
I Know You’re Fine but I’m Not

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The truth is, I know you’re perfectly fine without my blog posts these past two weeks (thirteen days but who’s counting.)

But, the other truth is, I miss having lucid thoughts.

Still sick after coming down with this thing on January 3rd.

Nothing like extinguishing my resolutions right out of the gate, right?

I’ve returned to my day job this week out of financial necessity and the nature of my job working with families in crisis

but I’m spent by day’s end.

Returning to the doctor today – hoping he’s got something in his bag to help a girl out

but looking forward to a three-day weekend that looks eerily similar to my last ceiling-staring week-end.

So, while I know you’re fine, I’m still not and am grateful for your prayers for healing,

Thank you for being such kind friends and blog readers. The truth is, while some people feel that blogging is a chore, I love it

and now I miss it

but I truly just haven’t got it.

Apparently down for the count.

Here’s an amusing irony – for the first time ever I succumbed to January 1st fitness fever and joined the Y on 1.1.14. Came down with this on 1.3.14.

Ahhh, we make plans

then life happens.

Have mercy.

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    The Conversation

  1. Anonymous says:

    Miss your blog terribly. Continuing to pray for you and Rob.

  2. Praying. For you. Love you

  3. Edie Melson says:

    I miss your blog, too. But I’m glad you’re taking time to recuperate. We’re continuing to pray for you all!

  4. Bless you! Yes, rest. I’m sure life’s stresses are adding up, on top of whatever “bug” you’ve got. REST!

  5. I miss them, too. You always share God’s wisdom – just what I need to hear. I’m praying for you, for healing and for you to rest!

  6. Praying for strength and healing for you, Lori. Hugs

  7. Joining a gym should make you immune to all those rotten germs. Praying!