
We Were Meant to Live For So Much More

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Have you ever felt there was something you were created, something special, but you just hadn’t found it yet?

Ever feel like you MUST be created for more?

You were.

Henry David Thoreau, a fellow New Englander wrote, “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.”

That’s one of the saddest quotes I know.

I’m fascinated by the birds that breed and feed in my wooded backyard. My white cat, Sushi, stalks them, often poised directly below their feeder pole but they eat and sing undeterred by the threat that lurks beneath them. They have songs and wings.

Our Creator God has a voracious appetite for variety. My common backyard birds come in a vast array of colors, sizes and designs when really He could have chosen to create just one singular breed and we would never have known the difference.

In His wisdom, He muted the colors of the females, a camouflage from predators, while the males fan and preen and display their magnificence to both win their mates and to protect them.

Yet, he blessed many of the females with brilliant flashes of color beneath their wings – for what purpose except for the joy of it and the flair of a Master’s brush? Hidden flamboyance, a color they know they have and can flash if they desire. God is so poetic in his creative expression.

Each bird, too, has its own language and call. Again, they could have all done fine with a common “caw” but instead there are tweets, twitters, warbles, cries and alarms individual to each breed and to each situation. Listeners will note that often, He has blessed the plainest, tiniest wren with the boldest and sweetest song.

God reveals His passion for variety not only in wild creatures but also in our wild selves.

We humans are alike and yet so different from each other when really one tone of skin or one color of eyes or one type of talent might have done. Instead, we each have our own coloring, our own distinctive markings, our own wings, our own song.

Made in the image of a Creator God, we are designed to create.

Our creative urges are as varied as ourselves – driving some to music, some to visual arts, others to words, some to wood and others to movement. There are those who are driven to create order, new inventions, new relationships, healing techniques, teaching methods or more children.

Some were designed to create hope in others and some to create lasting peace. The ways we express our creativity are as unique as our DNA and as necessary to a full and satisfying life.

All of us will die.

We know that too well.

Beneath the places we breed and feed lurks the ever present specter of death stalking our every move.

But we have wings and songs.

Will you go the grave with the song still in you? Will you live a life of quiet desperation? Or will you exercise the wings given you by the Master Designer?

Will you find your voice and the song He imagined only you would sing? Will the world be blessed with what was formed in you before time and what was part of the plan before He spoke light into being?

Look out on the birds and ask Him, “What song was I designed to sing? Let it take wing within me.”

Don’t give up until you can hear Him. Don’t give up until the song within is released. We need you. We need YOU and the song only you can deliver.

You were definitely meant for more and Jesus knows what that is.

“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 139:14 ESV

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    The Conversation

  1. Beautiful! Reminds me of that verse:
    Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. Psalm 63:6-8

  2. Thank you for your post. It was a true blessing. I always feel uplifted after I read your post. Thank you for your words of inspiration.
    Glenda Parker