
Living on Rumors of God

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We live, love, and celebrate the birth of Jesus in times of great division and strife. I’ve recently taken to studying the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah along with the writing of the prophets of those days. I’ve much to say about this in the weeks ahead, but Jesus is calling me out to play.

That sounds all wrong, I know. Great questions and issues hammer the church, even today we’ll be reading arguments for and against our brothers and sisters at Christianity Today and their take on the church and the president.

These are important matters and deserve our attention. I take matters of God’s Word and faith very seriously. Jesus reminds me, however, to take myself less so.

You see, when arguments fly through the air and the Internet, my tensions rise and suddenly I’m a child in a room of arguing adults trying to sort through the accusations and innuendos catching only snatches of meaning. I understand only enough to be afraid.

This is a sorry position from which to operate.

And, the worst part is that my mind can probably grasp the situation with enough listening and with some explanation, but the child within me will remain afraid without a different type of support. This is why so many our reasoned arguments and explanations have such small affect on the greater mob.

It’s like the moment when Merry and Pippin foolishly set off Gandalf’s greatest firework and the hobbits all fell in fear of the great dragon it became. No explanation would calm their child-like hearts but only seeing it play out as nothing more than smoke and lights would remind them that Gandalf would never deliver them over to true harm.

Jesus knows the child within my heart. He knows how often she tries to live in a maturity she’s not yet attained. He knows what frightens her, moves her, motivates, and soothes her. He knows her great capacity for knowledge and understanding but He’s also aware that more information doesn’t always entice her out from the great booming echo chamber of the corner of her frightened, pounding heart.

For that, she needs a Father, a Friend, a Shepherd, a Deliverer, a Storyteller, a King. One who bids her come, come closer to me and away from your deafening panic. Remember who I am. Inhale. Exhale. Look into my eyes and breathe in rhythm with my Spirit. When your heart is calm again, we will consider all these things.

This was God’s answer to Job in the midst of his great suffering. His comrades offered explanations, accusations, and information. God offered a reminder of who God is and it reminded Job who he was.

Job answered: “I admit I once lived by rumors of you; now I have it all firsthand—from my own eyes and ears! I’m sorry— forgive me. I’ll never do that again, I promise! I’ll never again live on crusts of hearsay, crumbs of rumor.” Job 42:5 The Message

When I spend too much time in the world of flying words. When I am more attuned to the evening news than I am to the headlines of God’s creation, His Word, His great heart that beats for you and me. When my ears are full of the voices of my brothers and sisters so that His grows distant and dim. That’s when Jesus beckons me to come and play.

Look at the stars and the moon and the evening sky. Look at the face of that child in the light of the fire. Listen to the music I supplied with endless possibilities from just eight simple notes and look at the endless combinations of primary colors into flowers, birds, sunsets, paintings, and Christmas lights.

Look at your hands. Feel your heart work in rhythm with your lungs. Listen to my church as they praise me with harmonies and bells. Read in the Bible of my faithfulness to all generations – and remember that I created mighty kings and aardvarks, rainbows and rulers, the changing seasons and the child who needs changing.

I am. I am with you. God with us.

Yes, we must discuss hard questions. Yes, we must wrap our minds around controversies and conflicts. Yes, we must build His kingdom and grow up in Christ.

But before we do, we must know Him firsthand – day, after day, after day. Come out today and remember Jesus. Yes, it’s Monday. It doesn’t matter. He calls to us on Monday as clearly as He does our day of worship.

Come. Don’t rely on rumors of me. I am Emmanuel and I am with you.

Before He gives you answers, let Him show you His great heart and that will calm yours and mine. 

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    The Conversation

  1. Tammy says:

    The harder things get the more important it will be. Thank you Lori.

  2. Suzanne Montgomery says:

    On my way home from the grocery this morning, I listened to Chris Tomlin singing Christmas carols on the radio. My heart swelled with love for Jesus. Despite all the craziness (or perhaps because of it), I feel Him closer than ever before. He’s here in music, sunshine and the laughter of children. He finds me in hospital rooms and lifts me up during tearful conversations. In every and all situations, He is Emmanuel. God with us.

  3. Lori Hatcher says:

    Thank you for this timely, welcome reminder to “be still and know that I am God.” Merry Christmas, friend.

  4. Nico van der Merwe - South Africa says:

    Thank you for echoing our fears and reminding us that in quietness and confidence will be our strength.

  5. Barb Welch says:

    I can understand your frustrations and fears about the political arena today re: President Trump. Shortly after voting him into office I learned of a conservative alternative to AARP (strong liberal/left wing lobby) and joined this group (AMAC) and only learned the truth in politics from their weekly news reports. I couldn’t trust social media or the mainstream news media to share the truth. All TV and social media are anti-Trump, so I ignored it. I know God is in control and all things work together for good to those who love the Lord (Trump does) and are called according to His purpose (Rom. 8:28) I also know from Prov. 21:1 that the king’s (TRUMP) heart is in the hand of the Lord. I trust that God knows what He is doing and pray daily for Pres. Trump and his family. He is strongly backed by many faith-based agencies who are fighting to protect the freedoms the liberals are trying to take from us. As disturbing as the coup that the liberals/Democrats are trying to pull off so Pres. Trump cannot beat them in 2020, I trust that God’s people will come out on top. The grassroots support for Trump is hidden and squelched by the media, but we are in prayer and constant communication with each other and will be heard when we vote in 2020. Please join AMAC (Association of Mature American Citizens) by going to their website There are many benefits to joining this group of conservative lobbyists. They are fighting for Christians/Conservatives/Patriots who are faithful to the Constitution and our Founding Fathers. If you need to be inspired, listen to Pres. Trump’s State of the Union addresses and campaign speeches. God knows how to choose kings!!! Pray for him and his followers/family. He’s taking hits like a trooper and he knows we are behind him. God is good all the time and He knows what He’s doing. You can trust Him, no matter what it looks like on the news. He is worthy to be praised. God even made the horrible crucifixion of His only begotten Son give the victory for eternity to all who call on His name. We will KEEP AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!! God is in control.

  6. Nancy Wolfe says:

    Dearest Lori, thank you for leaving the politics out. Thanks for speaking words of peace and hope to everyone, no matter their position on the left/right continuum. Thank you for being a calm voice reflecting no agenda but the love of Jesus. That’s why we continue to follow you and keep the conversation going… xoxox

  7. Jann Butts says:

    So much NOISE surrounds us nearly every moment. Sometimes it feels impossible to hear God. But He is always right beside us. We have no reason to fear.
    If God is for us, who can be against us? Yeshua Messiah defeated satan over 2000 years ago. He is victorious over sin and death. As His children, we stand victorious with Him.
    Thank you, Lori, for another EXCELLENT blog!!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  8. Gerhard Papenfus - South Africa says:

    Remarkable!!! True!!! Praise God!!!

  9. Jan Clough says:

    When you look into the tiniest flower and see all it’s intricacies then you know that every detail of your life is vitally important to God our Heavenly Father Amen!

    Have a memorable Christmas Lori and every blessing for 2020
    Love to you and your dear family

  10. Joann Biewer says:

    Been there and done that. I find myself ignoring most of what the media has to say and it’s good because it draws us closer to Jesus. Without the strife and contention we would probably be lazier about our relationship with Christ. It’s God’s grace to us.