
I’m Too Old for Stupid Shoes

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shoe-1114910_640I’m too old to wear stupid shoes.

That revelation came to me one morning as I shuffled toward my car in a pair of trendy black flats. I felt as though I was wearing ballet shoes and could feel every piece of gravel in the driveway. As I slowly made my way over to kiss my husband good-bye, I realized I was also walking funny.

I’d chosen these shoes for a change from my comfortable, sensible, white tennies. It was an attempt at fashion. An attempt at fitting in. An attempt to appease loved ones who decry my predictable, practical footwear.

But that morning, I had an epiphany: I’m too old to wear stupid shoes.

As I shuffled back into the house to revert to my everyday shoes, I was thinking how it would hamper me to scuffle my way through my workday. In my line of work, it’s important to be able to move fast if the situation calls for it. I was thinking about how I felt awkward and self-aware in the trendy shoes. I was thinking – seriously, how many people look at my feet? Some people were designed for these fashion flats. Not I.

And that got me thinking about the ill-fitting shoes I’ve attempted to wear over my soul.

There were the hob-nailed boots of legalism.

Those sexy red heels of religious license.

And the fuzzy bunny slippers of “Jesus loves everyone so don’t worry about silly things like spiritual maturity kum ba yah faith”

You know, not very long ago, I renounced them all. I’m too old to wear stupid shoes.

Jesus has provided me with the perfect footwear, thank you very much. Mark writes in his gospel, “After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. “ The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” (Mark 1:14-15 ESV)

It is the good news of Jesus that I received. The knowledge that He has, by His death on the cross, provided a way for me to be reconciled to God. A reconciliation I don’t deserve and cannot earn but that I receive by grace. And when I entered into relationship with Jesus, He provided me with a strong armor, complete with shoes:  “and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.” Ephesians 6:15 (ESV)

Because of the good news, the gospel, the glad tidings of Jesus Christ, I am ready to go. Where? Whereever He leads. With these shoes, I can move freely, securely, and confidently – boldly even – into territory I would never dare tread without them.

I’m not weighted down by the boots of legalism. I am not crippled by the heels of license. I’m am not lulled into a false sense of comfort by the fuzzy bunny sleepers of a feel-good faith. No, with the shoes He provides, I am truly free.

When my children were young, I would tell them “It’s time to get ready to go!” And they would inevitably answer, “We’re ready.” To which I would reply, “Do you have your shoes on?” And every time, it was a rehearsal for the question Jesus will ask each of us – sooner than any of us believes – “It’s time to get ready to go. Do you have your shoes on?”

How about you? Aren’t you ready to be done with stupid shoes, too?

Isn’t it time we met? Invite me over! I would love to come to challenge, encourage, and disturb your group of fellow hobbits in person! Check out my speaking page and contact me! We’ll talk.

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    The Conversation

  1. Lori Jackson says:

    Hi Lori,
    “Stupid Shoes!” I am a retired home daycare provider and ‘stupid’ is one of those words we teach children not to say; but I was (am) guilty of using that word for so many things in today’s world. I just can’t find a word that says it so well. I gave up stupid shoes a long time ago (I live in Birkenstocks which hit the market when I was in college — yah, way back in the 60’s). Enough of naughty words — what I really wanted to mention is that your post brought to mind the shoes of the Prodigal son. I love the way the father ordered the servant to bring out the ring, the robe and the sandals and to PUT THEM ON his son. In the earlier chapters of Ephesians Paul gloriously reveals the treasure of riches that God has given to us so that we can be intimately related to Him — so that He can call us sons (sons are properly clothed). Then (and only then) he begins to tell us how to live according to those riches. First He gives us all we need to walk in the light (reconciliation, peace with God, a position in His house), then He tells us to pick up the armor that He also provides so we can resist the flesh and the devil as we walk through the wilderness of this world. Shoes . . . and walking . . . . I bet a person could write few pages revealing those threads throughout the Scriptures! What a tapestry of truth and revelation is the Book of Books!