
They’ll Be Dead by Morning (What Difference Will it Make?)

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**Warning: This post may make you feel bad. **Warning: That feeling may be appropriate.

There are moments in life that feel like a swift slap in the face.

No one courts that. No one wants to feel that pain. But, if it’s a slap that rearranges your priorities to align with God’s heart, then you will thank God even for that bracing offense.

I received that slap when I read the Washington Times news item that Kim Jong-un had ordered the execution of 33 Christians reported to have been part of planting over 500 underground churches in North Korea.

I imagined thirty-three of my Christian friends executed for leading people to Christ, facilitating worship, praying, or offering praise to God. I would be horrified, sad, and angry – devastated – but I would also know that God has the last word on their lives not Kim Jong-un or the evil power behind him.

Still, I would want their deaths to motivate the church of Christ. I would want their deaths to galvanize other believers to put feet to their own faith, to fuel their passion for Christ, to remember to pray for those who suffer, to spread God’s word with more zeal, persistence, and creativity than ever before.

While we in the West argue over worship styles, sleep in when there’s a visiting preacher, bemoan having to endure a boring prayer request or off-key soloist, serve up the pastor’s sermon over lunch, or sit home and judge the church unworthy of our attendance altogether, there are other brothers and sisters gasping their way to every precious moment when they can gather, in hiding, with other precious believers and hear a whispered message from God, bathe in the reading of His word, and pray with passion and tears for strength to endure and the courage to continue speaking the truth under threat of death.

God placed us all where we are. He assigned us to our stations. There is no guilt in being born in the land of the free as opposed to a country under harsh rule. But there is guilt if we use our freedom to indulge our petty preferences, to pad our comfort, to drift through this dark world basking in our own light rather than using it to serve those who waste away in prison cells wondering if they’ve been forgotten or their families left to struggle alone with hunger, fear, and loneliness, or those serving the Lord in dark, dark places who need our prayers for their protection, deliverance, courage, and strength.

This blog is just a bunch of words. It costs me absolutely nothing to write. I am free here to say whatever I want without fear that it will cost me or my loved ones their lives. But the words I speak on my knees have the power to move forces in the heavenly realm and make a difference for those who know the names and faces of those 33 facing execution, to comfort those who know their touch, their dreams, the plans they had for this life that will end any minute now and to strengthen those who pick up the bloody batons these 33 will be forced to release and continue to build the kingdom of Christ in lands where the enemy of God rules.

Worship will be different for me with the report of 33 gunshots bouncing around the inner chamber of my soul reminding me that we aren’t home yet. You can have all this world, but give me Jesus.

** source for this story)

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  1. A very powerful post, Lori. Did you ever read the VOM book, These are the Generations, about a Christian family in N. Korea? It, too, will make you uncomfortable. Thank you for sharing.

    • Thanks for that, Megan. I just downloaded it for Kindle.

    • Jennifer says:

      Amazing book! Read it and was humbled.

    • Anonymous says:

      I would like to read this book. What is it called. The VOM book has not yielded any results.

    • “These Are the Generations” on Amazon

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Persecution of Christians did not originate from man. Satan was given near free reign to unleash his anti-Semitism and hate for Jesus Christ and His followers. These children of God have fought the good fight and will receive their just rewards. We must pray for these and other brothers and sisters in the Lord. God is, and has blessed them.

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t believe in executing anyone because of their religious beliefs. It’s interesting to think that some Americans would execute Muslims and think it was the right thing to do. Those in Asia probably feel the same way, that Christians are wrong. The funny thing is, I believe you are all wrong.

    • RobinL says:

      I am a Catholic and I have a very strong faith in God. This issue in North Korea has nothing to do with religion, It is all about Kim Jong-Un and power. This is the way these dictator bullies keep their people in “check” they take away the right of free religion. If they can strip away their faith, take away their freedom, starve them and make them believe they are blessed to live in such a grand place then their Government has total and complete control over them.

    • Lamar says:

      A man and his foot soldiers who are obsessed with the evil spirit of Satan. Pray for their salvation for they are our enemies, but also pray, if they do not repent and God doesn’t save them, God will bring them to justice soon and stop their madness! What precious souls those folks are who follow Jesus in the midst of such evil people. They are jewels in the presence of our Lord! Pray for their strength, courage and also peace and comfort during these persecutions and yes, even physical death knowing they will live forever with Jesus our Lord!

    • Sandra says:

      I will be praying for the salvation of Kim Jong-un. What a wonderful thing salvation! Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a country that killed
      Christians become one that proclaimed the wonderful Gospel! It can happen! Look at Paul.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you for sharing the information about this book.

    • Anonymous says:

      Voice of the Martyrs. Thank you, Lori.

    • Joseph Lee says:

      Tell me that I am unfaithful. I will pray for them. However, I do not have the confidence that my prayers have any power.

    • Thank you so much for your blog Lori…we knew nothing about what was happening until a friend shared on Facebook. We are holding a prayer vigil tonight to stand with our brothers and sisters in North Korea in prayer. You are so right to disturb our comfort.
      Julie (UK)

    • shattuck7 says:

      I just downloaded “These Are the Generations” as well as “Iran: Desperate for God”. Thank you for this post!

    • Dianne Davis says:

      I believe she means Voice of the Marters…

    • Dianne Davis says:

      I believe she means Voice of the Marters…

    • Anonymous says:

      another amazing book that had me even question if I KNOW HIM (JESUS) was the Heavenly Man … the TRUE PERSECUTED church humbled me and gave me a love for those who really give their lives for the sake of the GOSPEL and HIS NAME SAKE. in Awe

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you. I can barely write for the tears streaming down my face.

    • Anonymous says:

      VOM stands for Voice of the Martyrs, if that helps.

    • Bruce Angelo says:

      Bruce Angelo
      4 minutes ago via HootSuite ·
      “ they poured out the blood of saints and prophets, Thou hast given them blood to drink. They deserve it. Rev 16:6 Gods judgements are true

    • Thank you for telling me about this book . I got it on Kindle last night & read it in one sitting . What is happening in N Korea , they don’t even have Church or a Bible or the full knowledge of the Gospel , But they make every moment count for the Lord. They don’t waste
      time like I do. Thank you Lori for opening our eyes to pray & make our lives count for the Lord like they do in Battle in N.Korea. Thank you Megan for telling us about the book. It was beyond Amazing! My heart breaks for the families of these 33 martyrs for Christ if they are with the Lord right now!! And even more so for the millions that die in North Korea & around the world without Our Lord!!

    • Thank you for telling me about this book . I got it on Kindle last night & read it in one sitting . What is happening in N Korea , they don’t even have Church or a Bible or the full knowledge of the Gospel , But they make every moment count for the Lord. They don’t waste
      time like I do. Thank you Lori for opening our eyes to pray & make our lives count for the Lord like they do in Battle in N.Korea. Thank you Megan for telling us about the book. It was beyond Amazing! My heart breaks for the families of these 33 martyrs for Christ if they are with the Lord right now!! And even more so for the millions that die in North Korea & around the world without Our Lord!!

    • Thank you for telling me about this book . I got it on Kindle last night & read it in one sitting . What is happening in N Korea , they don’t even have Church or a Bible or the full knowledge of the Gospel , But they make every moment count for the Lord. They don’t waste
      time like I do. Thank you Lori for opening our eyes to pray & make our lives count for the Lord like they do in Battle in N.Korea. Thank you Megan for telling us about the book. It was beyond Amazing! My heart breaks for the families of these 33 martyrs for Christ if they are with the Lord right now!! And even more so for the millions that die in North Korea & around the world without Our Lord!!

    • Thank you for telling me about this book . I got it on Kindle last night & read it in one sitting . What is happening in N Korea , they don’t even have Church or a Bible or the full knowledge of the Gospel , But they make every moment count for the Lord. They don’t waste
      time like I do. Thank you Lori for opening our eyes to pray & make our lives count for the Lord like they do in Battle in N.Korea. Thank you Megan for telling us about the book. It was beyond Amazing! My heart breaks for the families of these 33 martyrs for Christ if they are with the Lord right now!! And even more so for the millions that die in North Korea & around the world without Our Lord!!

    • Thank you for telling me about this book . I got it on Kindle last night & read it in one sitting . What is happening in N Korea , they don’t even have Church or a Bible or the full knowledge of the Gospel , But they make every moment count for the Lord. They don’t waste
      time like I do. Thank you Lori for opening our eyes to pray & make our lives count for the Lord like they do in Battle in N.Korea. Thank you Megan for telling us about the book. It was beyond Amazing! My heart breaks for the families of these 33 martyrs for Christ if they are with the Lord right now!! And even more so for the millions that die in North Korea & around the world without Our Lord!!

    • Thank you for telling me about this book . I got it on Kindle last night & read it in one sitting . What is happening in N Korea , they don’t even have Church or a Bible or the full knowledge of the Gospel , But they make every moment count for the Lord. They don’t waste
      time like I do. Thank you Lori for opening our eyes to pray & make our lives count for the Lord like they do in Battle in N.Korea. Thank you Megan for telling us about the book. It was beyond Amazing! My heart breaks for the families of these 33 martyrs for Christ if they are with the Lord right now!! And even more so for the millions that die in North Korea & around the world without Our Lord!!

    • Thank you for telling me about this book . I got it on Kindle last night & read it in one sitting . What is happening in N Korea , they don’t even have Church or a Bible or the full knowledge of the Gospel , But they make every moment count for the Lord. They don’t waste
      time like I do. Thank you Lori for opening our eyes to pray & make our lives count for the Lord like they do in Battle in N.Korea. Thank you Megan for telling us about the book. It was beyond Amazing! My heart breaks for the families of these 33 martyrs for Christ if they are with the Lord right now!! And even more so for the millions that die in North Korea & around the world without Our Lord!!

    • Anonymous says:

      I just ordered it too. Thanks for sharing. We need to pray continually for our brethren who are in persecution and in a not so comfortable land to share the gospel.

    • Anonymous says:

      The apostle paul done exactly the same thing.but god reached out in his grace and stopped him in his tracks to recognise the one he was persecuting..Ita terrible from a western point of view but its happened before.

    • Anonymous says:

      Praying for our brothers and sisters in Christ.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you for reminding us how pitiful our complaints are an
      d how important it is to reach the lost! We never know when our time will end! God help us to become better servants of Christ!

    • edie says:

      Thank God that they are the spiritual lights in the darksome world. Proves that the spirit is eternal and much awakening will come from this.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you for this post. We all do take for granted our freedom to worship and this was a stark reminder of the suffering for Christ that goes on in other parts of the world.

    • Anonymous says:

      I wonder why … an imaginary being would be so threatening … you would be forced to die. I have never heard of anyone dying because of the Tooth Fairy .. the Easter Bunny .. or Santa Clause. So why do those who do not believe fear the power of what they call an imaginary God …. Why has there been marches to stop Christian/Human rights from worshiping their God of peace and relief in troubled times ?? Why are men in power so afraid they kill those who believe ?? Are they Afraid there possibly is a REAL GOD who can take their Power away from them ?? Why are Atheists afraid of a being existing that actually gives our lives purpose ?? I just don’t get it. Why would you want to live in a world with no hope and no one to pray to for relief ?? To March 8th Anonymous .. Thank you for taking up for our human rights and concerns of those dying unnecessarily. I pray one day you will believe there is hope in our world and purpose given by our creator God to us to live by. Not thru religion but by the best of our knowledge thru the History of the Bible.

    • Anonymous says:

      I am decided to follow Jesus, No turning back.

    • Anonymous says:

      thank you this post timing is amazing. I just finished spending time on the VOM website

    • Anonymous says:

      This anti christian attitude is slowly spreading all over the world. It is evidence of Satan’s final days battle plan…Don’t get surprised…*[[2Ch 7:14/KJVLite]]* If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

    • Anonymous says:

      Voice of Martyrs

    • randy says:

      this story made me very sad

    • Just downloaded it, too! Thanks for the recommendation! I saw a link to this post on FB several days ago, read the article and comments. I have not been able to stop thinking of the book you recommended and have spent HOURS searching on my newsfeed trying to find it! Perseverance paid off and now I can’t wait to get started reading These are the Generations! Thanks for the recommendation!

    • Anonymous says:

      VOM has had a book titled Restricted Nation NORTH KOREA which I have bought and read. Not for the fainted hearted, but it is for the lion-hearted.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you; it ‘speaks’ of Christ’s being 33 yrs old when He
      was crucified; I am praying for them, sandy

    • VOM = Voice of the Martyrs

    • Anonymous says:

      Sobering. Brought me back down to earth.

  2. cdammerman says:

    Thank you for disturbing us in our complacency! May your voice echo in the midst of mindlessness, greed and selfishness. Bless you.

    • I’m disturbed now, myself.

    • Anonymous says:

      I respect your opinion.I am not a christian because I was raised in the Catholic Religion and frankly just don’t believe in imaginary beings like gods.I do however feel your disgust for how these people are being treated.It’s just wrong moraly or religiously.It’s human rights that need to be fought for to the death if necessary not religions that have since the dawn of time caused wars,death and too much suffering.You may want to try preaching human rights because that will get more results than hiding behind an imaginary supreme being.I think that just confusses and deflects the issue towards the issue of religion.It’s not about Christianity.It’s about human rights!

    • Jesus is an historical fact, not an imaginary being, and He didn’t come to create a religion but to save humanity from eternal condemnation. No one proved His love for humans more than Jesus and those who represent Him demonstrate that love again and again.

    • Except that it is about religion and God! These Christians would not be losing their lives of it weren’t about God! They would be offended to claim this as a human rights issue versus a Christian issue!!!! They could easily deny their faith and beliefs and be saved but they haven’t and wont. God is with them, for Jesus said if you deny him he will deny you in the presence of his Father. These beautiful, wonderful, amazing people will be seated at the right hand of our Father and Jesus will embrace them!

    • Unknown says:

      While I do not want to hijack a thread with arguing, I do want to highlight some things that I don’t necessarily agree with…while it may be semantics, I would argue that the abuse of religion rather than the religion itself has caused more wars/death than most other causes. Man inserting himself into the process and twisting the Bible for personal gain…that is abuse of the Bible rather than flaws with Christianity itself. In regards to human rights, the problem with arguing that is that they are subjective…very subjective. Religion is in fact at the heart of this persecution as it is a direct threat to a power that fancies himself as a deity. Any doubt cast on his deification is doubt cast on him personally, and in a dictatorship that has to be met with harsh punishment.

