
So, God Hijacked My Quiet Time

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porch-1034405_640I show up for my morning time with God.

I bring along my coffee and my anxiety while He brings, well, He brings Himself, which should be plenty but you know I’ll be asking for more. Which goes to show how much I need this time and how polluted I am from the world so I’m tempted to be ashamed but with one look, He reminds me that Jesus is the reason I’m invited to this relationship and isn’t the cross enough to silence all my shame? So, I let it.

We sit quietly for a moment which is more than I can stand so I begin to fill the air by letting Him know how worked up I am about recent headlines.

He gets all quizzical looking, like He doesn’t know what I’m talking about. I huff a little because, He knows very well what headlines disturb my spirit because He knows everything but He’s acting as if He is unaware of the terrorism, the politics, and the cultural disintegration of the day so I spot a lesson heading in my direction and it brings out my peevish side.

“You know what I’m talking about. Don’t pretend you don’t.” I say, taking a sip of black coffee. “Plus, it’s Your idea for me to love the world and here I am coming to You with my concern for the world, hoping we can love it together and You’re all acting like the headlines aren’t even on Your radar!”

He chuckles but not in a condescending way like an older relative but like a friend who knows you very well when you’re just being completely who you are without hiding. “Do you really think I’d let the producers at CNN or FOX dictate our time together? Do you think that’s how I manage the planet, by checking in with the big three each morning before sunrise as if they could tell me something? Can you imagine that there are even greater headlines than they care to cover and that I, in fact, have the inside scoop on the real news of the day?

And since spending time with Him every day for almost a lifetime has had some effect, I take another sip of coffee and ask Him to go on.

“I warned you of these headlines long ago. “For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray.” Is this not the cultural disintegration over which you fret? The watering down of the truth? The compromise of the church? Did I not know this was coming and didn’t I plan your birth for this time and this place? Will I not equip you for it if you ask?”

I feel something inside me settle and I notice a cardinal flitting from bush to branch. I marvel at his brilliant color and scan the brush for his camouflaged mate. “That was such kind planning,” I remark to the Almighty, and He nods, enjoying His own creation and my appreciation of it.

He’s not done with His lesson. “And when I told you that ‘you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet.’ Do you think I didn’t know that war comes with brutality and genocide? Or did you think I wasn’t serious in commanding you not to be alarmed?”

“You’re telling me to be calm about all of this?”

I’m telling you not to fret. Of course, I want you to be aware. You’re my child, with my heart, so of course you hurt with those who hurt. As I call you to act, I want you to act. But you must learn an important lesson from my Son.”

“Which is?”

“Jesus never let the headlines of the day drive His agenda. Read the gospel again. The religious leaders, the Zealots, even the lambs He came to save, all brought to Him their headlines but He consistently refused to stray from Mine. He knew that the evil one’s primary strategy is to distract humanity from My will and you are infinitely distractible.”

I track the black shadow of a red hawk as he circles my yard seeking prey. As he comes into view, I gasp at his beauty and the power in his wings. A deeper calm settles into my spirit and I remember what I already know. “Jesus said, ‘I can do nothing on my own.’” This is what He meant, isnt’ it? He consulted with You on everything – every plan, every spoken word, every touch, every answer.”

He nods and leaves me to my thoughts.

I think about the times into which Jesus was born. The Romans were ruling terrorists. Women were being kidnapped and raped. Children were slaughtered by the sword at Jesus’ birth. Men were deluded into worshiping kings as gods. Jesus walked beneath the shadow of the coming cross but those headlines didn’t rule Him because He was not subject to the reign of this world.

And neither am I.

“So, what do I do?” I ask Him.

“This. Absolutely this. Tell me what’s causing your alarm. Remember what I have told you in my Word. Listen carefully for my voice. Refuse to fall prey to Satan’s plan. Let me settle your spirit. Then be about the work I’ve given you where you are. There are battles to be fought on your doorstep. That is enough until I call you to do more.”

A mourning dove coos from the catalpa and a hare skitters across the walk. A thought brings light to my mind and to my spirit.

“You’ve answered my prayer!” I cry.

“Which prayer?” He asks.

Your kingdom come. Here it is. It is come to this place where we sit. You reign here and I am subject to no one but You. Jesus has truly set me free.”


I care about us connecting in this place so be sure to stop by to learn who I am and then let me know more about you! Has God hijacked your quiet time lately? Tell us about it.

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    The Conversation

  1. Elizabeth says:

    Thank you for faithfully writing! I don’t always comment but I read your posts.
    I am a writer of sorts, and your work encourages me to keep on blogging.
    May the Lord bless you and your family.

    “Thus God, determining to show more abundantly to the heirs of promise the immutability of His counsel, confirmed it by an oath, that by two immutable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we might have strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope set before us. This hope we have as an ANCHOR of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil, where the forerunner has entered for us, even Jesus, having become High Priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.”

    Hebrews 6:17-20

  2. Some of my favorite things I like about your writing are:
    the honesty, the vulnerability, the scenery, the sensitivity to the Spirit, the Truth, the humility, and the way you provide wonderful descriptions in a ‘build up’ explanation and then use a short, simple, straight forward statement to put the bow on the top.
    You are so forthright and articulate I can hardly stand it. 🙂

  3. Maxine D says:

    Thank you for this blog entry – I had been struggling in my walk of late, partially because I had been distracted by a nasty attack on my character by somebody using the name anonymous… Thankfully I was reminded to bind the situation, as well as blessing the individual as I was already doing – this bought a palpable breakthrough in the spirit, and with that, and your thought provoking words I am refreshed and challenged.
    And no, God is never surprised, or distracted – thankfully!

  4. Diane Johnson says:

    Hi Lori, I don’t even remember how I came across your blog but I’m happy and thankful I did. I’m delighted to be able to share it via email or Facebook with friends. Thanks for the “edification, exhortation and comfort” – you and your writing are greatly appreciated. It might make you smile to know that it took me awhile to realize what (and who, namely me) you meant by disturbing “Hobbits” – but now that I know, well, I plan to keep reading. Lord bless you and your dear ones.