to silencing my cell phone; turning off my computer and putting myself in a quiet state of Being with the Presence of God.
    Not easy to keep the balance between action and prayer; doing and being.

  7. Sally Barker says:

    This is comfort and joy!!!

  8. I needed this, Lori–to stop feeling guilty for the right-now busyness when I can’t find anything else to cut. Thank you for the guidance to release the guilt and just stay tight with Him through this season (not talking Christmas, talking season-of-life). Taking a deep breath…

  9. “I’m no longer afraid of the busyness because I know that whenever God wants me to know something, He’s going to break through and tell me.” Lori, we can substitute all our fears in the place of busyness and trust God with it. Just the reminder I needed!