    • sunchaser says:

      To Anonymous, the reason people leave Christianity is they never developed a personal relationship with Jesus and our Heavenly Father. Without a personal relationship, any Christian religion is dead. You hear the phrase “Jesus loves you” but once you experience His love, you will know He really does love you more than you can ever comprehend. My friend, THAT is the difference that you never got to experience. If you start praying to Him, read His word and find a GOOD church that preaches Jesus and uses the Bible, you will develop relationships with God and also with His people. There is nothing in this world that can satisfy like the love of our Heavenly Father. God bless!

    • sunchaser says:

      This comment has been removed by the author.

    • Anonymous says:

      So Lori in all our self involved little lives on this planet that we are ruining at an accelerating rate some of us entertain the open minded concept that with space[the heavens] being thought to be infinite is it possible that our planet,throughout the times of the old and new testament,could have been visited by inhabitants from other planets in galaxies we can’t even see with the most powerful telescopes on our most suffisticated space probes.If so could they have possessed powers like talethopy,both mental and physical and actually helped the human race on our journey towards a more civalized human race?Possibly fed us technology to help us along our path?if so would you call them Gods?I would refer to them highly evolved beings and with all sincerity I think this is much more believable scenario than a god named christ that impregnated a human named mary to have a son she would name jesus who would preach peace and then give up when he was betrade by an apposil,let the human race torcher and murder him even though he had the power to control everything just to teach us a lesson.Sorry girl but I believe religious beliefs to be designed to keep sociaties working and prosperous.Hence all the wars over who’s religion was the right one.There is no god only beings from other galaxies and a race of beings much more evolved than humans.Now it seems to me that a concept like I just explained to you is much more believable than a god.But now we have side stepped the more important issue of morality and human rights only to waste time arguing about imaginary friends.

    • Anonymous says:

      I will pray for you…. so sad that you cant trust in the one who gave you life….. he loves you dearly and has done so much for all of us its a shame not eveyone can see that…. there is only one God and by him and only him baptized in Jesus name and filled with the holy ghost you shall be saved and spend eternity in heaven….. my prayers are with you

    • Anonymous says:

      So where does god live and what does he do with all his time.Is he too buisy saving other races on other planets that he doesn’t have time to teach us anymore?Does anyone in this forum believe in life elsewhere other than on Earth?Do you believe in life on other planets.Please tell me that you believe other planets exist.Just trying to get a read on the narrow mindedness of religious people.Did god create the heaven and The Earth in an infinite of space to only have life on one planet and if so he or she has done a pretty bad job at nurturing his or her or it’s creation.Don’t deflect now.Just state facts please.Scientific facts are proven and never imaginary……………….Religious history has been re written so many times that none of it seems to hold any truth at all to me.All lies and imaginary tales designed to give certain societies more power.It’s all very sad I believe.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you for still errogently believing in imaginary heroes.Have fun with it.I respect you just not your beliefs.

    • Anonymous says:

      All of the greediest people that I have ever met in my life have used religion as an excuse and in their minds I believe they can justify their actions by thinking they are superior to athiests and scientists.That just seems so errogent to me and so anti Christian is it not.Where are all the real Christians.The ones who teach by doing not by preaching?Maybe they are people like me who just believe in respect for people who do the same.Now if I formed a church based on that simple principle.Would it be a religion or a cult?

    • Anonymous says:

      Your “argument” is misinformed. That “religions cause more deaths…” stuff is an atheist urban myth that has been so discredited I am surprised it is still in use. The Stalinist purges and the slaughter of his own people by Mao Tse-tung killed way more people than religious zealotry ever has, not to mention the World Wars, Mongol hordes and Chinese wars. I would suggest that the persecution of religions, not the abuse, has also killed many more than the religions themselves. The reasons for war are usually much more mundane – wealth and power. As for this – ” Religion is in fact at the heart of this persecution…” — are you actually blaming the victims here with your little lesson on how dictatorships work? Really? Or did I miss something? FYI — — note the lack of religious wars, and where the death toll of The Crusades ranks in the grand scheme. and this list omits the 80 million deaths noted above.

    • Anonymous says:

      The “Religion has caused more deaths than any other reason” is just, historically, untrue. Even if you just look at this last century. Hitler, Stalin, Hirohito….killed millions and millions and not one did it for religious reasons. Yes, there have been religious wars…but more wars, by far, have been for territorial gain by leaders hungry for more, or for political reasons internally….and that has always been true.

    • Tree says:

      Jesus clearly instructed his disciples to respect the work of others that matched their own work, even if those others did not work in the name of their god. So please stop the shallow bickering and divisive accusations when other correctly point out that this is a human rights issue. Jesus already agreed.

    • Anonymous says:

      What an ego to assume that YOUR god is the ONLY god. Wow.

    • Camille Ivey says:

      Very insightful. I wonder if the saying, “Its not religion[Christianity], its relationship” is really
      true. The ability to live or to die for the sake of
      God’s eternal truths
      springs from a mind
      determined & fueled by
      the Holy Spirit.

    • Anonymous says:

      You talk a lot. You have a lot of words and a lot of knowledge. You obviously don’t know Jesus personally, although He knows everything about you. One day you WILL meet Him. Oh, if only it could be on this side of eternity! we are all praying for you to have eyes to see, and ears to hear!

    • Unknown, Thank you. I get so tired of people hiding behind their claim that religion is evil. It is not. Let’s just join in prayer for these martyrs and the millions more around the world who die for Christ every year. Let’s pray for ourselves that we get ever deeper into Christ.

    • Anonymous says:

      I appreciate you pointing out the difference, Unknown. Thank you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Check the history of the 20th Century. Those responsible for millions of deaths were hardly Christian, nor were they killing in the name of religion.

    • Stephanie says:

      This post was well said. I am a Christian as well. We, as Christians often get fired up for a good argument when someone disagrees with us. I think this post did a wonderful job of calmly stating facts without inciting arguments. Lisa could learn a thing or two about that.

    • Joe L. Wolf says:

      Remember..Religions are man made. It is a relationship with a loving God that is true Christianity. Man’s religions struggle with man’s laws. Christians submit only to the laws of man that do not go against God’s laws.Yet still, not with force and fighting man’s laws but with accepting the punishment of man, as these Christians are doing.

    • Miller 13 says:

      For those that want to eliminate religion because of the “destruction”…..Communism does not teach religion it teaches atheism. And under communism at a minimum over 75 million people have been killed. It saddens me when people try to use religion as the #1 killer when it is the absence of God that has killed more people.

    • Anonymous says:

      Dear Unknown, while I believe that we may be on the same side of this argument, I cannot let the comment “I would argue that the abuse of religion rather than the religion itself has caused more wars/death than most other causes” go by. Please read your history. Friedrich Nietzsche said in the late 19th century “God is dead, and we have killed him.” He meant that mankind had killed the idea of God, and along with that, any sense of morality, boundary, restraint or respect for human beings made in the image of God. He then predicted that the 20th century would be the bloodiest of all time. He was right, and it wasn’t “religion” that caused the bloodshed. Hitler killed over 6 million Jews and Christians. Stalin killed over 15 million (some say that the actual number was over 20 million) of HIS OWN people. They were atheist regimes. Corrupt “religious” movements have been deadly, no doubt. But “more wars/death than other causes,” not even close to being close to the truth.

    • Richard says:

      Ashley, people make a stand and lose their lives about many things, all over the world, because of their principles and their desire to defend them. I’ve been a follower of Jesus for over 50 years and would also die for Him. As Lori stated, Jesus is a historical fact…but he’s the only person that has ever claimed to be a former ‘god’ and the son of one, and has been taken so seriously that His contemporary followers, because they saw Him alive after His crucifixion, also were willing to lay down their lives for Him like the believers of today, and many thousands did. I don’t know what your experience with the Catholic church has been, from what you are saying probably not good, but followers of Jesus, known by many as Christians, are not ‘religious’ any more than I am religious for loving my wife and kids. For ‘followers’ it is simply a matter of loving someone they can’t in all seriousness deny was/is the Son of God, Who died to restore our relationship with Father God and is willing to die for that relationship. I have friends and relatives that have died for American when all they had to do was turn tail and run….with no hope of eternal life, but they did it anyway. We all respect that. When I die I believe I will enjoy Jesus forever. If I am wrong, I will turn to dust like any other animal but if I am right, unfortunately the ones who reject Jesus as the Son of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, will be punished for rejecting what God has made obvious with the sacrifice of His Son. So it really comes down to who was Jesus? The greatest liar and mad man of all time who presently would be locked away in a mental institution for His claims or truly the Son of God who represents one of the greatest belief systems of all time and who His followers would live and die for? For me it has been simple and glorious to follow Him..and He has proven Himself to me over and over again by testing His words and finding them true…and then there is the interaction with a living god that I have enjoyed on a daily basis. If you want to talk further about this my email is…so as to not “hijack” this fine blog. 🙂 I’m not a ‘religious’ leader, priest or preacher but just an old guy who follows Jesus.

    • Anonymous says:

      I am Catholic and I do consider myself a christian.

    • Anonymous says:

      Anonymous, please do not connect the Catholic Faith with “imaginary beings”. The Catholic Church is mainstream, original Christianity whose doctrine is built on the life of the Trinity and the saving grace of Jesus Christ just like all Christians.

    • Anonymous says:

      The evil of Satan penetrates even the Churches of God. Yes UNKNOWN, where there is man, there is evil lurking. It is the goal of Satan to destroy all those who follow the teachings of Jesus and where else is a better place to find those followers of our Lord than within the Churches. A good example of Satan pretending to be all good is Islam. Their God is actually Satan and that religion evolved to give their sins against humanity, justification. Their supreme prophet was a common criminal, a rapist, murderer, child molester, who wrote their Quran making all he did right by Allah, their God, who is actually Satan. In the Dark ages the Catholic Church was led by ruthless men who used mans fears of the unknown to control the people. The Church of England is why we have seperation of Church and State in our country as our forefathers had lived under that tyranny….this is short and lacking in detail, but get my point

    • Anonymous says:

      Come quickly Lord Jesus I pray. The truth of Your Word is revealed in this conversation. The hearts of many wax cold, so Lord Jesus, come.

    • Debbie says:

      Far be it from this man to declare there no God. I do not know everything. I know that 33 people are to be executed and all claim to be followers of a man named Jesus, who did exist, and a leader of a nation feels threatened enough by that to kill them and they are willing to die for Him. That Jesus must have been some Man.

    • Anonymous says:

      someone does not know their history. it is atheist regimes that have killed more people than any other cause. between stalin, mao, pol pot, hitler (yes, he was an atheist, he simply used the church for his own purposes), and a few other communist tyrants, over 150 million were murdered in the 20th century alone, and the body count keeps rising as evidenced by this post. human rights are not subjective for a jew or a christian, they are very specific. rights are subjective to an atheist, however, which gives them the power to do what they wish.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think the fact that they knowingly were doing something that could end their lives or spend the rest of their lives in torture and did it anyway days a lot about their love for Jesup a and their faith. As a Christian, as I would, I’m comfortable saying I believe they were praying for forgiveness for their executers and mercy in their own deaths.

    • Recipejunkie says:

      Funny our pastor just addressed responses like this in a sermon on Ecclesiastes. People seem to be the common denominator in both good and bad that happen in the world, not religion or non religion.

    • kathy b says:

      In response to Anonymous on March 8th- Name some hospitals that come to mind and there will be a lot of saint this and Methodist that. So many schools and colleges exist because of Christians. Christians are not perfect, they are human, but when they follow the dictates of Christ mankind is better off. History without any spin reveals this. “How Christianity Changed the World” by Alvin Schmidt chronicles this thought.

    • The end of time will tell it all! All will kneel before the Master of the universe whether we want to or not. Pride will not be an issue there, only Truth. See you on the other side. Jesus is Lord!

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      @Unknown: thanks for your views, while I agree that man has often and still does twist the bible and other religious works for his own nefarious gain I would suggest that you are wrong that religious wars have caused more deaths/wars than secular

      ‘In their comprehensive Encyclopedia of Wars, Phillips and Axelrod document the recorded history of warfare. Of the 1,763 wars presented, a mere 7% involved a religious cause. When Islam is subtracted from the equation, that number drops to 3.2%.

      In terms of casualties, religious wars account for only 2% of all people killed by warfare. This pales in comparison to the number of people who have been killed by secular dictators in the 20th century alone.’ (Granted I’m taking this from another blog and havnt researched it myself throughly; the dude seems thorough enough in his own research:

      In your ‘God the dictator’ arguement I can see where your coming from, but it stands against the very character of God as taught in the New Testament and glimpses of in the Old Testament – God giving all humans free choice to make own decisions to follow him or not (obvs consequences to not/for sin but it’s a delayed consequence at end of long life), & sacrificing himself/Jesus to restore relationship with mankind – one where he walks beside Adam in garden/is a friend; bible teaches on various biblical characters who were ‘friends of God’ and managed to convince him not to do something purely because God valued their friendship (eg Moses, Abraham etc) my point being that the bible, particularly the New Testament, teaches directly against the view that God is a harsh deity crushing any opposition to him being worshiped.

      Anyways I equally don’t want to get into a debate but wish you the very best in life my friend! 😀

    • Alcorn says:

      @Unknown: thanks for your views, while I agree that man has often and still does twist the bible and other religious works for his own nefarious gain I would suggest that you are wrong that religious wars have caused more deaths/wars than secular

      ‘In their comprehensive Encyclopedia of Wars, Phillips and Axelrod document the recorded history of warfare. Of the 1,763 wars presented, a mere 7% involved a religious cause. When Islam is subtracted from the equation, that number drops to 3.2%.

      In terms of casualties, religious wars account for only 2% of all people killed by warfare. This pales in comparison to the number of people who have been killed by secular dictators in the 20th century alone.’ (Granted I’m taking this from another blog and havnt researched it myself throughly; the dude seems thorough enough in his own research:

      In your ‘God the dictator’ arguement I can see where your coming from, but it stands against the very character of God as taught in the New Testament and glimpses of in the Old Testament – God giving all humans free choice to make own decisions to follow him or not (obvs consequences to not/for sin but it’s a delayed consequence at end of long life), & sacrificing himself/Jesus to restore relationship with mankind – one where he walks beside Adam in garden/is a friend; bible teaches on various biblical characters who were ‘friends of God’ and managed to convince him not to do something purely because God valued their friendship (eg Moses, Abraham etc) my point being that the bible, particularly the New Testament, teaches directly against the view that God is a harsh deity crushing any opposition to him being worshiped.

