Who am I and Why Do I Disturb Hobbits
Because you and I are at risk of losing heart.
I write posts about faith designed to disturb the hobbit in all of us and inspire us to forget ourselves (and second breakfast) long enough to join the adventure. I write to incite the faltering believer to re-join the ancient adventure. I write because it’s the best way to speak my mind without being interrupted.
Keeping our heads buried in the comfort of the Shire is no longer an option.
Our times call for believers to be brave, to act, to speak truth, and to set comfort aside out of love for Jesus and for those Jesus loves.
The adventure is upon us. My dream is that none of us will lose heart.

You answered His knock at your door, too.
We may be common souls from small places and simple lives, “But, we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls.” Hebrews 10:39 ESV. On this outpost of glory, we must leave no believer behind gasping beside the narrow road. We are here for one another in a true fellowship awaiting the return of the King.
Oh, so you want some facts?
- I’ve followed Jesus since I responded to a televised Billy Graham altar-call in my early childhood.
- Baptized at eleven.
- Degrees in biblical studies and psychology from Barrington Christian College (now merged with Gordon).
- Certified coach and freelance writer. But, that’s another website!
- Sixty-something.
- Wife to one husband for over thirty-six years (most good, others under grace)
- Retired homeschool mother to two adults with their own families and stories.
- Grandmother to toddlers and teens.
- Author. Speaker. Life and Writing Coach. Part-time giant-slayer.
- Black belt (but, that’s a story for another time.)