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  • Trust Me, I’m an Expert

    We are a credential-driven culture. We love to hear what the experts have to say. We turn to them for advice on everything from buying cars to raising our kids to losing weight. Every field of study has a stable of know-it-alls who have little better to do than wait for those of us who …[ read more ]

  • The Saddest Words Ever Written

    To me, the saddest Bible verses ever written are in the first chapter of the gospel of John referring to Jesus “He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.” …[ read more ]

  • Shhh! Be Vewy, Vewy, Qwiet!

    Silence. There is precious little of it in our lives. Some of us crave it in small doses but most of us fear it. Silence makes us uncomfortable. It exposes our insecurities. It reveals our inability to tolerate the solitude of our own thoughts. A Minnesota laboratory’s anechoic chamber holds the Guinness Book of World Records …[ read more ]

  • Lord of My Crappy Mood

    If God is the Lord of my life, it follows that He must also be Lord of my moods, right? Tough area for us moderns because we are a moody people. Today’s Christians have a lot of things right. We know that God doesn’t care if we dress up as long as we show up. …[ read more ]

  • Forgotten Baby Syndrome – Are you at risk?

    Sometimes I forget things. Everyone does, right? But I’ve never forgotten my baby. Yesterday, I finished posting my blog about Green-Light Fever and I took a break to read the news on my Google homepage. I was shocked by an article about the dramatic rise of accidental deaths of children in overheated cars. Among the …[ read more ]