
A Personal Message to Readers

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Dear everyone,

First, I apologize to those of you trying to comment on posts over the past few days. Hackers are getting vicious these days and as some of you know, my site was infiltrated a few months back. When I increased security this weekend, it unfortunately locked out comments from readers but that’s been corrected. So, if you’d like to comment on either post you will find them here: November is coming 

and here: How We Can Own This Election. Again, I apologize for the frustration this caused! I appreciate all of you and look forward to your comments – even the ones that disagree with me!

Second, this has been a rugged year on us all, I know. I’m praying for all of us as we face the challenges of these times. It’s hard not to read Scripture, look at the headlines, and consider what more we can do to further God’s kingdom on earth! Like many of you, I am still saddened by the loss of one young, creative man. Chadwick Boseman has been an inspiration to me in life through his work (especially Black Panther – being such a devoted Marvel fan) and through his words in interviews. Now, he continues to be an inspiration in his death. This quote in particular motivates me as we all listen to the past few years of his interviews knowing now what he was battling: “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, ‘I used everything You gave me.” #wakandaforever

Finally, please indulge a personal request. Due to the cancellation of speaking engagements, the slump in book sales (something hitting many writers), and several weeks of job loss for my husband, it’s become a struggle to underwrite my website and the blog. (Thankfully, my job has remained intact and now my husband’s work has resumed so we’re managing our basic life expenses.) There is some cost to maintenance, security, and sending out the blog posts email. So, I’ve joined Patreon, a website that allows artists, writers, and other creators to safely, securely create a small community of patrons who support their work.

If you’ve been positively impacted by my writing and are able, I invite you to consider investing in my blog and my writing/speaking ministry here at my site on Patreon. For all who already have, I offer my deepest thanks.

During the initial COVID19 isolation, I did enroll in a training course through AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association) and have graduated with certification as a Coach for Christian Communicators. I have started a coaching business and would be honored to invest in any of you seeking support for your own ministry – you can check it out here. Please know for those in full-time ministry, I won’t allow finances to be a barrier.

Please join me in praying for all those who communicate for Christ in these days. There are spiritual, financial, and cultural challenges for all working to remain strong on biblical truth. Pray for Christian camps, conference, and retreat centers trying to hang on. Please let me know how I can pray for and support you as you continue working in the fields of the Lord!

God will lead us through this. As Tolkien wrote in The Hobbit, “So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their endings.”

We have every reason to hope, because of Christ. May you be blessed and may we all be blessings to

those God has called us to serve in these times. Thank you for indulging a private note. Please let us know the challenges you’ve faced through these times (in the comments) and the joys you’ve experienced in Christ!

Once again, my site on Patreon is Lori Roeleveld

Mercy and grace, Lori

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    The Conversation

  1. Deborah Kreyssig says:

    Yes Lori, the adventure is upon us!! Prayers as we continue to serve God in Haiti. Nothing is easy here but our loving God is so good! Prayers for His continued provision for you all as well. God’s blessings.

  2. Debra Johnson says:

    Hi Lori,

    Your post on “November is coming” came at a most appropriate time for me. I had just engaged in a conversation with my brother where I felt like he didn’t think I was saved if I didn’t believe as he did. I tried to convey that Jesus is who I followed, even if we did not vote for the same person. I have people I love on both sides of the political fence and I am concerned for the polarization of sides with neither seeming willing to listen to the other. The enemy keeps stirring things in such a way that chaos is all around. I want to say, “Look up friends! This is why we are told in scripture to fix our eyes on Jesus”. I have tried to listen more, pray over all, and STAND for what I believe Jesus would have me do and so say. But often my words fail me. So reading your post was a gift of words expressing how I had been feeling.

    Thank you! I have re-posted and shared with others.
    Blessings in Christ,
    Debra Johnson

    I appreciate your gift for writingmaking me think and dig in scripture!

  3. Terry & Patricia Lampel says:

    Thank you so much Lori. Your words & prayers inspire & challenge us to be all we can be IN Christ!

  4. Praying for you both in Haiti, Deb. Safe travels, great adventures!

  5. Debra, your experience is like so many others these days. Praying for you and thank you for your kind encouragement!