
Elite Special Forces – You Think No One Knows

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You work alone and think no one notices
and mostly they don’t.
Well, not the ones you know about.
But others do. You’ll meet them later on.
And you’ve grown accustomed to being overlooked.
You’re elderly-shutin-retired-obese-disabled-unemployed-homemaker-chronicallyill-disappearing deep inside what people see of you on the outside.
But on your knees, you’re a warrior.
In your chair, on your sickbed, in your rocker by the window with your Bible on your lap you wield a light saber against dark forces and take no prisoners.
Your prayers provide cover for missionaries serving far behind enemy lines and for your granddaughter trying to keep her faith at that university.
Your faith was the channel for healing that preemie born with multiple complications and your neighbor’s cancer.
Your words of faith whispered into God’s ear broke your nephew out of the bondage of addiction so he could finally hear what everyone was telling him and tilled the soil of your friend’s coworker’s heart so she was open to the gospel.
No one is hosting testimonials for you or handing you lifetime achievement awards or recognizing your efforts in the front of the church
mostly because your work is done in secret
late at night when the rest of the world sleeps
or at noon when everyone else is at their visible work.
When people think about you, mostly they think about your limitations or the walls around you or what you may need – like a meal or a visit or a med change.
They cannot see how your spirit soars above the planet and wages war in the heavenlies. They cannot know that you have been strategically placed in your location, in contact with those who need your prayers, inside your visible limitations so you could penetrate, unnoticed, behind enemy lines.
You are God’s secret weapon.
You are His smart bomb.
You are a special force commando with the words that split the atom of the enemy’s power.
And you live with a special kind of faith
one that can delay gratification until we are all home – truly home.
A faith that lives without sight until the other side.
A faith that knows the true benefits, the matchless celebrations, the eternal lifetime achievement awards are still to come
But even then, your real joy will be to see His face
and to stand with those who were freed to see the fruits of their labors on earth because of the work you did in prayer
alone in your chair, in your bed, on your knees
unseen, unknown
but not really.
Semper fi, dear one. You are key to God’s Elite Special Forces. Do the work. Stay faithful. Await the Day. Hoo-rah!
“For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9a

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    The Conversation

  1. Thank you for noticing. May God bless you for sharing your awareness. Tears are streaming down my face.

  2. Jon Swedberg says:

    I was very lucky yo have two amazing Grandmothers, great women of faith who prayed for me and all my cousins!! They were definitely a force in all of our lives!!