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  • Imposters Among Us

    When my daughter was about five or six, she accepted Jesus Christ. We didn’t see her do it. If I remember correctly, she prayed to become a follower of Jesus at Vacation Bible School and informed us on the way home. My son, four years older than she, was riding with her in the back …[ read more ]

  • Y’all Come Join Us for Our Book Burning

    So, Eyewitness news channel 9 in North Carolina reports that there is a church in Canton planning to burn books this coming Halloween. Pastor Marc Grizzard intends to burn, among other books, several versions of the Bible that are not the King James Version. He believes these other versions are Satanic. And, he plans to …[ read more ]

  • Haven’t We Seen This Episode Already?

    How is it that someone from a generation that expects to watch every movie countless times, knows entire television channels founded on reruns from the past and spends long week-ends watching NCIS and The Secret Life of the American Teen-Ager marathons followed by Heroes and Lost on DVD – how is it exactly that someone …[ read more ]

  • How Do They Do That? The Secret of Muscular Men and Muscular Faith

    My karate instructor likes to maintain his composure with his students – exercise self-control at all times – but I remember seeing him lose his patience once. He was teaching a kickboxing class and we were nearing the end. He was leading us in pushups and we’d already done several sets when he modified them …[ read more ]

  • It’s All About Me, Me, Me – But It’s Not.

    Too much of my faith is about me. Do you have that problem? My faith. My life. My issues. My calling. My spiritual growth. As if the Bible was the original self-help book for extreme makeovers of the soul. I think the disciples had the same problem I do. At the end of Mark chapter …[ read more ]