
Finding My Way to Where You Are

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drive-863123_640I love maps.

I have a pile of maps from National Geographic. They’re something of a passion.

For years I relied on maps. I’m terrible at following verbal directions so I always had a map to my destination with me.

But now, I have a new love in life.


How glorious to have a map that talks to me and recalculates when I take a wrong turn! What incredible freedom to know I can veer off course, explore an alternative route, and still have a companion who will lead me to my destination!

I still love maps but until I met GPS, I didn’t see maps’ limitations.

Maps can show me the lay of the land and with a map, I can chart my course, but maps don’t know where I am. Maps can’t tell me how to correct when I make a wrong turn. With a map, I don’t have the freedom to explore a more interesting way to my goal.

My GPS frees me while still directing me to my ultimate destination.

I think this is what Jesus was trying to explain about the law and the prophets. He didn’t come to abolish the law. The law was like a map to righteousness. It was amazing! It was instructive! It was the bomb!

Until Jesus rose from the dead, ascended, and the Holy Spirit became available to the church. Now, the map can speak to me, the voice of Christ within me.

Like a GPS for life.

A map to righteousness that knows my starting place, knows where I am, and can steer me back on course when I veer off track.


The freedom of knowing Jesus directs me from within, informing me of the path to righteousness with an internal tracking system, intimate with the mind of God and with my mind, as well.

How amazing!

“These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” John 14:25-26 ESV

Be amazed. Be continually amazed by Jesus.

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    The Conversation

  1. what a wonderful word picture!
    Thank you!

  2. Thank you, Diane! Be blessed today!

  3. krex_1 says:

    What a unique, insightful way to articulate the ministry of the Holy Spirit! thanks, Lori!