
My Father Has Gone Home

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My father died at 2:16 am on Wednesday this week after four years battling liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. He fully enjoyed most of the past four years until the illness truly took its toll. He and I were able to spend hours and hours together through this time. It may be a couple of weeks before I have anything inspirational to write new here. I’ll spare you a long tribute to my dad in the wake of my grief, except to say this.

My father was like all of us – equally capable of making grievous choices or heroic choices. There are stories of both to tell about him. His life is a wonderful example of why we leave the sorting of a person’s days to God and why we all so desperately need Jesus.

I am deeply grateful and comforted by the fact that my father did, mid-life, renew a relationship with Jesus that began when he was young, but that had endured a long interruption. He relied on Jesus for his salvation and now I am relieved that he’s free and onto the greatest adventure that is eternity.

I will miss him until I’m home again, too. He was my father and had become one of my closest friends. Here is a link to a video his firefighters created to celebrate his 50th year as fire chief (He served 51 years as chief and was a firefighter from the age of 16. Except for a stint in the Marines, Dad served in the fire service all his days. He retired at 79 and died at age 83.), and a link to the obituary my mother wrote for him.

You know I’m in the midst of launching my new book, The Art of Hard Conversations: Biblical Tools for the Tough Talks that Matter. My father was a stickler for keeping up with the work no matter what else was happening, so he’d be annoyed with me if I didn’t at least try this week.

I’ll leave you with these two short clips (thank you, Flannel Media) from my interview with Rev. Rabbi Eric Walker about what he sees as the potential for this book to free people to share their faith. Please share them with others who may benefit from increasing their tools for sharing the gospel and telling others about Jesus. You’ll find a couple more on my YouTube channel.

Thank you for your kind love and support these past months while Dad was on hospice, thank you for spreading the word about The Art of Hard Conversations, and thank you for bearing with me during a brief time when I may not have new words to share.

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    The Conversation

  1. Sandra Lovelace says:

    And so … Lori Roeleveld is consistent even in times of deep grief. Thank You for being her anchor, Jesus.
    May Holy Spirit’s loving comfort flow to and through you and all who love your Dad. Amen

  2. Charles Huff says:

    Lori, I am sorry for your great loss, and I rejoice with your great hope. In the last four years, we have gone through such a loss three times. We know that pain and joy mixture. I look forward to see what you will post after your time of Jesus’ comfort for you.

  3. Rob McCullough says:

    Abba, bless our dear sister Lori with Your Comfort and Shalom and truly all that she needs. Thank You for Your Great Love for Your Sons and Daughters Abba. Thank You for always being there for us to run in to Your Loving Arms to love on You as You Love on us.

  4. Doris says:

    Praying for you and your family as you go through this valley…..just think your father is now BEHOLDING JESUS!!

    • Sherry Carter says:

      My prayers are with you and you family, Lori. Like so many, I’ve walked that road but each one of us has a unique journey. I pray God comforts you.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I am so sorry for your loss. My mother died in November, after being bedridden for three years. She was 86. I thought we were ready since she had been declining so long, but the sense of loss is enormous. I pray for God’s peace and comfort for you and your family. God truly is the God of All Comfort.

  6. MaryAnn Diorio says:

    My heartfelt condolences and prayers! May our Lord comfort you as only He can.

  7. Bonnie says:

    So sorry for the sadness and pain death brings Lorie. I’m so thankful we have a Saviour Who will comfort and uplift each one of us as we come to that parting.
    Praise the Lord that your father is with Him now, and you had time especially near the end. Bonnie

  8. Sandra Boleski says:

    So sorry to hear of your father’s passing. I pray the Lord will give you and your family His peace and comfort during this time of sorrow and beyond. God’s gracious blessings on you and yours.

  9. Heidi says:

    Oh, Lori, my heart goes out to you. I was just reading Running From A Crazy Man this morning and thinking of you. Praying for your family and healing in this time, and rejoicing that the God of all comfort holds you right now.

  10. Deborah Raney says:

    Lori, I’m so sorry. But what a blessing that you and your dad had a wonderful relationship in the end. And oh, the amazing hope of Heaven. What a day of rejoicing that will be. Keeping you in my prayers.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Lori, I’m sorry for your loss and celebrate with you the hope of our reunions to come. Blessings

  12. Nancy Griggs says:

    We pray God’s comfort and strength will be with you at this time. We praise the Lord that your Father is walking with Jesus!

  13. Ruby Hillier says:

    sorry for your loss- but happy that He is with the Lord and no more pain- Hugs – Ruby

  14. Jerry Crawford says:

    Even a timely passing to a better place is difficult for those still here. Praying for the Comforter to be gentle with you today!

  15. Nancy K Sullivan says:

    My heart goes our to you, Lori, especially in the coming days. God is with you, and we continue to pray for you. Nahum 1:7.

  16. Mike says:

    I can’t imagine how deeply you will miss him. Both my parents are still living this mortal life and enjoying their retirement. They live in Florida – 900 miles away. I know that day will come. It may come with a warning and it may not. I’m glad you have a stock of memories. The picture of the two of you walking on the beach is priceless.

    Blessings and Prayers for you, your family and friends.

  17. Daphne Woodall says:

    Thinking of you. It’s hard to say goodbye to those we love. But the Reunion in heaven will wipe away any pain we felt here.

  18. Susan says:

    Praying that the God of Comfort and Peace holds you tightly in these days of grief. He makes a way for you to bear all things..,…even your loss of your sweet and remarkable Daddy.

  19. Pam Manners says:

    I was saddened to hear of the loss of your dad, Lori. My condolences to you & your family.

    I still remember how I felt when my dad died, 25 years ago this July. He, too, was on hospice, and as I drove home from his & my stepmom’s home that final day, I observed people outside — walking around , sitting in front of coffee shops talking, laughing; kids riding bikes or running through sprinklers, etc. And I kept thinking how it was possible that their world was still turning, while mine had just screeched to a complete stop.

    Grief is a difficult process, and one which we all go through. It is, like death, a part of life, but knowing all that still doesn’t make it any easier to deal with the loss of a loved one, even when we know they’re safe at home with God.

    May the memories you made with & have of your dad bring you much peace, joy & comfort in the days to come., Lori.

  20. Gloria Delk says:

    So sorry for your loss, Lori. God be with you and your family and keep you close to His heart.

  21. Laurie Kincaid says:

    Lori, I’m so sorry for your loss.

  22. Carolyn Knefely says:

    May your memories with your father bring you great comfort during this time of tears.
    When we lose a loved one isn’t hard to remember it’s their gain being in the presence of the Lord.
    Peace during your time away. You’ll be missed.

  23. Mary Collier says:

    Oh Lori,
    I am so sorry to hear about your recent loss of you dad.
    I feel your grief and pain now since losing my mom and father in law over the past 18 months.

    Take the time you need to be with family and most certainly time to grieve. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Hope to cross paths again at a Singing Hills faihcrafting Memories that Matter weekend sometime soon.

  24. Lu-Ann M. Santor says:

    You have my family’s prayers and condolences. May God carry you through this very difficult time. All our love, the Santor’s

  25. Lynne Bowen says:

    May our Lord bless you through this valley with His comfort, joy, and abundant love.