
Holding onto Faith Despite the Pressure to Let Go

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It’s getting harder to hold onto faith. 

It’s a long way home and we’re tempted to wonder if we’ll ever make it–if home ever really existed anywhere but our imaginations.

I remember learning about Tokyo Rose in WWII. Women broadcasters who spouted propaganda over the airwaves to discourage the Allied troops. “Give up. All hope is lost. You have no chance of winning. Your country is evil and your leaders have abandoned you.”

Words like this played on like white noise against a backdrop of war as they stood their ground, holding out what could seem like the impossible hope to soon return home to their loved ones.

This is not unlike the spiritual forces at work against us now. The spirit of the age erects strobing lights and disheartening deceit played on a loop – Why don’t you just give up on Jesus? He’s not coming back. He’s certainly not coming for you. Why continue to hold out hope? Why continue to minister, to labor, to care? None of it matters.

But it does. You matter. You matter to Jesus.

The looped white noise is a lie. Perseverance is the call of our age. Persevere in love, in hope, in faith, in calling. And we may be a pivotal generation.

Know that there will be a last generation, one that will face unimaginable testing. Consider that they will need role models who demonstrated faith that hangs on, faith that leans on the power of the Holy Spirit to persist, faith that clings to love by its fingernails and ignores the temptation to let go.

Imagine a generation of older saints who model life, hearts flowing with the river of life, bearing fruit in old age, eyes set on the hope of heaven and hearts of flesh, not stone, willing to be broken by what breaks the heart of God persevering against all odds in love for others, in obedience to God’s Word, in showing mercy to the outcast and compassion for the brokenhearted. Imagine that we are those saints.

Let it be our mission to leave no weary brother or sister behind, gasping for air on the side of the narrow road having yielded to the lies that slip in over the transom of faith. Let it be our practice to rely on Jesus, Jesus who is in our hearts, to refresh us, moment by moment, with truth and grace.

Daniel prophesied that the evil one would “speak words against the Most High and wear out the saints.” But we will not wear out because the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. The fullness of Christ is sufficient to sustain us even in these times. From his fullness we have all received grace upon grace.

Speak words of grace today. Words full of life and light. Encourage one another. Persevere in the faith.

If you are empty, if you’re succumbing to the false narrative filling the air, go to Jesus and receive.

He can refresh you, restore you, remind you who you are and fill you with renewed hope.

And even into our graying years, we will be signposts for those who come behind us for we are the veterans who will come to their minds in battles to come.

Persevere. Persevere. Persevere. We will get home. He is coming. He is love. He is true. Jesus.

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    The Conversation

  1. Deb Haggerty says:

    Amen. Be light. Give grace. Persevere. Excellent encouragement to all of us–and the reminder to stay the course.

  2. Ginny Jaques says:

    Amen, sister. Thank you for being on the forefront of the kind of encouragement we need in this time. May God bless and protect you and yours as you continue to hold on to the faith.

  3. Jan Clough says:

    Amen Lori!
    Let this be our lasting legacy for Gods glory here in earth!

  4. Doug Spurling says:

    Beautiful. With your permission, I’d like to read a portion (mos) of this during a sermon and copy in a post. We’re half way through our study of Revelation, and your words are refreshing, Living Water, as we prepare to feel the Third Woe, hear the Seventh Trumpet, and see the pouring of the Seven Bowls.

    Thank you. Well done. Keep shining.

  5. Ann Jorgensen says:

    A great word for today. Persevere. The older saints I was reminded of were my grandparents. They lived through WWI–my grandfather serving abroad. They raised a family during the great depression and regularly shared fish my grandfather caught with neighbors who had nothing. They sent off a son to serve in the Pacific during WWII and opened up their home to young military personnel who were away from home, lonely, and afraid. They were models of perseverance. And my memories are full of examples of them serving others in the name of Christ. Thanks for that great reminder.

  6. Colleen Kissinger says:

    Such a powerful reminder of our purpose and calling. This theme resonates through these difficult times. Your words moved me to years. Thank you, just discovered your blog, planning to share it with my Ladies’ breakfast prayer group!
    Blessing on you, from Mexico.