
Dragging a Dog Down the Driveway

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Have you ever dragged a dog down a driveway?
It’s not fun, I have to say.
My friends once had a wonderful mutt who was also my friend.  Occasionally, they would take trips without her so she would visit with me.
It was always a satisfying arrangement  for us both until it was time to take a walk. Penny liked my house and she adored being petted and loved but she was not a great fan of my backyard.
As soon as I put her on her leash, she’d start to whine. We’d get down the backsteps fine but the moment we hit the pavement of the driveway, Penny would flop to the ground looking like a wet floor mop.
She was not a small dog.
Initially, I tried pleading with her to get up. Then I tried firm commands, bribes, and then threats. All to no avail. Finally, I pulled on her leash.
She didn’t budge.
I tried waiting her out but she was a worthy opponent.
Finally, using both hands, I dragged her several feet down the driveway.  At last, Penny would see I meant business and rise to her feet. At last, we would enjoy a walk.
Until the next time it was time to go out. Then, it started all over again.
Literally, a drag.
I think of Penny sometimes when I read these verses from Psalm 32:8-10:
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.
Do not be like the horse or the mule,
which have no understanding
but must be controlled by bit and bridle
or they will not come to you.
Many are the woes of the wicked,
but the Lord’s unfailing love
surrounds the one who trusts in him.”
Worse than dragging a dog down a driveway is dragging another human being along with the plans of the Lord when he or she is acting like a mule.
I’ve dragged a few dogs in my life – Penny was the easiest of them.
Sometimes, I will confess, I’ve been the floppy mutt at the end of God’s leash. Lying on the ground looking up at Him with pleading eyes hoping He’ll decide that particular walk is a bad idea.
But, He never does. He just drags me along until I remember that I trust Him because His love for me is unfailing and His wisdom is perfect.
Are you dragging someone along these days? Invest more time praying than you do nagging. That’s my best counsel on that subject.
Are you flopping at the end of your own leash, making it a challenge for God to lead you into the next adventure? I’ve been on that patch of ground and, believe me, the sooner you’re up on your feet, the sooner the view improves
and it’s much less scratchy on your belly.

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  1. Oh dear, my dog is the exact opposite! She drags me around the block. Wonder what application that has to my “walk” with God? Hmm. Ha!

  2. My retired racing greyhound drags me around the block, too. I’m waiting for that post, Lori!