
Behind the Ultimate Covert Operation

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So much happens behind the scenes.

One morning last week, I woke up to find buds on what were naked branches the day before. This morning I awoke and those buds made a carpet on driveways and sidewalks, mystically replaced by leaves that seem too large to have emerged overnight.
Thus, in the very design of the seasons, God integrated consistent reminders that He is always at work even when we do not see.
If I were God, I would be flashy. I would work on a grand stage with spotlights, dress in dramatic swirls of fabric that caught the light and accent my movements with crescendos of spectacular, crowd-drawing effects.
But God is smart. He knows that if that were how He worked, most of us would only show up for the light show.
His most amazing acts happen covertly, veiled, unseen. He inspires trees to burst from seeds. He forms human beings deep within wombs. He resurrects our hopes in a sealed and silent tomb. He transforms hearts on a level that humans cannot even detect with ordinary senses or high-tech scans. He weaves our stories into His on a spiritual plane that exists on some dimension even Rod Serling couldn’t have imagined.
What’s challenging about this is that before the Fall of humans, all the surprises in life were good ones but since that time, Satan has taken to perverting surprises so that we struggle to trust what happens when we’re not looking.
The truth is, though, that Satan’s covert actions are always evil but God works behind the scenes for our good and for His glory. Don’t let the evil one suck the joy out of every planned surprise.
The apostle Paul wrote this: “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:17-18
In these days of covert operations, cover-ups, and backroom deals, it’s even harder to trust what we cannot see. Since the days of Rome, people have had to wonder if there is a short dagger lurking just beneath every friend’s cloak.
But hidden in the folds of a friendship with God are only good surprises, loved ones. What happens behind the scenes of heaven produces only what is beautiful, powerful, and healing.
Take a walk outside today. He’s trying to remind us all.
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