
If Jesus Checked His Poll Numbers

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Imagine if Jesus used pollsters in the pursuit of His role as Savior:

“Well, Sir, your numbers were soaring after that triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The crowds loved you and the donkey was an inspired touch – very “common man, I feel your pain”. You rocked the masses and we felt sure you were a shoe-in for king.”

“But, frankly, that whole unfortunate episode in the temple with the whip and overturning the tables, I’m not going to lie, that cost you. I mean, you’re still big with the peasants – any “rage against the machine” makes you a legend with them. Also, you saw a major uptick with the Zealot crowd. Huge numbers in that demographic. Now, that gives you some nifty fire power and awesome word of mouth but, to be frank, they’re not big donors.”

“To pull off the whole leader of a nation thing, you’ve got to tap into a crowd with deep pockets and for that we’re talking Pharisees. Now, I think we can all agree that you’ve done everything possible to alienate your religious leadership base. A couple of them support you behind the scenes but they’re not going public so that’s actually a lose-lose. Bottom-line, if you can’t win over the rabbinic power brokers, this whole Savior proposition is dead in the water.”

It’s so far from how Jesus operated as He lived and walked among us, we can’t even imagine! The idea that He was just a man trying to start a religion is preposterous. If that was His goal, from a human standpoint, He did everything wrong – right up to the moment when He laid down His life.

Instead, as you read Mark 11 and 12, you see it was the Pharisees and religious leaders of the day who were paralyzed by their concern for what the crowds were thinking. They were the ones playing the religious/political power game. When Jesus woke every morning, He didn’t check public opinion polls, He prayed. When He spoke and acted it was powered by such purpose-driven authority that everyone involved knew they were dealing with a genuine game changer.

So when are WE going to get it?

If we are followers of the Pharisees, we worry about what people think. If we are followers of Jesus, we play for an audience of ONE. No polls. No taking the pulse of the crowd. Just prayer-powered purpose- driven lives lived from hearts sold out for Christ.

Every ticket in my theatre has been purchased by Jesus and my life is a command performance. I fear no critic for Thou art with me!

Today, don’t survey the crowd.  Go to the only source that matters – the heart of God – and know the freedom that Jesus knew.  Freedom from the pull of the crowd – now THAT is a miracle.

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    The Conversation

  1. Andrea says:

    An audience of ONE!! Thank you for this challenge. We all need it. It is so easy to worry about what others think!
    Hugs and prayers,

    PS: Sorry I haven’t been around the last few days. I was out of town for my Aunt’s funeral.

  2. Missed you, Andrea. Wonderful to have you back. Hugs and prayers for your loss, Lori

  3. Cheri says:

    This is my favorite part: “If we are followers of the Pharisees, we worry about what people think. If we are followers of Jesus, we play for an audience of ONE. No polls. No taking the pulse of the crowd. Just prayer-powered purpose- driven lives lived from hearts sold out for Christ.”

    That’s the kind of life I want to lead when I grow up… well, now, actually! I hope to “grow up” one day, and as long as I’m seeking Him, He’ll see that it happens!

    Love ya,