      Anyways I equally don’t want to get into a debate but wish you the very best in life my friend! 😀

    • Anonymous says:

      Unknown, All that you have said is predicted in the Bible. I suggest you take time off from regurgitating popular thought and read it for yourself. Try starting in the book of John.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thanks for this Lori. Unknown, you are so right. thank you!

    • There is no ideology that has caused as much death as atheism. It is the foundational belief of communism, and no suffering like the 60,000,000 deaths caused by establishing communism in China, and the over 16,000,000 by Stalin. And how much suffering and death in North Korea?

    • Anonymous says:

      History shows that secularism – the belief that God does not exist, has led to the death of more people in the 20th century than all in all prior centuries combined. I.E. Hitler, Mao, Stalin, etc.

    • Terry Haley says:

      Actually, it is not about religion and god (lower case on purpose). Other religions, Muslims, Islam, Scientology, Evolution, etc. for the most part do not care about you mentioning god. The reason is because they have their own god. It is about the Person of Jesus Christ. It says that at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. And for the most part people like some things about Jesus. In India where they have pictures of all their gods on the walls, they also have a “picture” of Jesus, the prosperity god. They like the picture that the church in America has portrayed of Jesus as the Jesus of ‘come to Me and get everything’. When those that followed Jesus forsook everything. Hmmm. But what they do not like is the reality of the resurrection from the dead and Jesus being Lord. If we continue to reject Him as Lord then that keeps us in control of our own lives. When Paul talked about Jesus, most of the religious fanatics did not start an uproar until he talked about Jesus and the resurrection. Paul preached a full gospel. What I am saying is that it is about the Lord being in full control of our lives and we have no control whatsoever. He is Lord. But is He Lord of our lives.

    • Anonymous says:

      Seems unbeliever you are making this all about yourself and your opinions. This blog was written to bring attention to persecution.

    • greg says:

      Lori, great great post. Thank you for your concern for the persecuted church. To Anonymous and unknown, I hear what you are saying. With you, I grieve over wars and killings related to religion. But such wars and killings are insignificant when compared to non-religious wars and murders. You should read this post and consider that belief in God (in most religions) begets peace, not war, while trusting “man” to uphold human rights or to promote peace and prosperity ends in a massive shedding of blood.

    • Bryan says:

      The issue is human rights and the right to believe or not believe in God. God Himself gave you that right by not forcing you to believe in Him. The coolest part of this execution is 33 believers getting to lay their eyes on Christ. While it is horrible that they are executed for their beliefs, they win. As Christians we WIN.
      You can not argue someone in to being a Christian and that is not our mission here. Our mission is to share Christ with others and they have to make the decision to accept or not accept. That is God’s design. Free will

    • Lori Roeleveld, Jesus is not God. He simply represented the mythical God. To whom he asked before he died on the cross “Why have you forsaken me”

    • In the name of Jesus, I pray that you will be freed from all deception, that your eyes will be opened, and that your heart will become fertile soil for the Word of God to take root. Jesus is the Way and the Truth and the Life.

    • Anonymous says:

      Man was created to worship his Creator. We will never be without any worship. Those who dont know God and are not saved and filled by Him worship themselves or money or other people which are idols not meant to be worshipped. The Greek word for sin is harmartia, which means to miss the purpose you were created for. May the Lord show us the condition of our hearts as we will see them on judgment day, now, while we have time to repent

    • MsMel says:

      Well said, the part about the abuse of religion. So many have trouble separating Christianity from the evil things that have been and are being done in its name. God bless His martyrs. ♥

    • Anonymous says:

      Jesus told His disciples, “The world will hate you.” Christianity has been the most persecuted religion in the history of mankind. This is because it is the only religion in the world that offers a Savior to the world. All other religions have some means whereby you try to “save” yourself. Only Christianity says, “Man cannot save himself. He needs a Savior. God through Jesus did for us what we could not do for ourselves.” Since we would rather be our own gods, serving a Savior is against the grain of human nature.

      Yes I know that there have been many times that the persecution was in the name of Christianity. But much of this was in the time the the Bible was not in the language of the people and before the days of printed Bibles. Men had to believe what others told them was the will of God. Often they were told lies and without the Word in print, the had no way of knowing for themselves. It is amazing how history changed when the Bible became available to the common man.

      P.S. My name is Steve. what is the best way to post and not have to use “anonymous?”

    • Anonymous says:

      Proverbs 1:22 – How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple? How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing and fools hate knowledge?

      Christians and other religious people, please, check your source, learn more about history. Not only from one side, but from many sides of the story (there’s a saying that the winner writes history). I am a Christian and I am sad to see that these days, Christians are always quick to believe what the media say without even checking the truth. Please check Matthew 7:21-27.

    • Anonymous says:

      Anonymous, you can’t claim that this is a moral or religious issue. From where do your morals come from? WHO has given us ‘human rights’? We only have rights as humans because we all stand equal under our Creator. Without a creator (God), we are just animals who crawled out of a swamp and evolved into modern monkeys. Search inside of yourself and ask WHY you have feelings of right vs. wrong. It is because the Lord God has placed deep within us a big void that only HE was designed to fulfill. We innately know that there is more to this life than survival of the fittest. If that is all it’s about, then we should all go out and slaughter our way to our one perceived “top”. God loves us all so much. Don’t miss the greatest love story ever known! I agree with Ashley…these precious 33 souls would be deeply offended by your claim of human rights!

    • Amy says:

      This statement has been made many times about how religion causes more wars/death than most other causes, yet it is absolutely not true. Power and greed are the causes of most wars, and may use religion as a scapegoat to obtain more power or wealth. The Bible says ‘the LOVE of money is the root of all evil’ and if you look through history it is at the root of pretty much every war. Thank you for bringing these inhumane acts to light, and a reminder for us who live in freedom to be aware that although we are not severely persecuted here in N. America, there are many suffering and dying for Christ.

    • Anonymous says:

      Simply….they have a relationship with God. they are dying for their faith. The love From God is upon them! If you do not agree it is because you cannot understand that Jesus was born, lived, was tortured and crucified for the sins of mankind. God so loves us…that he gave his only son, whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Search out the holy spirit. Ask to be forgiven for your sins! Ask to be filled with the holy spirit. Know the love of God. I give a prayer on behalf of these believers!!! For their love of God, who they would not deny!!

    • The Bible teaches in Revelation that in the end time there will only be one way to salvation and that will be by choosing death rather than rejection of faith in Christ. For now we all have an opinion but the only one that matters is what we do with the Word of God, not belief but enduring faith.

    • Not sure who anonymous is up there with the post about being Catholic…but a true Catholic does not share his sentiment….”imaginary beings like God”??, Seriously, I think that is someone who is trying slam Catholics rather than posting a comment about this horrific situation. Don’t be fooled into believing that Catholics don’t believe in Christ because we do…he is not an imaginary being….that person has no idea what they are talking about. Go to mass my friend…you need help.

    • Anonymous says:

      Lori, prove without any shadow of doubt Jesus is a real fact! Please if you could try to offer as many different sources as possible out side the bible and please refrain to put any bible quotes! If Jesus is an historical fact I believe you could point out and quote historical writers from the time he was living talking about Jesus the Son of God living in Judea! I also do not want to hijack the tread but if you make a statement like yours you should be able to prove it!

    • Anonymous says:

      I am not so sure that it is religion that has cause most wars. I think it is greed.

    • Anonymous says:

      It would be a very smart move for god to save these folks who believe in him. That way, he could not only save some lives, he could also prove he exists. If I had unlimited superpowers (as Christians believe god has) I would, you know, actually exercise them. There is no proof for god, yet his holy book says we will be punished for eternity if we don’t believe him and love him. So cruel. So ridiculous. So false.

    • Dennis says:

      No, Unknown, you’re not quite right. The religion of Islam is responsible for many deaths, for sure, but it is godless Communism that reigns supreme when it comes to killing innocent people. Do a little research on Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Che Guiverra, Fidel Castro. We are talking more than 90 million dead, far more than all the world’s wars put together, religious or otherwise.

    • Anonymous says:

      What is the deadliest war fought in recorded history?? 80 million people died… which was not fought over religion

    • These are very real times my Dear brothers and sisters. We have many account of the saints laying down there lived for the sake of Jesus Christ. We know from scriptures God will receive them in His heavenly place. As Stephen was martyr for this same cause, we one day, we in this country may have to face the same fate. Our President has sold us off to a regimine that’s very much like Korea. The Bible tells us that as Stephen was being stoned, being full of the Holy Spirit gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God! Then they cried out with a loud voice, stopped their ears and ran at him with one accord, and they cast him out of the city and stoned him. And they stoned Stephen as he was calling on God and saying, Lord Jesus receive my spirit. Stephen also prayed and asked the Lord not to charge them with this sin. Afterwards the Bible says he fell asleep. Acts 7:55-60
      The Bible is full of historical facts that can be proved through various resources. It’s stated in the Word of God, in order to understand the things of God one has to be filled with His Holy Spirit. 1Cor 2:10-14.

    • Billy Pheby says:

      Yes religioun is just that, but … discipleship calls us to follow Jesus and take up our cross, even unto death. We are honored to know we have such big brothers and sisters in N.Korea. Lets pray we will also be able to do the same for the truth if our time comes. Lord forgive the atheists, help them to see the glory we are called to!

    • Anonymous says:

      Christianity is the only “religion” where you don’t work for your salvation. It’s a free gift that Christ provided. It isn’t Christianity that is the problem, but Christians. We are all flawed people, even you. But we have a loving God who is worth our lives if need be. Those people in North Korea who are dying for their faith in Christ have been trying to help people, not hurt them. And they do it because they understand God’s love and want to pass it on to people spiritually dead.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is uninformed individuals who say that religion has caused more deaths than anything else. Hitler, Mussolini, Stallin and Genghis Khan. Can you name their religion? It’s name is “Might is Right” and it’s god is power.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is not about “christianity” the fact is i doubt kim jong un cares about christians at all. But throughout history whether it was christianity or islam or even branches of paganism RELIGION especially one that talks of one God above all is dangerous to any ruler who wants supreme power. These people would die for their belief and by telling people of a power much greater than their leader that can cause an uproar, give people strength, make them believe that when they fight they fight with the hand of God at their side. That is dangerous.

    • Anonymous says:

      Human rights are not a secular matter. the whole concept of human rights is a Judeo-Christian idea. I challenge you to trace the idea of human rights back to its origin. It is not a secular invention. Furthermore, when you talk about human rights, you beg the question: where do rights come from? Ask yourself why you as a human have rights. On what authority do you claim rights for yourself? In North Korea, they claim there is no God; therefore, the state has the power of life and death in its hands. In India, an untouchable living in the gutter has no rights and deserves no help because of Karma–he deserves his place because he did something wrong in his other life. What has made the West so exceptional in its value of human life? Hint: pick up a Bible, my friend!

    • Anonymous says:

      quote: Man inserting himself into the process and twisting the Bible for personal gain…that is abuse of the Bible rather than flaws with Christianity itself.

      Jesus’ issues with the religious who twisted the truth for their own gain is well documented. To ignore the truth because others have abused the truth is not logical. I respect the fact that God has not revealed Himself to you yet in a way that you can get your arms around. I pray that He does so. Those people are not dying for a religion they are being martyred because Jesus has revealed Himself to them in a way that they cannot resist and know that serving Him will most likely cost them their life. Had they any doubt, they would not persist, yet they do. That it as un-imaginary as it gets. Again, you have every right to feel the way you do based on the wrongs you have seen. I humbly ask Him to reveal Himself to you, so that you may also have the secure hope that these saints are entering. Thank you for sharing in such an honest and open fashion. Also, thank you for reading this far.
      Humbly submitted, Walt

      Many have abused the truth for pers

  3. Anonymous says:

    everyone should hear this

    • Anonymous says:


    • R Black says:

      Thank you for bringing this to our attention. At the very least we should pray for our brothers and sisters who are counted worthy enough to die in Jesus name. The American church is fast asleep and doesn’t have a clue what real persecution is, but if we keep going in the direction we are headed, we soon will.God have mercy and please send one more great awakening before the craziness starts here.

    • Thank you for sharing this disturbing news. Sometimes we have no clue to how blessed we are to be able to read our Bibles and go to church with out worrying of being persecuted for our choice to go. My heart is heavy with sorrow for these young adults who will die for their faith in God. May we all take the time to remember those who give up their lives for the service of our Lord and Savior. Give me Jesus any day. Amen

    • Anonymous says:

      Jesus the name above all names!!!! Praise be to God.
      He is king of kings, I pray he sends angles to camp all around his children <3

  4. RSong says:

    Thank you for this powerful blog post!

  5. Last fall, North Korea publically executed about 70 Christians and others who possessed “pornography,” which meant Bibles, videos from South Korea, etc. Christians are being martyred around the world at a greater rate than ever before in history. Great post, Lori.

    • I do remember that, Laura. Awful times.

    • Judy says:

      This comment has been removed by the author.

    • Anonymous says:

      Last year in our bible study group we discussed “Open Doors” and how our brothers and sisters in christian hostile countries need our prayers. But what really hit us in our heart was reading how these christians pray for us in our free countries! They said they pray for us because we have a very difficult time living as a devout christian in a country that has so much to lead us away from the Lord, so much money, so much food, so much freedom,so many temptations, so much to occupy our time, all things that can lead us astray.

      I’m afraid that a lot of us have become luke warm and we will not be prepared for the increase in hostility towards traditional Christian values
      in the US, Canada and Europe

    • Nancy Timmermans says:

      Last year in our bible study group we discussed “Open Doors” and how our brothers and sisters in christian hostile countries need our prayers. But what really hit us in our heart was reading how these christians pray for us in our free countries! They said they pray for us because we have a very difficult time living as a devout christian in a country that has so much to lead us away from the Lord, so much money, so much food, so much freedom,so many temptations, so much to occupy our time, all things that can lead us astray.

      I’m afraid that a lot of us have become luke warm and we will not be prepared for the increase in hostility towards traditional Christian values
      in the US, Canada and Europe

    • Nancy Timmermans says:

      Last year in our bible study group we discussed “Open Doors” and how our brothers and sisters in christian hostile countries need our prayers. But what really hit us in our heart was reading how these christians pray for us in our free countries! They said they pray for us because we have a very difficult time living as a devout christian in a country that has so much to lead us away from the Lord, so much money, so much food, so much freedom,so many temptations, so much to occupy our time, all things that can lead us astray.

