
Fighting Dragons, Orcs, and Bad Hair

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dragon-1014565_640When my son was a little boy, he liked to fight dragons.

And not only dragons but also Orcs, Darth Vader, and all manner of bad guys.

His arsenal of wooden swords, light sabers, and plastic daggers was unrivaled and utilized on a daily basis. In the world of his imagination, Zack lived the life of a hero.

In reality, the boy could be easily terrified by the mention of two words: “comb” and “washcloth.”

I use to tease him that he could defeat any bad guy unless one came at him armed with soap and water.

I’m just like that.

In my imagination, I refuse to denounce Jesus upon threat of my life when facing down a fascist superpower, I boldly testify that He is Lord even though others cave to public pressure, and I lay my life down for my friends without hesitation.

In reality, a bad hair day erodes my spiritual maturity and sends me running back to hide beneath my bedcovers.

I read about Corrie ten Boom and want to believe that I could forgive Nazis but when my husband leaves his socks on the floor, I’m in a snit for hours.

I watch Chariots of Fire and believe that I can feel God’s pleasure when I write but I forsake sending a note of encouragement to a friend who’s moved away because there’s a Dance Mom’s marathon on TV.

I’m inspired when I read about Christians in China who must rise at 3 am, sneak along back roads, and worship under threat of imprisonment to attend house church gatherings but if it looks like particularly nasty weather, I assume it’s a sign I should skip out on prayer meeting this week.

I won’t belabor this post.

You get my thinking.

Today’s assignment in 40 Ways to Get Closer to God involved a minor time commitment – one I immediately decided I couldn’t possibly make. Yes, I worked all day. Yes, I commuted and cooked dinner. But I also cruised Facebook, read over 100 emails, took in a couple of reruns on TV, and wrote a blog post before realizing I DID actually have time to do the assignment, I just didn’t make it a priority.

This is me. Heading off to do the thing that will move me in the direction I want to go – closer to God.

Here’s to the day when my realized self is as amazing as the one I imagine.

With God, all things are possible. Amen?

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    The Conversation

  1. Cathy Baker says:

    Amen, Lori. I purchased the Challenge book – ready to go!

  2. Jonnia Smith says:

    ouch. and amen!
    Really enjoying reading your blog.

  3. Jennie says:

    Ow! You reeled me in with Orcs and dragons, and then smacked me in the face with the dirty socks on the floor! I relate to so much here; thanks for having the courage to be transparent and so encourage others 🙂

  4. Jennie says:

    Oops, used the wrong Google account, that last ‘Jennie’ comment was me.

  5. Wonderful post. I can relate. I used to read the missionary books and wish I could live such an exciting life. But they have to slog through the daily disappointments just like the rest of us. And we all have opportunity to lay down our lives for Christ.

  6. May I borrow your wonder woman suit?