
There Are Men Too Gentle to Live Among Wolves

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There are men too gentle to live among wolves, who anoint them for burial with greedy claws,
And murder them for a merchant’s profit and gain.”

This is a line from one of my favorite poems, written by Jack Kavanaugh.

We live in a world run by wolves. It’s small wonder our young people idolize vampires, gladiators, and iron men. This is the age of Darwin’s children all grown up and striving to be the fittest so they will be the ones who survive.

There is small mercy for the weak or for those who fall behind. There is only an anemic hope for the fragile or the meek. Sheep don’t stand a chance.

That’s why Noah is my hero.

Noah lived in a time of such violence and evil that God was compelled to destroy all life on earth. The earth, so soaked with the lifeblood of a thousand Ables, that God’s go-to plan was to wash it clean with a flood.

In the midst of these thugs, brigands, and God-haters, lived a man who maintained a righteous life, despite the odds against him.

When it was time for the rain to fall, God said to Noah: “Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation.” Genesis 7:1

What an amazing epitaph for any life: “to be found righteous in this generation.”

It’s hard to live a righteous life – choosing to do the moral thing in all situations. Harder still, impossible even, when surrounded by people who reject righteousness and, instead, embrace immorality – lies, gossip, greed, hatred, lust, and revenge.

What hope do any of us have in this age? What hope do our children have?

Only One.


There is a way for a lamb to survive in a valley ruled by wolves – remain close to a good shepherd.

I stink at scripture memorization but it’s a new year and so I’m trying again. My verse for this week is from Psalm 55:22 “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you, he will never let the righteous be shaken.” (Day four and I still couldn’t type it without checking!)

This is not a verse for wolves and iron men who survive by fang and clanging sword. This is a verse for defenseless sheep, who live by faith as they venture through the dark valley listening to growls in the dark.

We can be found righteous in this generation, through faith in this great shepherd. Paul explains it this way:

“But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” Romans 3:21-24

Through a relationship with Jesus, we can be the Noah’s of our generation, our children can ride in the ark of His grace, and we can find protection from flood and fang.

It is a dark and dangerous valley in which we walk, loved ones, but we don’t walk alone. Stay close to the shepherd in the New Year and you won’t need to join the pack of wolves who rule the day.

A new day comes . . .

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    The Conversation

  1. Great thought! You’re a great writer.

  2. Praise God we’re not alone among the wolves!