      I’m afraid that a lot of us have become luke warm and we will not be prepared for the increase in hostility towards traditional Christian values
      in the US, Canada and Europe

    • Sanchez210 says:

      People in north korea as smart as they are, i hop would get together and realize they there are more of them that government ppl and over take all ppl who murder their families and just kill em eye for an eye…

    • Anonymous says:

      We know from scripture that things will increasingly get worse for believers across the world. We must thank God for the freedoms we now have and use them for their full potential. But we must also remember that there are no guarantees for similar times in the future.

      For those deeply persecuted we commit them to the Lord and pray that the leaders alien to Christian truth will become like Cyrus of hold and learn to protect Christian freedom. For those under sentence of death we commit them to the Lord’s safe and eternal care if they are not ultimately given their release. It is the Lord who raises up and puts down leaders – He alone is sovereign over all things!

    • Anonymous says:

      I would have to disagree. Historically there have been much greater times of persecution and martyrdom than what the world experiences now. That, however, does not lessen the persecution and martyrdom that is happening in modern times which is quietly tucked away and quickly forgotten by those of us who live in a “safer” more comfortable world.

    • Anonymous says:

      Greater rate? Please define greater rate. If you have a solid data to prove this, then show it to others. If you’re just saying it without any facts to back it up, then it’s just another gossip which God hates. For biblical references about how God hates gossip, please check:

    • Jill Hudson says:

      When you’re looking at the exit end of a rifle and you’re questioned about your beliefs, you need to be sure in what you believe. You can say what you want about philosophy, religion, or no belief at all, but when you survey the work of a masterful Creator, the proof that He took on flesh and put Himself here to die so we might live. I think I’d take a bullet for that.

    • Jill Hudson says:

      When you’re looking at the exit end of a rifle and you’re questioned about your beliefs, you need to be sure in what you believe. You can say what you want about philosophy, religion, or no belief at all, but when you survey the work of a masterful Creator, the proof that He took on flesh and put Himself here to die so we might live. I think I’d take a bullet for that.

  6. We need desperately to stand in the gap for these brothers and sisters. It is sad, but also a time to thank God that they will see His face.

  7. Terra says:

    Rough times for Christians in many countries, and thank you for spreading the word about these 33 heroes. I hope they will be freed.

    • Their freedom is secure no matter what happens.

    • Anonymous says:

      Praise God!!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      It is rough times. It is rough here in America, too. Not that we are being lined up and killed, but because we, as Christians, are being persecuted systemically. Yes, we may (at this moment) go to church, but we are not free to worship God as we please. The following is happening far too frequently: Our children are not allowed to pray at school in the open. Our children are being taught in schools that evolution is real and that God is not. They are being indoctrinated by TV, movies, and music. We, as Christians, are constantly battling humanism, selfishness, pride, arrogance, materialism, and entitlement. Christian businesses are not being allowed to chose who to serve as customers without fear of a lawsuit. We are openly mocked and ridiculed for our beliefs. In addition to all this, there are a multitude of people in America who call themselves Christians but display no love for God or their fellow man. They go to church long enough to have their face recognized and, right after service, go to the local bar/movie theater/store/wherever and act as though what they just professed with songs means nothing.

      Yes, we need to be in deep prayer for our brothers and sisters in these countries. However, if we are not also in prayer for this country, we are sure to be facing a similar fate in the future.

    • jude dagala says:

      we’ll pray for their love ones who left behind…may the good Lord comfort them and to stand firm in their faith to God .This 33 Christians though they will be sentence to die because of their Faith in Jesus Christ ..but they have eternal joy for they will see the Lord and live with Him .

    • Anonymous says:

      Amen! True freedom from all bondage including death, and more than that, being fully satisfied in the presence of the true glory of Christ!

  8. Anonymous says:

    This is very powerful! Powerful indeed! I wish that I could muster just a small sample of the courage they have! May Yah bless these brothers and sisters and greet them with wide arms into His kingdom!

  9. NIDAHO MAMA says:

    I pray for comfort and peace that surpasses all understanding to envelope their families; radical conversion to overtake their assassins; and for their testimonies to be spread far and wide, spurring lukewarm Christians everywhere into a deeper relationship with Yahweh. Thank you for sharing.

  10. Jane Doe says:

    God help us all.

  11. Anonymous says:

    were just a passing through(christians)our Savior is waiting somewhere beyond the blue.God Bless those christians in NK.

  12. Since I do not own a Television because I do not care to waste my precious time watching junk like a zombie. I was not aware of this news. I know that our precious Savior have their names written in the book of life. Yes it is sad but those who do this will have to face Yahshua (Jesus Christ)
    when He comes. Pray for their families.

    • May God be near to those they leave behind.

    • Tree says:

      This comment has been removed by the author.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mirza, there is nothing in this about television. The only link given above is to a newspaper article. Treating this post–and those 33 peoples’ pain and death–as an opportunity for you to showcase what you see as your superiority is shameful. Go back and read the post again, and really think about the message. It’s so disheartening to see that the only thing people get from this is an opportunity to preen and raise themselves above others.

      That said, Lori, thank you for posting this and your thoughts on it. Are there sources or links for things we can do to help in a more earthly and tangible fashion?

    • Anonymous says:

      Mirza though I agree with you the tv/news is filled with tragedy and sadness high makes a person not want to watch, but then again these said things can be heard or seen through other outlets.
      However the point of my reply is I am a Christian, I attend a Baptist church, and have a strong belief in my faith…that being said I don’t think it’s fair you judge based on a tv show. I am a huge fan of the “zombie” show and there are several references in the show that they hold onto their belief in a higher power that is saving them. I’d like to think that if I found myself in such a epidemic (of any kind) that I could turn to God for prayer, guidance, and or acceptance of my outcome. Too bad you don’t have a tv or that your close minded to assume the show is bad.

  13. Anonymous says:


  14. Anonymous says:

    May Yahweh bless you dear sister. It is good to know that there are some in this land that know of and lift up to our Father these precious ones. The overall indifference and silence from the pulpits about such things is heartbreaking. bro rich

  15. Where is the US propensity for getting militarily involved in a country when it is actually warranted?

    • the weapons we fight with are not of this world

    • Joel Hendon says:

      An excellent post and a good answer tot this remark. Sadly, much of this type behavior goes on but consider what Jesus and or the apostles would do. They would not call down fire from heaven to destroy these ungodly people, but would pray for them. Difficult to do but is the Christian’s responsibility. All of the Godly apostles, with the exception of John, gave their lives and their life for the cause of Christ. None returned violence for violence.

    • Anonymous says:

      Amen Joel. We have to turn the cheek and just pray for those who do this.

    • Anonymous says:

      Funny how people in the west talk about fighting with prayer when they have never had to actually fight for their life. There is a time for killing. What kind of person would ever stand idly by and watch the execution of an innocent.

    • Anonymous says:

      Their army is well armed and equipped. It consists of several million soldiers. Also, they have nuclear weapons. Seoul is about 30 miles from the DMZ and would be over run by North Korean forms in a matter of hour if not nuked first by North Korea . Short answer is the conflict would escalate into a nuclear one, and yet the USA would would use them against North Korea. This is far different from the types of wars we have fought lately. It would be a giant mess.

  16. Unknown says:

    Thank you to “The Fuel Project” for posting Lori’s post on FB. I like some, don’t have TV and was not aware of this News. Its a call to action in my personal life to pray and do as our family in Christ. Preach the Gospel.

  17. Unknown says:

    Thank you to “The Fuel Project” for posting Lori’s post on FB. I like some, don’t have TV and was not aware of this News. Its a call to action in my personal life to pray and do as our family in Christ. Preach the Gospel.

  18. praying right now that the death of the 33 fellow Christians moves all who hear!

    praying for comfort for their families also.

  19. C says:

    Hi Lori, thank you for sharing this post. I’ve come across 2 ministries to North Korea:– launching Bibles by balloon—helping North Korean refugees who escape across the border

  20. C says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. C says:

    This video is of NK Christians praying and singing in their home. You can see how they take down the pictures of Kim Jong Il (mandated by the state) off the wall while they worship. The news story is all in Korean…but there is one word we can understand:


  22. Jessica Goodheart says:

    My heart is stirred within me…….

  23. Lori I appreciate your frankness as always. I had not heard of this. It encourages me to remember and pray for the sacrifice of no t only these individuals who are risking their lives but the Far Flung Families of my church family serving around the world.

  24. Anonymous says:

    The response to this information needs to be sincere, on-your-knees; face-to-the-ground PRAYER. It’s a more powerful weapon than any man has invented. Elohim, El Shaddai, Jehovah–omniscient, omnipotent God. He’s in North Korea to receive his martyrs, He’s in the U.S. to receive our prayers and praise. Blessed by the Name of the Lord. MOMMA

  25. Anonymous says:


  26. NayfiesMama says:

    I saw this yesterday; I am appalled at the North Korean cruelty towards their own people. (This country is smaller than Minnesota, I believe, how could this happen????) Mercy on these people!!!! God have Mercy!!!!

  27. Lyz says:

    How truly sad this is. Would we die for Christ??? I have thought about that often and I shake my head and say “Lord do I have the strength to die a horrible death for you?” Then I hear, “I died a horrible death for you.” How condemning. I truly feel that condemnation. Still, would I die for him? Yes, I would because this verse stands out in my head, “Everyone, therefore, who will confess me before children of men, I shall confess him also before my Father who is in Heaven.” “But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 10:32-33. That verse is what has to make up our minds. I do not want to face Jesus and have he does not acknowledge me. That would be hell itself.

    • The power to stand in times like those in North Korea comes from the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ who is there for us all.

    • Anonymous says:

      Amen Lori, Amen!!! It’s ALL the Holy Spirit, nothing in us would ever let that happen in normal circumstances. God teaches us through His living Word to be willing to die for our own children, just like Christ was willing to die for us…..

    • Anonymous says:

      It is not enough to for me or any of us to simply declare the word of God, defend the doctrine of the Bible, display few scripture passages on our face book of social media… We must demonstrate it in our daily actions or our faith is dead/non existent. This is serious business. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else. Jesus will ask an account of how we have lived our lives on this earth. It is my sincere prayer that we wake up and take to heart the responsibility to live and to be willing to die for spreading the Good News of the Gospel without apology. Many of us want to live and “arrive safely at death.” May the Lord have mercy on us!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      We would all like to say we would die for our faith in Christ, since Heaven awaits us at that time. But the harder question is are we willing to LIVE for Christ NOW, knowing our ‘reward’ will have to wait? We say we would give up our life, but are we willing to give up our comforts, pleasures, and trinkets to bring others to Him here?

  28. Edith kal says:

    Surely God will pass judgment to people like this. My heart aches for these Christians who have given up on the will to live because of Christianity. Heavenly God please judge these Christians with mercy. I salute you; you are very strong and God bless you.

  29. Anonymous says:

    As soon as I finished reading the last word of your blog the song “With Everything” by Hillsong came on… it starts out “Let hope rise and darkness tremble at Your holy light, that every eye will see Jesus our God”. These people knew from the beginning that spreading Jesus’ love could cost them their lives, but “with everything” that they could, they did it anyway. This is a terrible tragedy, but may God receive all of the glory and may MANY come to know Jesus because of these Christians’ undying devotion to the Lord.

    • Anonymous says:

      The Devil thought he had it made when Jesus went to the Cross,Jesus Cross proved to be his undoing. These Precious Martyrs lives will bare much fruit. This will be the devils’ undoing also and only God will get the Glory. John 12:24, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain”. I pray Gods’ peace and Blessings upon the families and all involved.

  30. Thank you for this website 🙂 Best with Jesus

  31. Anonymous says:

    I pray that the peace that passes understanding comes around them and all who die for Him.

    • Anonymous says:

      As I see these precious soul being killed my heart rejoices to know they are with Christ now.How happy they are?God know all about this and if he didn’t want it to happen he would have stop it.God has a great plan for his people that we can see right now.He will never leave you or forsake you.He his hand each of there hands Praise God for caring for each of us.Do cry for them they are where they wanted to be..

  32. Anonymous says:

    We may all one day face execution for our faith . Are we all ready to look the enemy in the face and praise the living God for the privilege to die for Him? I give glory to God for these 33 of His children, who for one second will face the pain of death, only to be ushered in to eternity in the arms of our Savior! God bless them all!!! I hope to be counted as worthy to die for Him as He did for me.

    • Anonymous says:

      And I thank God for their obedience even to the point of death. For I have no doubt that many have come to the saving Grace of Jesus Christ because of their obedience to Him. Praise Him!! Dear, Dear Lord, if it’s Your will for them to come home to You, please give them Your grace and Your peace to face this. Let them say of those who are pulling the triggers, “Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do”. And Lord, Please let those who ARE pulling the triggers, see the glory of the Lord on their faces and come to know You because of it. You are not willing that even ONE should perish. Thank You, God, that You forgive us our sins.

    • I believe it’s God who makes us ready if and when it is our time. Amen.

  33. Lori- I just finished reading Nic Ripkin’s book “The Insanity of God” that sheds some light on the persecuted church. Very insightful

  34. Janet Smith says:

    Lori, Thank you for this post. I pray for strength for these 33 and that God will ease the suffering of all those close to this situation. While my heart is breaking, I know that these people will be blessed for their sacrifices, and I am truly thankful that even with this horrible death, they will live forever with Jesus. I vow that this sacrifice will not be in vain and I will make a stronger stand for Jesus because of it.

  35. Mr. Mcgranor says:

    I only shed a tear spiritually for actual Protestants. Everyone else is merely a humanitarian concern. With that, is the reality that many are murdered for various secular regards.

  36. Great blog and I posted at at FB. However, one minor flaw. You stated you quoted the Washington Post when the link shows it to be the Washington Times. Otherwise, keep up the good work! This issue has a place in my heart as my wife is half Korean.

  37. Mike Martin says:

    God bless and receive these precious souls into His arms!And God help me to care more than I do….

  38. Bock says:

    I can establish an encrypted communication that can effectively bypass the North Korean government. Easily. They won’t even know the content inside the packet since it’s encrypted (256/128 bit). Contact me. I can preach gospel via encryption. NK doesn’t have the capability to crack it, nor does the NSA.

    Contact me.

  39. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for the post. I do have to correct you on one thing though. The first picture (where you see women crying) is taken when the previous dictator Kim died and that the citizens were required to mourn in public.
    If someone were to mourn in public like that in response to Christians getting executed, not only is that illegal but also will he/she get executed.
    A very minor detail, but since pictures have so much power when it comes to communicating, I thought I’d put in my five cents.

