
I Know We’re All Tired — But . . .

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We’re tired.

We. Are. Tired.

As if we all have long-Covid, the spiritual edition.

2020 knocked us down. 2021 pummeled us some more. 2022—well, we stopped paying attention, really.

We got on with it. You know, our lives.

We gathered. We did all the things. Well, not all the things. We aimed at the light stuff. Avoided the challenging, serious things if we could. We weren’t up for that.

But, we were confident we’d get our oomph back if we just spent some time laughing in the sun.

I don’t mean to be dramatic, but we need to be careful right now. It’s one thing to take time to rest and recover.

It’s another thing entirely to fall asleep in the poppies.

“‘Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.’ Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” Ephesians 5:14-17 esv

Those words were written to us.

God provides rest but our enemy induces lethargy, inertia, stagnation, torpor, dullness, disinterest, apathy.

It can be hard to distinguish from everyday weariness, but one mark is that it lingers. It lingers after we’ve rested, vacationed, celebrated, and even after we’ve fasted from the news.

It clings like stale smoke from yesterday’s campfire, leaving that gritty irritation in our eyes.

We hear ourselves telling others—again—that we’re just tired. Listlessness invades our worship, our devotion, our prayers.

We “quiet quit” on God. Still showing our faces, but we’re not really there.

I love you, dear readers, I really do, but allow me to rain on your life a little with this post. Allow my words to fall like cool water that clears the scent of the poppies from your foggy soul and rouses you, awakens your heart.

It’s a trap and we’re falling prey.

Like you, I’m shaking my head, trying to clear it, trying to open my eyes, but I can’t. I just can’t.

True. But, Jesus can.

Again, not to put too fine a point on it but our enemy plays the long game, and he has set the world stage for a great falling away from the faith. He has knocked us off our pins and kept us down each time we tried to rise until some have stopped trying.

But, “greater is He who is in us, than he who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4)

There’s nothing to do but ask. Drag your weary soul to Jesus and ask, please help me awaken to You again.

Persist in prayer and don’t rise until He’s wiped the dullness from your spirit like steam off a morning mirror.

We’re not virtual any longer. This is real.

And all that we thought was far distant prophecy is unfolding in our lives.

Be present for it. Awake. Ready.

You matter. Your presence is requested—bring your heart.

**I didn’t think I had anything to say about skin color. Dr. Saundra didn’t think she had anything to write, either. Together, we realized we had a shared message. No guilt. Just hope. And a way forward. I invite you to check out our new book and awaken to hope again. It’s not about race-it’s about the gospel.

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    The Conversation

  1. K says:

    THANK you! This is exactly what i needed this morning!

  2. Ks says:

    THANK you! This is exactly what i needed this morning!

  3. Barbara Latta says:

    It does seem that we go to sleep when life is good. We stop fighting the fight. The conditions in our country today are because Christians didn’t stand and fight against ungodly government policies years ago. Now we have an entertainment industry filling the minds of children with lies, the most recent being Disney’s new series about satan. Even though that is geared toward adults, it doesn’t matter. Kids can find it and adults don’t need this kind of evil glorification either. We do need to keep standing.

  4. Maureen Miller says:

    “We’re not virtual any longer. This is real… Your presence is requested—bring your heart…”
    Oh, thank you for raining on my life a little with this timely, powerful post!
    I don’t want to just show up. I want to experience Jesus’ presence in a way that equips me for these times. And I want to offer him all of me, not just show my face.

  5. Libby says:

    This is one of the seven deadly sins, acedia, which is translated “sloth” but has less to do with laziness than apathy and all the things you mention in this post, Lori. Some of us are more susceptible to it than others. It says “oh well, God hasn’t answered my prayers yet, or He hasn’t brought vindication on that evil entity yet, so sigh, I guess nothing will ever change. I will just be depressed”. Thank you for the reminder to wake up and care and fight and trust and hope!