
And the Chariot You Rode in On, Sir!

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chariot-1151742_640If I was in a war, I would want a horse. Just sayin’.

In the movies, the warriors with the most power in battle, the ones who make it out alive – these guys are the ones on horseback. I would want a large, well-trained, battle-tested horse that was committed to me and could run like the wind. I’m not even that into horses but if I was in a war, I would want a horse.

and a chariot.

Or, the modern equivalent of a chariot. What would that be? Maybe an armored Humvee. Okay, I couldn’t take my horse on my Humvee, but the point is I would want the advantage over, not only the enemy, but also my own chances of being one of those on my side who makes it out alive. The horse would give me that advantage.

Except, that’s not what God says.

God says, “A horse is a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save.” Psalm 33:17 What? It’s like God hasn’t even seen Braveheart! Seriously, Your Holiness, horses rock the battlefield on this side of glory. In fact, I want to be issued an appropriate horse for every situation in my life. I want to be surrounded by an army of help. I want to feel strength course through my veins, superhuman strength, wall-scaling, head-busting, face-anything from anyone anywhere kind of God-infused strength.

But God counters my desire with this: “No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength.” Psalm 33: 16 What? Who wrote this Psalm? Sister Mary hide behind the garden walls and sing hymns all day? Nope. David. Goliath-slayer. Warrior extraordinaire. Battle-tested God lover. King.

And that single Psalm isn’t a fluke. Psalm 147:10 says this: “His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of the warrior;” So, apparently, even if I found my own horse, that wouldn’t impress God. Even if I manufactured my own strength, He wouldn’t be bowled over and want to favor me in battle. What’s up with that?

It’s because, I believe, God is the only Hero necessary on the battlefield. I mean, we’re there, too, partnering with Him, but our role is not to take His role. Our role is to bear witness to what He does, to follow both His lead and His instructions, and to enjoy the adventure. Even our ability to do that is powered by the light emanating from Him.

How do I know this? Psalm 147:11 says, “the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.” Psalm 33:18 says, “But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love,” And David, who feared(revered) God and put his hope in God’s unfailing love, wrote this in Psalm 20:7-8: “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lsunset-50494_640ord our God. They collapse and fall, but we rise and stand upright.

So, don’t come at me with your horses (or politicians or anti-politicians or popes or policies or polls) or your latest trend or your three-step solutions or your abracadabra life fixes. Just back right out the door, you and the chariot you rode in on.

I ride into battle with Jesus Christ.  I place my confidence in Him – not in any world leader or religious leader or even my own precious self. I intend to know victory so I delight in the Lord., trust in His name, and rise at His Word. Partnering with Jesus on the battlefield is a thing to behold, I tell you, a thing to behold.


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  1. This is a great post, Lori. It’s true. I often put my trust in things of earth when I need to step back and let God run the reins. He is, after all, God, right? And last time I checked, I so was not. :/ Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Carla says:

    Spot on, Lori. ANYTHING other than God we trust in will rust, rot or die. In Him alone we live and have our being. I am awed and humbled that the Creator chose ME to be His child. I will be eternally grateful.