    • Yes, I didn’t attribute the photo to this specific incident. I used it for the post but I don’t believe public mourning for the executed will be tolerated, so there won’t be photos like that coming forth. Thank you for the clarification for those who may have been confused.

  40. Thanks for opening my eyes and sharing the emergency prayer requests.

  41. elizabeth says:

    if we could find 33 friends who have done something significant IN christ we would be shocked too.

  42. Excellent word and thank you for being obedient to share with our world about the hidden/secret persecution of our ‘family’ of God. This touches me deeply.
    Our son works/volunteers full time at The Voice of the Martyrs. Thus, this is our families heart. Lord bless!

  43. Why isn’t the mainstream media reporting this?

  44. icbeckyt says:

    Well said. May our indifference be shaken by your words. May our hearts be moved with compassion and prayer. Thank you.

  45. Anonymous says:

    “How long, Sovereign Master, holy and true, before you judge those who live on the earth and avenge our blood?” 11 Each of them was given a long white robe and they were told to rest for a little longer, until the full number was reached of both their fellow servants and their brothers who were going to be killed just as they had been. Revelation 6:10 – You will be in that number faithful servants of the One True God.

  46. Anonymous says:

    I am not, under any circumstance, badgering any religion, but we KNOW that countries, such as though resided over by zealots like Kim Jong-Um are NOT safe. I realize that it is the responsibility of people of ANY faith to spread their word in attempt to reform them. I get that part. However, at what point will common sense kick in before people realize that sending missionaries and others who sway the religious views of the residents isn’t fair to them; they are know going to die for something very simple. Yes, I get that it’s easy to sit back and say they are doing the work of Jesus, but isn’t that just a bit selfish of us, asking them to sacrifice their lives? If I were a betting man, I’d say that others who are considering Christianity just got a wake up call and won’t practice. Sad, but true. It’s a basic fight or flight. And let’s face it, they can’t flight and leave and well fighting….we know the outcome of that.

    • Anonymous says:

      The persecution and execution of Christians during the cruel reign of Nero led to Christianity spreading and exploding across the known world as Christians moved to new places, sharing the Word wherever they went.

    • Anonymous says:

      Anonymous you are forgetting that christians believe that this life is not all there is, that eternity is where true life will be lived, for those who put their faith in Jesus Christ. That’s why christians (and the church is spread mainly through North Korean christians anyway) are willing to take the risk, because there is so much more at stake than this short, earthly life.

    • We believe a relationship with Jesus is eternal and that life on earth is temporary. It is worth our lives to pass the word of eternal life on to others.

    • Lynn Follies says:

      But don’t you think those that have the TRUTH of Gospel, “THE GOOD NEWS”, would want to share its GREATNESS? And don’t you think those that DON’T have it, would want to KNOW WHAT the TRUE “HOPE” IS!!! That GOD’S Gift of GRACE and FAITH to Believe in JESUS CHRIST ALONE comes from HIM!! HOW that CHRIST ALONE Paid their debt for Sin! And How by HIS SINLESS LIFE they are Credited with HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS! And HOW that being In-HIM they have been Justified freely by GOD’S GRACE through the Redemption that is in CHRIST JESUS:

      WHY Would you want to withhold GOD Glorious Truths from them?? Leaving them HOPELESSLY in Sin and ETERNALLY Separated from GOD?? We ALL are predestined to die – non will Escape it! And death, the death of our flesh, is the only way to enter into the KINGDOM of GOD!

      Thank YOU LORD for Calling us to PRAYER!!

    • Anonymous says:

      But don’t you think those that have the TRUTH of Gospel, “THE GOOD NEWS”, would want to share its GREATNESS? And don’t you think those that DON’T have it, would want to KNOW WHAT the TRUE “HOPE” IS!!! That GOD’S Gift of GRACE and FAITH to Believe in JESUS CHRIST ALONE comes from HIM!! HOW that CHRIST ALONE Paid their debt for Sin! And How by HIS SINLESS LIFE they are Credited with HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS! And HOW that being In-HIM they have been Justified freely by GOD’S GRACE through the Redemption that is in CHRIST JESUS:

      WHY Would you want to withhold GOD Glorious Truths from them?? Leaving them HOPELESSLY in Sin and ETERNALLY Separated from GOD?? We ALL are predestined to die – non will Escape it! And death, the death of our flesh, is the only way to enter into the KINGDOM of GOD!

      Thank YOU LORD for Calling us to PRAYER!!

    • Anonymous says:

      But don’t you think those that have the TRUTH of Gospel, “THE GOOD NEWS”, would want to share its GREATNESS? And don’t you think those that DON’T have it, would want to KNOW WHAT the TRUE “HOPE” IS!!! That GOD’S Gift of GRACE and FAITH to Believe in JESUS CHRIST ALONE comes from HIM!! HOW that CHRIST ALONE Paid their debt for Sin! And How by HIS SINLESS LIFE they are Credited with HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS! And HOW that being In-HIM they have been Justified freely by GOD’S GRACE through the Redemption that is in CHRIST JESUS:

      WHY Would you want to withhold GOD Glorious Truths from them?? Leaving them HOPELESSLY in Sin and ETERNALLY Separated from GOD?? We ALL are predestined to die – non will Escape it! And death, the death of our flesh, is the only way to enter into the KINGDOM of GOD!

      Thank YOU LORD for Calling us to PRAYER!!

  47. albusai says:

    this means God is getting closer and closer to come again, they’ll have their award in heaven, i hope i’l be strong enough to joint them

  48. onechucx says:

    In all of this Jesus remains Lord. Thank you for sharing Lori, do you have this narative in a video? i would look up an avenue to sharer on our TV.

  49. Sarah Beals says:

    Thank you for this. The church is complacent and we have so much. This was a very convicting post. I’m in New England as well, btw.

  50. Wendy says:

    I”m glad this post is getting shared, and that it made it’s way to me. Will be praying. Thanks you for making us all a bit uncomfortable amidst all our first world problems today.

  51. Thank you for this wake up call Lori

  52. Anonymous says:

    I pray often for the Christians in North Korea. They are the most persecuted in the whole world according to Voice of the Martyrs

  53. No matter how many souls this dictator takes he will not stop Jesus.
    God bless you for taking the time to honor these brave souls.
    Patrick Burwell
    Director, Ministries

  54. Anonymous says:

    I heard about this yesterday. I find it interesting that God has placed on my heart those held in persecution around the world. This began about a year ago that He has called me to this and I am thankful that I have been touched to pray for those on the frontline for Christ. Can anyone tell me if these Christians have been executed yet…..this would help in in how to pray.

  55. Carla Williams says:

    What you wrote has hit the nail on the head. It has moved me to tears but I desire it to move me to action. I am lifting up our brothers and sisters in North Korea right now. And just as the early church prayed for James and Peter in their persecution, I am trusting our Heavenly Father will answer in His will. Peter was lead out of prison to face the fight again… James was released from this life to be face to face with our dear Savior…whichever God calls these dear saints to today I pray they will stand faithful to His dear cause. And that we might be found faithful as well.

  56. K.T. Doggett says:

    It is written in Proverbs 22:1 – “The heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord, and like the rivers of water, He turneth it whithersoever He will”. God has a reason, as he did when John the Baptist, Jesus, and the other martyrs were taken by brutal, godless men. The plac in Heaven is secure for these 33.

  57. Biru Rai says:

    Oh God almighty send forth Your divine judgment over the little-mad-boy Kim Jong-un and his evil regime and dismiss their acts against Your faithful ones in the name of Jesus Christ Your begotten Son.

    The God Who changed the heart of mighty Pharoah to let Your people go free and the power that raised Lazarus and Jesus from the dead, arise and change the heart of the little-mad-boy to cancel the execution of the 33 precious lives for the sake of Your Son Christ Jesus in the name Jesus.

    Let the raging fire, sulfur and brimstorms of the Lord fall on the evil power in this nation an burn to ashes in the name of Christ Jesus of Nazareth.

    I cancel the executions and take the executioners captive (evil spirits, not the flesh and blood) to the land of dead for mass destructions in the power of the blood of Jesus the Messiah.

    …..yet let Your will be done, oh Lord of heaven and earth. Amen!

  58. nintenofan says:

    This is very touching.

  59. Laurie Be says:

    Also add Captive In Iran to your reading list. Two Iranian Christian women who were thrown in Evin Prison (where Saeed Abedini was held for a year+) for their Christian faith. Moving and powerful. Doesn’t dwell on the atrocities but on their continuing to share Jesus to inmates and their attitude of “if I die, I die”.

  60. Thank You Lori for writing about this. My husband and I are American teaching missionaries living in South Korea where we are standing and declaring the reunification of North and South Korea alongside our Korean brothers and sisters. It is so good to see someone else in America raising the cry of reality in regards to what is occurring in places outside of the States. We are praying great grace and strength to these dear ones in the North! Bless You!

  61. Biru Rai says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Rositaema says:

    I feel for our brothers and sisters overseas. I really do, and I myself want to go to a closed country someday, maybe soon. But I often wonder why we, as Christians in the West(especially America) seem to be much more concerned with letting our light shine overseas than with letting our light shine at home. Every time I think about it, I remember all of the Christian organizations that help the poor overseas, all of the tears that Christians shed over innocent deaths overseas, all of the facebook posts about praying for people overseas, but often those same mouths condemn any sort of service to people here at home. I’m not saying that any of you who have posted here are like that because I don’t know any of you. You all may be the greatest humanitarians in the country, but, in general, I’ve seen so many Christians support mission trips and charitable giving overseas and other such things, but they won’t so much as donate to a food bank here at home because they believe all American poor are in their positions because they’re lazy. When I think about this, I wonder how can our light shine overseas if it doesn’t shine at home?

    • This post was to ask the question – what are you doing with your freedom to worship as much as to encourage prayer overseas, my friend. Read the post prior to this about a quilt being a life raft and you’ll see there are those just as concerned with the soul down the street as the soul across the sea. Blessings whereever you are.

    • Rositaema says:

      I know what this post was about, and I’m not questioning anything about this post. I just, many times, question the actions of the majority of American Christians because I grew up in poverty in America. It’s hard because the same people that I see encouraging people to give or volunteer for things overseas, to pray for the persecuted, to go on mission trips tell me to my face that they won’t give to food banks or that they support health insurance companies having the right to deny me health coverage(that was said when I had a growth in my lung, and the person knew it). I know that there are people who care about both, but there have been plenty of times when it seems like the majority of Christians don’t. I just wish that there were more people who would post blogs like this AND care about impoverished people in this country, but I’ve seen people share blogs like this and then post about how lazy people in my position must be and how they don’t support any assistance programs. I’m not saying that you do that, but the fact that the person I saw shared this blog is one of those people I described just brings up a lot of emotions. Anyway, as to the original question, I’m actually planning to give up my freedom of religion and move to a country where I’ll have to attend an underground church.

    • I understand the frustration you have with the American church, Rositaema. We say so many stupid things about money and people who are struggling and we sometimes lay a bunch of junk on giving that Jesus didn’t do. God is much more generous than many of His representatives on earth. I’m sorry you’ve had to experience that first hand. I pray God leads you clearly on your future decisions and that He provides for all your needs. I hope others will see your life and follow your example.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think a lot of our charitable spirit has been taken from us here in the US by our government who has taken over the charity business. Also, I believe that many don’t think it’s true mission work unless it’s on foreign soil. We each have our own personal mission field right under our own noses. I wonder how Dennis Rodman feels about his buddy killing the Christians? The only solace I can take from this is knowing that they will be sitting beside Jesus because they did not deny him.

  63. Anonymous says:

    This is happening all over the World these days Christians must indeed pray hard and exalt Jesus in our day to day life and conduct.

  64. Robert says:

    Let’s rejoice with these saints that they have been counted worthy to suffer for the name of Christ and soon will see him face to face. Worthy is the lamb who was slain to receive power and honor and glory forever. Amen.

  65. Jim Swindle says:

    In the 1930’s, my great-grandmother–who had moved to the USA from Russia–warned her American granddaughters, “The day will come in this country when they’ll say, ‘Deny Jesus, or I’ll shoot you!’ I hope that you’ll say, ‘Then shoot me.'” She may or may not have been right in her prediction, but she was right in her advice.

  66. Lisa says:

    We pray for the martyrs of this present day every single morning. I pray for their strength and the presence of God that Stephen experienced as he was martyred. The Body of Christ better wake up. This could be us tomorrow and we would want to know our brothers and sisters in Christ were praying for us. Hebrews says this world is not worthy of these brave Christians and in a sense neither are we in the Western church. Their blood must call us from our complacency! Thank you for sharing!

  67. Anonymous says:

    I had a similar awakening a few years ago when my husband and I began our adoption journey. Coming face to face with the reality of our world’s orphan crisis has made me loose my patience for the things we Christians waste our time and energy on. In a new way it opened my eyes to the emotions Jesus must have felt when he flipped over the tables in the temple.

    These martyrs… the awful reality of 147 million orphans worldwide… these and MANY other things are worth our attention and our outrage. I’ve been so convicted to not waste time or energy arguing over things that do not matter! Thanks for this post.

    PS: I believe the photo you have of people weeping is actually a photo of people weeping over Kim Jong Il’s death. Not wanting to be snarky, but seems like since they are weeping over the death over someone who used his power to GROSSLY violated human rights the photo is illustrating the opposite of what you are trying to portray with your text! Photo source:

    • The photo is of those coerced into weeping over Kim Jong Il’s death out of fear. It’s representative of the oppression of the entire people. There are no photos released related to these who are set for execution as has been mentioned in other comments. Praise God for your adoption journey! God bless.

  68. Great job Lori, posted this on our church’s new CITY internal facebook site. God certainly gets our attention at times now doesn’t He?

  69. Maria Dunn says:

    Thank you Lori. Glad to see someone in my home state of Rhode Island standing up for Jesus and spreading news of those against Him and His people. God bless, Maria

  70. Anonymous says:

    Lord have Mercy, Christ have Mercy, Lord have Mercy.

  71. Sarah Jo says:

    Thank you for this slap in the face. I will be sharing this.

