
Thoughts on the Front Porch – an Adventure in Video

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I’d like to take this opportunity to let you in on the ground floor of my new adventure in video: Thoughts on the Front Porch. (There’s no investment prospect here, I’ve just always wanted to let people in on the “ground floor” of something and this is what I’ve got.) ๐Ÿ™‚

Making videos is way outside my comfort zone but there’s no disturbing hobbits unless I’m ready to disturb my own world, right? Clearly, I’m new to this form of media so I invite all feedback – video tips, content suggestions, and effusive praise are all welcome. (If you’ve received this by email, just click on this link or the link at the bottom to leave comments about the videos on my website.) If you’re on the website, you’ll find a place for comments at the end of the post.


If you enjoy these videos, I encourage you to share them with your friends using the share buttons at the end of the post on the website. It’s easy and it helps to gather a crowd of us for mutual encouragement along the way!

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    The Conversation

  1. Laura says:

    Lori, I love reading ur posts!! It’s convicting, it stirs me up to pray, to intercede for the persecuted, to be a more genuine, hard-core believer in Jesus. I would say lose the videos. They are not ur best medium and there is all this traffic noise. I would much rather read ur posts. Besides, videos use up too much of my data. Those are my thots. –LG

    • Thanks for the info about the data use, Laura. Good to keep in mind!

      • Rich says:

        Really like the front porch videos. The setting creates a feeling of hanging with you on the porch. However….. The background noise is horrendous. Do you live near a major roadway? If you could reduce the noise it would be so much better. Just a thought. Like I said, love the messages & setting.

  2. Wade Webster says:

    Lori, I love your videos. They let us see the real you. Your passion and concern come through clearly. Sure the traffic noise is in the background. That just makes it all the more real to me.
    I’ve added videos to my blog, too. To me it’s like public speaking without the public. I usually do one humor video per month. They say you need to do it more often, preferably once a week at least. I just don’t have enough time, energy or ideas to do that many. Your approach should serve you and your followers well. Keep the videos short and on target. They should add to your traffic and impact.
    There’s my two cents on the subject. Keep reaching out for Jesus. Wade

  3. Bethany says:

    Lori, thank you for all your posts. You have a real gifting from the Spirit. Please, keep doing the videos. It feels like sitting down with you in person, being in the same room together. You’re very down to earth and real. You’ll get more comfortable with the videos as you go along, but I hope you never get over being one of us, sharing your heart and His with us. God bless you.

  4. Elsie says:

    I like your videos. It’s nice to see where you live, and see your face, and hear your voice. I like your writings too… but maybe for some people they like to see and listen better. I listened to what you said and maybe because I focused on you and what you were saying – I didn’t notice the traffic noise… What I missed was “seeing” a video (or at least a picture!) of the guy running with his coke and his cigarette! A while ago I quit smoking because of God’s word convicting me – but if let myself think about it I miss it a lot. I still drink coke sometimes because it settles my stomach. What I mostly was curious – what is the “coke” and “cigarette” that you hold as you’re running? I liked the scenario – because for me – that would have been “it”. Just over a year ago – I would have gotten out of bed just because there were cigarettes to smoke! I know you give a lot of personal examples in your other blogs… and I so appreciate what you have to share.