
He is the Cure

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Sickness, disease, and death.
These are the enemy.
From strep throat to brain tumors,
from depression to psychotic breaks
from acedia to demonic possession,
we are fragile beings
and when we’re plagued, we long for one thing –
Right out of the ministry bullpen,
Jesus came out healing.
He took on every ill like a prizefighter.
Physical illness.
Mental illness.
Spiritual plague.
Right jab-
left hook –
Take that, Satan.
You don’t get the last word – ever.
When He deputized the twelve and sent them out,
He gave them power and authority to heal, to cast out demons, to address every affliction.
Because He knows what we’re made of.
Sermons weren’t what we needed –
healing was the cure.
He knows what makes us cry, what brings us to our knees, what drains us of lifeblood and passion and hope.
None of us is immune.
Money, power, position, race, gender, persuasion –
the great equalizer is that we all experience the frailty of illness
body, mind, and soul
subject to death, disease, and disaster.
And we cry out for healing
even when we’re brave,
even when we’re surrounded by love and support,
even when we have the best care,
we yearn only for the cure.
I’ve seen it in my lifetime – healing.
I’ve been healed.
I’ve seen others healed.
Just this week, I’ve witnessed healing in individuals and families
who months ago seemed broken beyond repair.
But like the dead girl in the gospels,
Jesus took them by the hand
and bid them rise and so they live.
God uses suffering in the lives of His children,
I believe He is glorified through the way His children endure affliction.
Some of us won’t be healed this side of Glory
but that doesn’t mean we’re unloved, unchosen, passed over, forgotten, or rejected.
It means our healing awaits us
and when it comes, it will last forever.
But there is hope, even now, for deliverance.
Are you sick?
Are you afflicted?
Are you broken emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically or otherwise?
Are you affected by someone else’s struggle with pain, illness, disease, or imminent death?
Jesus hears your cry.
You are not lost, even if you touch Him in a crowd.
He will stop for you, loved one.
He will see your faith
and He will breathe life into you anew.
Of course, we cry out.
Of course, we ache, yearn, long for healing, wholeness, eternal wellness, fullness of spirit, clarity of mind, and deliverance of the soul.
And it is available in Jesus Christ.
Some will see it now.
Some will receive it another day
but don’t let anything stop you from making your way to His side.
He is the Cure.

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    The Conversation

  1. and when I am emptied He will come in and fill me up with Himself


    Thank you.

  2. Cyn Rogalski says:

    I’m a prayer warrior, yet I rarely pray for my own healing….
    If I belong to the Father,(& I do), He has filtered, Father-filtered if you will, all that happens to me.
    He knows best.
    About everything.
    My life verse, Esther4:14-how do you know that you were not created for just such a time as this?
    Have thine Own way Lord.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I once read that there are five types of healing: natural immunity ()which heals us of colds, etc); medical healing (antibiotics, etc.); emotional healing (which of us hasn’t had a need for that?), attitude healing (accepting Jesus Christ as Savior seems to accomplish that); and death–the eternal healing of all of life’s problems. We will acquire a new body in Christ and live with him without the need for any other healing. All of these were part of God’s plan to give us hope and a future. How well you covered these today. MOMMA

  4. Ceil says:

    Hi Lori! How nice to be here today!

    Your post is an encouragement because you witness to healings that you have seen. What a great witness to God’s love.

    Love the Tolkien quote on your sidebar too.

  5. Beautiful! In the words of David Crowder Band, “He’s the Remedy.”