  72. Anonymous says:

    Many in other countries that are hostile to Christians, count it an honor to die for Christ as did the disciples. To have such great faith knowing what you are facing just by saying the Name of JESUS. How I long for the depth of their obedience and faithfulness to CHRIST regardless the cost. then there is us….afraid to be politically incorrect, afraid we may go against what the world says we should allow; afraid to stand up for the ONE who gave HIS life for us. how sad we are. I am praying for boldness of our persecuted brothers and sisters, the courage to stand for what is right even if no one around me is willing. the faith to stand for CHRIST regardless of the consequences. I do pray for my persecuted brothers and sisters, for their safety, hedge of protection and I pray that I could stand as they do and share the gospel as they do. sorry for rambling. Donna Dietsch

  73. May they embrace this cross for the gift that it is, for it comes to them by the loving Hand of God. I pray these souls be brought to perfect contrition and do not despair in their final moments. Only through Christ shall they persevere!

  74. Anonymous says:

    The inhumanity of the North Korean government. Praying that God will lift that dark, satanic cloud from that nation.

  75. Anonymous says:

    On many levels, thank you for this. All I could think of was this song and video with the sermon at the end.

  76. This really breaks my heart…God Bless them! Praying!!

  77. Rev. Spike says:

    We just do not understand here in America, do we?

  78. Anonymous says:

    The Spirit is praying with us with moanings that we have no words for. I do pray that those who witness and execute will know this salvation and will carry on the work of sharing the Gospel.

  79. Anonymous says:

    while my heart breaks that these amazing faithful Christians must endure death for being strong loving people of God, I pray for them as they will sit among angels and the saints and prophets.. we take our freedom for granted and do little to spread God’s word to others in a free country.. Yet, others risk death to do so in a land that forbids Christian freedom.. There are lessons to be learned here.. and I hope they are learned well.. God bless these amazing souls for their love and sacrifice for loving our Lord enough to risk death for him..

  80. Anonymous says:

    I am a pastor of a very small church plant in North Carlina and I have been teaching the past 3 weeks on putting faith in action. i will be ending the series Sunday by reading this blog at the end of my teaching with Luke 10:17-23. Thank you for the slap

    • I am a small time writer from a small town in the smallest state and as of 5 minutes ago, over 166,000 people have read this post from every continent except Antarctica because God had a message to get out. He loves working with those of us who work small. I’ll be praying tomorrow for you and those who receive the message you bring. Let me know what God does. My email is at the top of the blog.

  81. Gma Ma says:

    Walk the talk,oh yes I try daily.,Seldom do I think of a bullet following my steps, but I do think of it once in a while. I know that I know I would be frightened because what I do not know sometimes scares me. But God and Jesus do not scare me, so I would go where I must to follow THEM home afraid for that split second over a bullet or not. I know all of these amazing Christians are rejoicing, and know all that they stood for. Beautifully and honestly written, my gosh how can a person not think after reading this article. Thank you.

  82. Anonymous says:

    You are an inspiration, do not stop writing. God is watching and he is quick to judge atrocities against His people. Those precious saints will see His face. Let this terrible event drive each and every one of us to a greater passion for His work for us.

  83. Kelly Wilson says:

    Not sure what to say. I’ve been slapped. I will pray.

  84. Thank you for sharing this so we can press in more for N. Korea! Very encouraging that their lives are not spent in vain, but that the underground Church continues to grow! Please pray for my family. We are in an area loving people who do not know or welcome Jesus….yet! 🙂

  85. Tom Pethtel says:

    is this picture actually the ones being executed?

    • m.ebekool says:

      “**Please note the news photos used in this post are not related to those who are sentenced to die except to serve as an artistic illustration of the pain of the North Korean people. The Washington Times articles notes the executions are to take place in a secret cell. I have not found photos associated with this most recent execution.”

  86. Tom Pethtel says:

    is this picture actually the ones being executed?

  87. Chrisanna says:

    And according to this article, the missionary who they were helping build these underground churches is the cause for their execution? The missionary was arrested last year and actually came out saying these 33 are trying to overthrow the government??? Or was that a story the press made up? This story is even more tragic if the missionary is the one who ousted them…

    • sasmccurdy says:

      Propaganda is ….propaganda.

    • Harold Combs says:

      I’m not sure what you’ve read, Chrisanna. I read two of the linked articles and watched a video provided with one of them and none of that media correlates with what you’re asking. Where did you read this? Additionally, remember, it’s NK being discussed. Most of the official reports that come out of there propaganda.

  88. Tanmara says:

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  89. Tanmara says:

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  90. Brett Hancock says:

    I noticed one of those who commented to be a former catholic who is now calling God an imaginary being. It is very sad how numerous are people who grow up Catholic end up hating or disbelieving in God. They’re taught not to read the scriptures, and by their hypocritical lethargic and drowsy worship services, influence people to think the Bible is simply another means to appease our conscience. I have been activly reading the earliest Christian writings dating 70-200 AD. I see that the church after becoming a Roman state institution in the early 300s began its demise. New doctrines introduced by Augustine around early 400 AD plummeted it to its current low. Soooo… different to what I hear from Justin Martyr around 150 AD. They twist and claim the “early church fathers” were Catholic simply because the Greek word means universal (one church) as seen in their writings, but they are night and day different.

  91. Tanmara says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Anonymous says:

    thanks for sharing..i’m awakened! i’ll share this..

  93. Anonymous says:

    I would really encourage you to be careful about what you read coming out of DPRK, it is not necessarily reported on correctly. Not saying this didn’t happen (people do get executed there…just like here), but I’ve spent time in DPRK and was surprised to find that what is reported on in our western media is not even close to the reality of the situation or event. I would really encourage you to go there and meet the people and find out that there’s churches there, it’s not as scary or evil or brainwashed or controlled as our media makes it out to be! The people are unfortunately lacking some of the basic comforts we can’t seem to live without…all due to poverty and western sanctions caused by our leadership.

    • Anonymous says:

      Very true, sometimes, provocations conducted by foreign media and foreigners caused even greater problem than it should be. Too many people trust whatever media say without even knowing that there are times when what they (media) say is full of lies. If so, who’s the evil one?
      I am a Christian also, but whenever I see news like this, I will stop and try to check the truth. Too many times the media deceived us. So in my opinion, the best policy is by becoming sceptics and always try to check the truth by myself. If not, then I will just keep it in my mind, not just blurt things out to others. This is what we call gossiping.

  94. Tanmara says:

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  95. Tanmara says:

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  96. Tanmara says:

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  97. Abba's girl says:

    I just read an article on the missionary who was released by North Korea. This is hope for the 33.

  98. Anonymous says:

    Lori, thank you. These are true heroes, and would probably not see themselves as such.

  99. Robb Goodell says:

    Lori, thanks for the article. I’m reminded of how entitled we are here in the free West. It’s funny how in my heart I am wrestling with two righteous, but unequal feelings, the lesser being that it’s sad and inexcusable in this day in age for N.Korea to be doing this to Christians, but the greater being, isn’t the Gospel of Jesus worth this? Yes, I would emphatically say it is. We are so far flung away from a meaningful understanding of Christ and His church here. I pray for the men who were ordered to execute our brothers and sisters, that they would hear and know the truth of the Gospel. God is working in Korea. Praise the Lord for all He is accomplishing.

  100. Anonymous says:

    Only 32, we Muslims are used to 1000’s a month.

    I hope God will grant you patience, and you never see the likes of hatred and persecution Muslims are going through.

  101. Anonymous says:

    I am sorry if I speak from my heart as a Christian. God created everything and He gave man freedom of choice. How do u think he scored in this grand scheme of things? Would u seriously give him an “A” for his perfect plan? I wouldn’t.

  102. Neets says:

    Daniel 12: 2-3 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever (NIV). Praise God.

  103. Anonymous says:

    This has stirred what needed to be stirred in me. Thank for for letting me stumble upon you. Let’s all pray for each other.

  104. C Carson says:

    Tears and prayers…I have a mission committee meeting this morning, where we pray for the persecuted church. I am going to print this and have the committee read it as I won’t be able to get through it without breaking down. Thank you for writing this.

  105. Teary-eyed, convicted and disturbed while reading your post. I will pray

  106. nancy says:

    Heartbreaking! Yes we need to get deeper with Jesus.

  107. Sara says:

    Totally refreshing to see a Female Christian blogger actually talk about this.

  108. Anonymous says:
    This man fights for the persecuted church and is a survivor of persecution himself. Just in case those who don’t have TV would like to follow.

  109. Steve Eveans says:

    Dennis Rodman I Pray You Do Something To Stop This Murder!

  110. Steve Eveans says:

    Dennis Rodman I Pray You Do Something To Stop This Murder!

  111. Tammy says:

    I have just read your post. I will say that I live in South Korea, not even 20 miles from the border with North Korea. Today before I headed to church to worship with my fellow Korean believers, I heard about what North Korea planned to do. I sat in the worship service this morning and it was all I could think about. I sat there as we sang “I Need Thee Every Hour” and all I could think about are those 33. As my fellow Korean believers sang out in worship, I thought about how we have this freedom to go to church and to worship here as we want, just like we do back in the states and yet so close to where we are, there are those that are persecuted for their faith. It was a difficult day for me at church. I have a heavy heart for the North Koreans and today it really hit home.

    • So sad to be so close to where they are and yet separated by such evil forces. May God comfort you, Tammy, and strengthen the church in South and North Korea. We are united in Christ if not on earth. Amen?

  112. Anonymous says:

    “Afraid?” – E.H. Hamilton

    Afraid? Of what?
    To feel the spirit’s glad release?
    To pass from pain to perfect peace,
    The strife and strain of life to cease?
    Afraid? Of that?

    Afraid? Of what?
    Afraid to see the Saviour’s face,
    To hear His welcome, and to trace,
    The glory gleam from wounds of grace,
    Afraid? Of that?

    Afraid? Of what?
    A flash – a crash – a pierced heart;
    Brief darkness – Light – O Heaven’s art!
    A wound of His a counterpart!
    Afraid? Of that?

    Afraid? Of what?
    To enter into Heaven’s rest,
    And yet to serve the Master blessed?
    From service good to service best?
    Afraid? Of that?

    Afraid? Of what?
    To do by death what life could not –
    Baptize with blood a stony plot,
    Till souls shall blossom from the spot?
    Afraid? Of that?

  113. Tammy says:

    I live not even 20 miles from North Korea. I went to church this morning and worshiped with my fellow believers in Christ here in South Korea. My heart was heavy. While we sang “I Need Thee Every Hour”, I thought of those 33. They are so close to us, yet don’t have the freedoms we have. I am so thankful for the freedom to worship as I want here, just like I had back in the states. My heart breaks for the believers to the north.

  114. Precious blood – precious lives. No greater love than this … that one would lay down ones life for ones friend.

  115. Anonymous says:

    My prayers are continuously lifted, for all those around the world. We are assured of God’s promises and his love. I understand with sincerity, we all have our personal views on Religion and it’s place in politics. That’s exactly what these individuals and many persecuted around the world desire and deserve. This is when all people, of all various religions and faiths should come together. We are fortunate to comment our opinions behind the computer. We may not all agree on theology, Christianity or God. But We all can agree on love and peace, which at the end of the day is truly of God. Be encouraged, blessed and thankful for life, our freedom and greatly…to GOD.

  116. Let us go out and proclaim the Gospel to all the world if we truly believe that this is the call upon the christian as they live for the Lord. To confront sin, confound the western christian, and convert the hell-bound sinner.

    Nate –

  117. momtoAAA says:

    Praying for those being slain and persecuted all for Jesus. There is a reason He is called Savior of the world. We in America have such freedom that we can’t even fathom how it must be to live under he rule of a brutal dictator. I pray we never know. However, I do feel that many of us are denomination minded and not KINGDOM minded. Jesus isn’t coming back for a denomination, He is coming back for His church – His bride. I pray that people start having a personal relationship with the Savior and know His teachings, and worry less about the word ‘religion’ and be focused on being like Christ and working for His church, by loving your neighbor as you love yourself. Praying for the presence of the Holy Spirit who are being tortured and persecuted all for the name Jesus. May we all have that unwavering faith they exhibit.


  118. Anonymous says:


  119. ptr5213 says:

    Thank LSR for being an advocate for these people. I write to you to comment on the remarks about the church in America being so complacent and unaffected. The numb cannot feel and the deaf cannot hear, so should we be surprised by our complacency? As you mentioned, these people overseas face persecution to read and hear the Word, whereas many studies confirm a minority of professing believers read the Bible daily, or have read even half the books. Can a person put on the whole armor of God if he has not read it? Are not our churches therefore full of soldiers with no sword?

    I mention this, not as a complaint, but in light of offering a solution. We are called, everyone of us, to make disciples. In “Point to Reading the Bible” I show how older Christians, mature in the faith and their understanding of the Word, can mentor other believers into the understanding and habit of Bible reading. Imagine churches where young people are in relationship with mature adults, blessing each other as the older disciples the younger. How many Christians does anyone know who has actually ever discipled anyone? If Christians in America were obedient to the Great Commission and took on the whole armor of God, imagine the impact it would have in this country, let alone the rest of the world. PTR the Bible is my call to the church to fulfill our mandate to disciple, starting with the church. Thank you for listening.

  120. sasmccurdy says:

    Chrisanna, I came on here to post a comment to the writer but I would like to address your question with a question “You would believe people who would kill 33 people for starting churches?….of course those kind of people would want to create fear of community, fear of trust, and would use their “missionary” to make them feel betrayal. Propaganda is well ‘propaganda’…for their own purposes which are evil. However, this is just a battle in a bigger war. In the end. We win.”

  121. sasmccurdy says:

    Horrible words. Convicting. Thank you.

  122. Lori I lead National Prayer call where we pray for the persecuted church around the world. For sure we will be praying for these 33 precious saints tonight. Our call is open to all. The number is 559.726.1300 access code is 340296#. Call is 8 p.m. Central Time.

    Blaine Scogin
    Persecution Watch

  123. Anonymous says:

    A prayer offered by John Milton in a similar situation: “On the Late Massacre in Piedmont”

    Avenge, O Lord, thy slaughtered saints, whose bones
    Lie scattered on the Alpine mountains cold;
    Even them who kept thy truth so pure of old,
    When all our fathers worshiped stocks and stones,
    Forget not: in thy book record their groans
    Who were thy sheep, and in their ancient fold
    Slain by the bloody Piedmontese, that rolled
    Mother with infant down the rocks. Their moans
    The vales redoubled to the hills, and they
    To heaven. Their martyred blood and ashes sow
    O’er all the Italian fields, where still doth sway
    The triple Tyrant; that from these may grow
    A hundredfold, who, having learnt thy way,
    Early may fly the Babylonian woe.

