
Celebrating One Year of Blogging

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Today is the one year anniversary of Deeper with Jesus in Rhode Island.  Thank you for dropping by, reading, commenting and sharing this adventure of following Jesus with me!  Your comments have meant more to me than you can ever know. Do you have a favorite post – one that made you laugh or made you think?  Leave a comment and let me know who’s out there reading! Here’s to another year, and,  as ever, to going deeper with Jesus!

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    The Conversation

  1. Joe Crowley says:

    Congratulations!!! And thank you for your insightful and faithful writings that have touched and challanged the lives of so many over this last year, including myself. Keep on keeping on to the Glory of God with the Gospel message.

  2. Thanks, Bro! We’ve got to get us all together again soon but maybe for coffee and prayer – not to eat!

  3. Tamara says:

    Happy Annniversary! Your posts always make me think and often make me laugh. Keep up the God work; I believe God is using your blog in a mighty way!

  4. Wow! Thanks, Tamara. That was wildly encouraging.

  5. John Kotula says:

    Lori, Congratulations on the one year anniversary! Here’s to another year of writing about important ideas with a one of a kind voice from a unique perspective.

  6. John, that’s so kind of you to say! Your work inspires me, too. Here’s to another year of creativity and joy in the journey.

  7. Knew you could do it, Lori! Congrats on a terrific year!

  8. Jennifer says:

    I love your blog Lori! One I think of often is the one about colorful relatives. It’s made me think twice over and over! Thank you for that!

  9. Cheri says:

    Happy Anniversary, Lori!

    Your blog always ministers to me so much that I cannot pick a favorite! I just want to say thank you for your blog and tell you to keep up the good work. God is using your words and your insights to minister His truth to others.


  10. Jennifer, you are a joy giver! Thank you, I love that post, too!

  11. Right back at you, Cheri! I sent a mother and father to your blog just the other day. It was exactly what they needed! God bless you, sis.

  12. Cheri says:

    Thank you so much, Lori! I appreciate you!

    God bless you back,