  124. Anonymous says:

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  125. Anonymous says:

    Please stop making them martyrs – Please note that every time one of the Taliban is killed they call it being a martyr- I don’t want these people to be paged as THAT!!! They have their faith and if they are true to their faith, all will be well for them. Someday the little pig in North Korea will be facing his Maker !!

  126. Anonymous says:

    I agree with the pastor who commented,, “Thank you for the slap.” I will get on my knees right now and pray for these Saints and to give great thanks for my freedom to worship God. This is incredibly moving. Thank you for the post. Jesus is Lord.

  127. Thank you for sharing this, and may we pray that these 33 will be spared, since as far as we can tell this hasn’t yet happened. It may well be that the threat itself is all they really wanted to be reported around the world, although as we know this brutal regime has behaved this way before. In that regard, I’d like to respectfully ask you to post from another source, if possible, since the Washington Times has been known to report untruths in the past. I did go and verify that this story is being reported in other more trustworthy sources. The Washington Times is published by the Unification Church (the “Moonies”) and doesn’t always behave like a newspaper.

  128. shannalehr says:

    “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church” Grieved at this news, but praying that the name of Jesus will be spread through these 33 faithful souls!

  129. Lisa says:

    This was honest, needed, and hard to read, because it shone a BRIGHT light on my walk with God. But I give you a pass because God has been shining that light brightly all month long. Thanks for sharing. Also I would like to share this on my blog Journey Of Thankfulness, would that be okay?

  130. Anonymous says:

    Oh the persecution that still exists! We sit by somewhat quietly, not wanting to be “politically incorrect,” while those who oppose Christ continue to raise their voices even louder. It saddens me that, as was mentioned in the original post, we argue so much over worship styles and property projects while others are losing their lives. Yes it’s true that they had a choice to deny these charges but they stood on their principles and their faith as I hope I would have the courage to do if ever faced with this situation.

    Truth of the matter is, we can argue God’s existence, the truth of the word of God (twisted or not), the truth of the meaning of our existence, and any other useless dialogue but at the end of the day, God still exists, Jesus is alive, and one day we will all stand accountable for our lives. ACCEPT CHRIST AND LIVE OR DENY HIM AND SUFFER ETERNALLY. Although that seems backwards in our culture today, it is the way, the truth, and the life that sets us free….JESUS!

  131. Lisa says:

    This was honest, needed, and hard to read. Because it shone a BRIGHT light on my walk with God. However, I give you a pass because God has been shining that light brightly for the past couple of months. Thanks for writing this. Also could I re-post this on my blog page journeyofthankfulness,

  132. This guts me on all levels! So, 33 of my family members are dead……. 🙁

  133. Nolin Modokh says:

    this is really breaking my heart

  134. Anonymous says:

    As long as they’re still breathing, let’s keep praying for a miracle!

  135. I will join with you and PRAY. I will use my voice and my light to share the love of Jesus with others, no matter what it costs me.
    Thank you for writing this.
    Blessings to you,

  136. I don’t know if my brothers and sisters are alive but I am praying for the others all around the world whose faith is being threaten

  137. Anonymous says:

    If it takes a story about people of your religion being executed to open your eyes to the horrors in North Korea then either you didn’t bother to look into it until Christianity was involved or you literally care about human life more if it is more similar to you. Well, I suppose if previously you had mostly been concerned about exactly how similar or dissimilar people near you are in their beliefs, morals, and interpretations, perhaps this has at least done you some good.

  138. Wisdom Isaac says:

    What a slap! I am awoken by this slap, you have put it in such a way to help me realize that my faith was no joke. I need to pray, I need to stand tall for Christ, I need to reach out more. May God comfort their families. As for these 33 who will be made to enter into the sweet rest of our God almighty in glory, Christ awaits you with arms wide open. And we will continue your work here no matter what! Your North Korea is the Lord’s and He will surely posses it. Amen

  139. Terry Haley says:

    Hebrews 11:35 “Others were tortured, not accepting deliverence, that they might obtain a better resurrection”

  140. Fra says:

    yes our only hope is you Lord Jesus, help us to walk in the Light of the lord, thanks for sharing this, praying now for all who love the Lord in N.K

  141. Anonymous says:

    I’ll pray for these dear brothers and sisters in Christ as they face the final moments in this life and pray they will know that the moment their earthly life finishes their heavenly one begins. Face to face with the Saviour, and I’ll pray that I too will know how to die for Christ if it ever comes to it, and from what I hear and read it is not an imposibility. I pray that their families will be comforted and provided for by the God of love. I praise the name of Jesus Christ in everything I do and every word he gives me to speak. May Kim Jong be pulverised by the Holy Spirit and brought to his knees even as the Apostle Paul who used to be Saul was. Blessings to the Church in N Korea and all who face persecution in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in that most precious name this is written and my prayers will be offered.Praise the God of true Salvation. Amen.In Christ we have the Victory!……

  142. Bless you all for opening your hearts and minds and being willing to be moved. Now, moved to what? What are we to do? Pray! YES! Prayer is action. Inhabit our freedom and work to further God’s Kingdom where we are. YES! Is there anything we can do for the 33? Why aren’t the major news stations covering this story? Can we reach out to them to ask why?

  143. Anonymous says:

    Another great book is Richard Wurmbrand’s autobiography, Tortured For Christ.” He founded Voice of the Martyrs. He spent 14 horrific years in a Romanian communist prison. I read this book as a new believer many years ago, it profoundly changed my Christian walk.

  144. Anonymous says:

    I am tired of the arguments that more have died because of Religion than other causes….frankly, its usually Christianity that prompts people to sacrifice their human right to their own life for the sake of another’s life. Christians were the loudest critics of slavery, take a look at governments functioning in the absence of the Christian values and see what they do with human rights…Lenin, Stalin, Mao….millions slaughtered, in the absence of the belief that we are each precious in Gods eyes, regardless of how you pray to Him, there is cold, government sponsored slaughter of the faithful…they alone challenge the premise that Government is God…who do you think that Korean leader thinks he is? God. just sayin. granted, religion has been used by the evil to promote their own agendas…but I’d take my chances with a real Christian over an atheist any day, when the guns are blazing.

  145. Anonymous says:

    God loves you. God loves Hitler. God loves Kim Jung-Un.

  146. Truly convicted. So many of our brothers and sisters are in this situation as we speak. Lord God… How much longer? Revenge the blood of our family.. Protect them Jesus.. Walk through this with them. We are so fortunate here in the US… For how much longer though? When will we face a similar fate? Let us remain on our knees.. Let us move past this petty stuff and get to the heart of the matter…

  147. Truly convicted. So many of our brothers and sisters are in this situation as we speak. Lord God… How much longer? Revenge the blood of our family.. Protect them Jesus.. Walk through this with them. We are so fortunate here in the US… For how much longer though? When will we face a similar fate? Let us remain on our knees.. Let us move past this petty stuff and get to the heart of the matter…

  148. Bruce Angelo says:

    Bruce Angelo
    4 minutes ago via HootSuite ·
    “ they poured out the blood of saints and prophets, Thou hast given them blood to drink. They deserve it. Rev 16:6 Gods judgements are true

  149. Anonymous says:

    It’s a terrible thing that these ppl are being executed because of their poison to serve Christ, our Lord and Savior. Yet praise God, they fought a good fight and will be in glory soon.

    In my opinion, if the USA keeps progressively getting worse, those of us which follow Christ Jesus will have to worship underground also. With all the political correctness going around and associations suing ppl, schools, businesses, etc for praying in public or carrying a Bible. It’s a sad world all around.

  150. We prayed for our brothers and sisters in N. Korea today from the stage at our small Baptist Church in El Cajon, California…because of your post that made us more aware. Thank you, Lori. May God continue to bless you as you bless others. <3

  151. luvsiesous says:


    The slaughter of Christians around the world reminds me, we live in an evil world. North Korea is one corner of the evil.


  152. Fuzzball says:

    He has killed thousands of people, some are Christian. He has killed family members including children. Thousands of people have been sent to “re-education” camps. We don’t even know if the 33 people that were ordered killed were Chirstians. They had contact with a Christian missionary.
    He is killing people some who happen to be Christian. The murder of people with different persuasions are just as important and reprehensible.

  153. Linda Young says:

    God bless you for sharing this vital information. I pray for those Christians who are being persecuted and killed for their faith, and the families they leave behind. We take our freedom of religion for granted here, and I’m glad you shared the uncomfortable truth of what is happening in N. Korea. I had no idea.
    I pray God will use me too, that others will see Jesus in me.

  154. Tears streaming. Please Lord help them, please. Thank you, my sweet, Jesus. Tears. Bless their families, I pray………………

  155. Am I living 100% devoted to God?

  156. Am I living 100% devoted to God?

  157. Am I living 100% devoted to God?

  158. Anonymous says:

    Man. and I’m just sitting here taking this all in. All i can do for them is pray and let papa handle it. :'(

    I pray for peace during this storm for our brothers and sisters in NK. Thank you Lord for everything.

    Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (matt. 5:10)

  159. Anonymous says:

    Wonderfully written article.
    So much so that someone else copied it and didn’t cite you as the source. I don’t know if you allowed them to use it and they just forgot or if someone is trying to steal credit for something so well written, but I sent them a comment to let them know they forgotten credit the original author, 🙂

  160. Anonymous says:

    Wow. This is going to be in my thoughts. So glad I can worship Jesus whenever.

  161. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for this post. I am sharing it in my FB group In Necessariis Unitas to inform as many as I can. Powerful words above. My ancestry is Chinese and I have relatives who have suffered persecution under the Communists. If anyone divulged information leading to the identification of the 33, be assured it was information acquired under the utmost duress. We in America cannot even begin to comprehend the extent of cruelty and evil such regimes routinely employ to enforce their hold on power. I won’t go into details here about what they do – it is beyond understanding – but we should be careful not to judge too quickly or harshly those in positions of risk. – Andrew

  162. Hope says:

    I’m disturbed and unsettled by this. God has been really wrecking me as I realize how much I do nothing in terms of His kingdom. You are right. We cannot feel guilty about where we are placed in this world, but we can be moved to action. Your post and the Holy Spirit stirred up some ramblings of my own.

  163. Tolu Osoba says:

    Most times we don’t appreciate what we have; we are carried away by the things/situations around us that we forget what other people are going through just because they are Christians. We need to understand and be grateful to God that as Christians we can walk and talk freely about Christ.
    we must continually pray for fellow Christians in such situations.

  164. AJ says:

    Romans 14:8 – for if we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord; therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.

  165. Donna says:

    Lori, Thank you so much for sharing this and bringing it up to us. I pray the Lord will convict us to pray and to stay aware of what our Christian family is suffering overseas and at home too. I just followed you because I feel and hear the Lord speaking through you. I happened to write on the actual news article from which you got your picture. And have added a link here if you would be interested in reading it. The Lord was really convicting me of our need to pray for them.. and to take a realistic look at ourselves.. What would we do in their shoes? I have never advertised my blog on anyone’s site in the entire year I have been writing and didn’t want to do so here. If after you get the link and if you would like to read the article go ahead. But please feel free to delete my comment or block it as normal blogging etiquette is not to leave links on other people’s blogs. I just wanted you to have the link. You are the first Christian blog I’ve thought–yes I want to read and follow this. I don’t have a lot of spare time. 🙂 Here’s the post if you’d like to have it. Thank you for sharing the things the Lord is putting on your heart. I am glad to see so many people being moved and convicted as a result of your writing. Blessings, Donna

  166. Anonymous says:

    This news is tough to swallow. How can we as Christians not feel compassion for these 33 and their families? Yet, as I process this news, I’m tempted to revile and hate Kim Jong-un, but I quickly realize that’s not what Jesus calls me to do. Kim Jong-un is lost, and he is to be pitied because of his spiritual condition. No, let’s not make excuses for his vile actions, but the reality is he is lost. How I want to point him to the truth of Romans 13:1-5, to tell him that these Christians are called upon to be role model citizens, and for that reason alone he should encourage the practice of their faith. But we’re not battling logic here or flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places (Eph. 6:12).

  167. grandmaamy says:

    Thank you for this thought provoking post.

  168. Anonymous says:

    Most Christians I hear they say: “Grace is how we operate in the new covenant. Law is how they operated in the old covenant and we don’t have to observe the Sabbath because it’s just a day and not part of the moral law which it is in our hearts, so we are free of the old covenant and free of the law….. ” OK, to start with this subject let me explain you something we the people who keep the Sabbath (the 4th of the 10 commandments of God) we don’t keep this laws because we fear God the same way it was done in the old covenant, we are not afraid something bad it’s gonna happen if we don’t observe the 10 Commandments….. That was the Old Covenant!! Why we observe the law? We do observe the law because we LOVE our God, we are under His Grace so God’s love it’s in our hearts and we freely have chosen to observe His commandments voluntarily…. so I repeat myself, we are free men of God who are under His Grace and who we are now living free of the law not under the Law, but we still observe His laws because we love Him and we love Him because He loved us first….. Let me rephrase it, we know that God loves us and we are not afraid of God like in the old covenant because Jesus had painted us with his blood making our sins invisible to God, so this is why we know he is our only Father and Creator and He will love us no matter what…. no matter what we do or how much sin we had in our lives…. in other times like in the old Covenant ( before Jesus time ) we fear God because we knew that “the wage of sin is death but now we know that the gift of god is eternal life….” So if we observe the law it’s because God told us in John 14:15 “If ye love me, keep my commandments” so we are now free men who love our God our Creator (Jehovah) and do keep His commandments.

  169. Do I have your permission to reblog this article on our missions website

  170. All should be ready at any time, this could happen here in the USA. Matter a fact many have been lynch for less by so called white christian believers so this is very trouble and my heart goes out to the families. Be we have been studying and believing for us to give our all for the cause of the gospel, now we need to get out of the church more and reach the dying world and be ready and willing to actually die for the gospel as all early church saints did without fear.

  171. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for bringing this to light. Will be in prayer for them and their families and all North Korean believers.

  172. Anonymous says:

    I doubt if the news is real because the policemen wore Chinese uniform in 1980s while the picture quality is something like after 2000.

  173. Thank you for that poignant reminder! I hope you don’t mind me sharing this on Facebook. I unite my prayers with yours for God’s will and grace for those who have served him so recklessly! Great is their reward in heaven!!

  174. Tanmara says:

    ***(33)*** The number certainly is symbolic!!!

    Deeds, Words and then Prayer are the order in which we (mankind) need to live together in this world in order to make the difference.

    Deeds: Charity for ALL who are in need, not just for your relatives and friends!!!

    Words: Love for ALL, for ALL are GOD’S creatures, and no one should speak to another without love, for everyone (good and bad) is loved by GOD, and ALL should live by LOVE and let GOD alone be judge and jury. LOVE YOUR ENEMY, AMEN

    Prayer: What good is prayer without the other two (Deeds and Words)? One can pray forever, yet be empty of deeds and good words for ones’ neighbor.

    We must consider how we are living in this world united with Christ. These 33 soon to be martyrs are a living example of Christ, and this unites us as Christians? Why? Why do we always wait until the dollar falls short to follow Christ? Why must it be lives taken (abortion) rather than lives given (These 33 martyrs), for us to unite? Are tyrants really the problem or is this world being shaken by GOD before the judgement years are upon us?

    The Divine Mercy doors of Christ are still wide open for us giving us the grace to mitigate between life (heaven) and death (hell).

    I am ready Christ whenever YOU are!!! Come Jesus Come, AMEN

  175. Barb Mills says:

    If Christians sacrificing their lives helps spread the gospel, and you consider your life here temporary, I don’t understand why people are upset. The first statement being the goal of every christian, and the second statement being the reason it doesn’t matter. Both of those good things, right? And no one should be “shocked” a communist dictator is killing anyone, especially people blatantly defying him. I can’t wrap my brain around any of the “logic” here. One of the gazillion reasons I’m not a christian anymore. I’m very sorry for your loss. But seriously????

  176. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for your BLOG. I have posted a link on my Facebook page with the following written:

    I’m thankful for the freedom to practice my faith but I cannot say that westerner’s are without persecution. I think if persecution was as obvious as it is in North Korea you would see many more zealous for their Faith. We suffocate our faith by believing we are free and in the process fervency dies, complacency and apathy take over, and faith becomes religion, religion becomes tradition, and tradition becomes fairytale. As much as I mourn the human rights issue, I am thankful for 33 people who are willing to say “No” to renouncing their beliefs. You have to wonder if 33 people could be accused of believing to such a point that warrants death on North American soil. I wish these 33 souls a speedy journey to receive the ultimate prize, and peace that only He brings for those that mourn their loss.

  177. Anonymous says:

    God bless you for your ministry and obedience to His call! I enjoyed this reminder to be so thankful for our freedom to worship and never take for granted as well as to remember to pray for those suffering persecution.

  178. Praying for all 33 souls, and their families. God Bless them.
    God will have the last say in this, whatever the outcome is.
    He will be the Final Judge.

  179. Rebecca says:

    1 Peter 3:17. For it is better, if God should will it so, that you suffer for doing what is right rather than for doing what is wrong.

    God give them peace!

  180. MartinL says:

    I am decided to follow Jesus. No turning back.

  181. May the sngels of the Lord encamp around the and give them courage as they love not their lives even unto death. #persecuted church

  182. May the sngels of the Lord encamp around the and give them courage as they love not their lives even unto death. #persecuted church

  183. Anne says:

    I read this article in the same week that I did not attend Ash Wednesday mass because it was movie night or go to Mass on Sunday because it was daylight savings. I am embarrassed by my selfishness and laziness because I know that these are not the first 33 to be killed because of their unwavering faith. I know that they will not be the last and I will probably find another excuse on Sunday morning. I stumbled upon your blog as it was posted on facebook and I know that it was there for me to see, that this is a gentle prod to remind me that freedom of worship is a gift given to me by untold numbers like these 33 North Koreans. And even though this story is about religious persecution, it is not very different from someone persecuted for seeking an education or employment or just the opportunity to live a peaceful life.

  184. heavenbound says:

    Lord come quickly!

  185. I didn’t read through all the comments, but I do want to remind everyone that in addition to praying for those 33 and those that love them, we are called to pray for the NK leadership as well. Thanks for bringing this to our attention Lori.

  186. Anonymous says:

    When’s the last time that this page did a story on how Christians in multiple countries are murdering people for stuff like being gay, not being a Christian, being in a relationship with a non-Christian? Never? Didn’t think so.

  187. Pearl says:

    I hear that a crowd called Open Doors and Christian Solidarity Worldwide do a lot to help christians in North Korea and worldwide including freeing slaves in Southern Sudan while most other people simply talk and sell lots of headlines. CSW and OD practically help those persecuted going as far as feeding them and practically helping them in many ways. Do please consider financially supporting them. Then you can be part of the practical helping rather than being part of just another talk show with nothing to show for it. Have a wonderful day and blessings to you all.

  188. andreak says:

    Thank you for your fresh perspective and for the reminder that God is still on the throne.

  189. “Remember those who are imprisoned, as if you are imprisoned with them. Call those to mind who are afflicted, as if you are the people who wear their bodies.”
    -Hebrews 13:3 (The Original Aramaic New Testament in Plain English)

  190. Pray for Kim Jong Un, the dictator of North Korea, that Christ’s light will shine down on him, as it did on Saul of Tarsus who was a murderer of Christians on his way to Damascus Syria to murder more believers. “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”, Jesus said. Saul was immediately changed from Saul the murderer of Christians to Paul the Apostle of Christ. Pray fervently and in the faith of Paul and of Christ Himself. God will do this today as He did then. “Remember those who are imprisoned, as if you are imprisoned with them. Call those to mind who are afflicted, as if you are the people who wear their bodies.” Heb. 13:3 Pray as if your life depends on it, because it does!

  191. Leah Kwok says:

    This makes me realize how easy I have it here. It stirs my heart so greatly, breaks my heart but I feel that call of the Spirit of God in me to be bolder, to live a life that displays Him even more and in a way greater than what I have been doing lately. Thanks for sharing this.

  192. Anonymous says:

    These people losing their lives is terribly horrifically tragic.

    But this is an example of North Koreans being persecuted, it’s myopic and disingenuous to use this as an example of “Christians being persecuted!!”.

    It makes Christianity look selfish and foolish for this to be separated from the extensive crimes against humanity that regularly take place in North Korea and presented as though this persecution is somehow focused against Christians rather than the reality that it’s one among many many groups that are equally persecuted.

  193. Anonymous says:

    Moral of the story and the thing that Christians just don’t get. Stop preaching!!! They broke the law in that country. You can’t go forcing your beliefs on others and then cry when they force their laws on you. Stay in your wee churches and pray amongst yourselves and leave the rest of the world alone. Your hypocrisy sickens me.

  194. Esther says:

    Thank you. Remember Jerusalem. Remember Hitler run Europe. Remember those in chains. A new day will dawn when Christ returns to rule in Righteousness. Wrongs will one day be made right. He came the first time to die for our sins as Suffering Servant. He is coming again to rule as King. Every eye will see Him, every heart confess that He IS Lord to the glory of God The Father.

  195. Esther says:

    Thank you. Remember Jerusalem. Remember Hitler run Europe. Remember those in chains. A new day will dawn when Christ returns to rule in Righteousness. Wrongs will one day be made right. He came the first time to die for our sins as Suffering Servant. He is coming again to rule as King. Every eye will see Him, every heart confess that He IS Lord to the glory of God The Father.

  196. hollytashley says:

    Amazing. Thank you Lori for reminding everyone of what is really important. Our mission is simply beginning.

  197. Thank you for sharing this Lori. I will post this to our church’s Facebook page so that we can keep N.Korea and other martyrdom countries in prayer. I am deeply convicted and broken over this. Papa God ~ have mercy! We are desperate for you!

  198. Anonymous says:

    I’m aware of this and it is horrible. That’s why I laugh when I hear “Christians” complaining about how they are being persecuted and discriminated against in the United States. Maybe when we close schools and government offices for Hanukah and Ramadan and Kwanza, like we do for Christmas, you can talk about “discrimination”.

  199. -c-h-i-e says:

    thank you for sharing this post, shaking my soul and reminding me to pray fervently…

  200. Anonymous says:

    Very powerful but this is not going to save them or change anything if you blog about it and dont do anything why dont you do something get off your asses help them or join them in this tragedy. I think god would say that is your mission

  201. Anonymous says:

    I am personally convicted for so many things conveyed in this blog, the least not being my passive and sporadic prayers for those who suffer for the cause Christ. Things start changing TODAY.

  202. Seong Jin Kim says:

    I am so moved by the fact that there are still many Christian brothers and sisters in the oppposte part of the world, who are interested in and praying for underground Christians in the northern half of my nation.
    I also do believe in the words we speak on our knees.
    Please continue to pray that the Christians in North Korean, facing as severe persecutions as in the Early Church, will continue to have courage and faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord.

  203. Rick Jass says:

    This has made me think so much this week. My prayer is that acts like these, slavery, etc. give me perspective, urge me to prayer and action, not towards despair or complacency.

  204. Anonymous says:

    I think I’ve just found my call to worship for this weekend. I hope a whole lot more of us get slapped as a result.

  205. Anonymous says:

    I am horrified and humbled .
    I personally know someone who recently died for his faith,If you asked His family and friends if he knew that He would die standing for Jesus would he have done it differently,the answer would be no. Jesus paid it All to All to Him we owe.

  206. Patty Sumner says:

    Wow Lori! You really got attention for this one.. I applaude your “live out Loud” post! I found you via Facebook.. your post was a staus for a young lady who we ministered to through addiction… she came to know Jesus and has lived a powerful life of faith.. Yes, even here in American there are those who are bound by the chains of lifetaking issues… gotta be Jesus wherever we are.. however God leads us to….via a powerful blog post..or selling all we have to buy a home that houses women in show them Jesus.. It is time the church stepped out…that we put ourselves in places that only God can come through.. why does the church in America fail to see the manifest Glory of God….we are so caught in routine…we do not allow God to put us in places that requires the power of God to come through…I applaude your boldness!!! Lord knows in America we need to speak truth against “religiousity”! It is totaling destroying the church in America.. I am your newest follower…Please come by for a visit and follow along with me.. I would love to keep up with how God leads you heart… Blessings My Friend!

  207. Lady Di says:

    With everything going on globally, I scrolled through all comments and finished surprised that no one was struck by the fact that the number of these precious believers was 33-the same number of years our Lord and Saviour, Jesus, the Christ, walked the earth.
    No matter what the reason officially given (fictional or otherwise) these people are secretly being martyred for their faith. They have passed the baton on, let us pray for those that rise up to take their place in the work of evangelism, as well as their families & friends!

  208. Anonymous says:

    Why is this a surprise? If people “need” this to remind themselves of their Christianity, they are NOT Christian! Jesus said this over and over this is going to happen and if a true Christian is reading this they are sad for the people and their families but also rejoice that they will be with our Lord soon and have an understanding that this is going to happen. If you are caught up in this so-called Americanized Christianity, this story will not be understandable. Better read His word and see what to expect. These days are coming to America fast. Where are you going to be when the storm hits? If someone holds a gun to your face and tells you to deny Jesus Christ, are you going to be terrified at the gunman or rely on the Holy Spirit to carry you through to the end? Go to the firing line with joy? People here better start realizing what God’s word actually says and not what gets preached in most so-called churches today!

  209. Anonymous says:

    Need US Navy seal to hunt down this evil Kim Jong Un, no one should take other human’s life.

  210. Deborah says:

    God has been building a fire in my belly for years and I am humbled and honored to see how far He is taking those 33 sisters and brothers of mine which I can only claim thru the blood of Jesus. May the peace that passeth all understanding envelop those dear ones and may God build our fires ferociously so that God is glorified!!! despite he that would try and stand against the Most Holy One!!

  211. Unknown says:

    I enjoy what you had to say, Lori!
    How has your faith since manifested into tangible action toward the situation in Korea?

  212. God bless you all for your comments, your prayers, your rigorous debate. Seek God’s face and ask Him for an assignment. Then, do it, in Jesus’ name. Go in the strength you have. Don’t stop praying for our persecuted brothers and sisters until we’re all safely home.

  213. Anonymous says:

    They will be martyrs for their Faith – may they rest in the arms of Jesus! Amen!

  214. Anonymous says:

    Oh God the creator of the whole universe,come quick and show the world that you are God ,show that you made all things and as well above all things,show the world your power ,as you are the beginning and and end of science,cause the world to realize whom you are.

  215. Anonymous says:

    I will be on my knees today and further. Thank you for making me aware. These 33 will see their Lord. Crowns will abound, at Jesus’ feet.

  216. Susan says:

    Will you please post an update if you hear any further reports on these 33? It’s obviously difficult to find this in the news! Thank you for all of your posts. The Lord has been using them to get my focus back in the right place.

    • Susan, you can watch the box just under the subscriber box on the blog for links to news updates. From what I’m learning, the 33 to be executed are the small tip of a large iceberg. There are estimates that 50-70,000 Christian North Koreans are laboring in forced labor camps. See Open Door, Voice of the Martyrs for up dates or click on the links above. The UN Human Rights Committee will have a hearing on the human rights violations on Monday, 3/17.

  217. Jessica says:

    Thank you for these beautiful words.

  218. Anonymous says:

    And anyone here believe he wasn’t tortured to say that they were trying to overthrow the NK government or believe the NK’s who kill without conscience would lie about anything.
    When are people going to realize the USA is Disneyland compared to the reality of the rest of the world.
    Don’t people know that evil rules this world til Christ comes back to chain evil for a time.
    We should ask why our government won’t stand for these 33 folks. Don’t we know these things are posted to our national ledger with Christ. If God did not withhold judgement from Israel when they went astray, why do we think we, as a nation, will fair any better for what we do.
    If you think these 33 Christians have it bad, and they do.What will those, who believe in Christ, who will face death in the tribulation to come, have to witness.
    Don’t think it’s fair for a loving God to do all this?Remember we rejected God first, yet He still paid the blood price for every soul ever to be born.
    There will be some that read this blog of these Christians, who will envy these 33. It’s written” that in those days to come, people will seek death and death will flee from them.”
    Pray that God’s will be done

  219. STAN THOMAS says:

    Today at 7:35 AM

    Thousands of people are executed or otherwise murdered in the DPRK every year. Why are these 33 so special? Just because they belong to the same cult you do? Based on the following text from your book, I doubt that your Jesus would approve :

    “If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that?” (Matt. 5:46, NIV)

    This post is thoughtless and does but reveal your arrogant and dangerous mindset.

    • Praying God’s blessing on you today, stan_thomas99. All the souls executed and oppressed in North Korea are precious to and loved by Jesus and His followers. This post simply highlighted a hand full. This handful has been able to draw attention to the rest.